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Heifer International Continues Its Animal Torture

20-10-2012 17:51

Feedlot.. picture from

Churches supporting Heifer International promote
animal slavery and slaughter, human disease, global warming, drought, energy waste, deforestation.

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Britain 'has worse record on internet freedom than Philippines'

20-10-2012 14:43

Britain has a worse record on internet freedom than countries such as Estonia and the Philippines, a new report suggests.

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Largest Protest Zone in Europe Being Evicted - La ZAD

19-10-2012 19:32

Europes largest protest zone is going through multiple evictions - all through much media silence! Over the past four days La ZAD, an anti-airport protest zone, composing of over 20 occupied sites has been putting up the barricades, opposing and protesting against the harassment and the evictions by a troop of police over a 1000 strong.

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Dale Farm activists take ‘Fight for Sites’ to Pickles’ doorstep

19-10-2012 15:49

Traveller rights activists targeted Eric Pickles’ Department of Communities and Local Government in a protest today to mark the one year anniversary of the eviction of Dale Farm.
 250 activists, many of whom resisted the eviction at Dale Farm last October, and former Dale Farm residents descended on the government building in an attempt to ‘evict Eric Pickles’.

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Volunteers for homeless shelter

15-10-2012 17:42

Shelter from the storm is a free 7 day a week 12 month a year night shelter which is totally reliable on donations and voluntary staff.

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Cuts Cafe: We remember the Rotunda!

14-10-2012 23:16

Great to see the Cuts Cafe has occupied the building on the corner of Stamford Street and Blackfriars Road… And not just because we’ve passed that building regularly for years and thought it should be squatted… but also because they’re reviving a powerful radical connection on that corner…

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support john bowden

14-10-2012 15:44

john bowden

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Gig at LARC

12-10-2012 10:52

What else you gonna do on a Sunday?

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Henry: Bristol's first victim of Ken Clarke's squatting criminalisation

09-10-2012 23:01

Audio production resource archive for Dialect Radio in Bristol, UK. Public service provided by the Bristol Radio Co-op.

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Cuts Cafe - first impressions and pics

09-10-2012 10:52

Welcome to Cuts Cafe banner
On the same day that George Osbourne announced even an even greater round of welfare cuts to add to those already previously announced...

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Gremlin Alley EVICTION RESISTANCE happening now in Cardiff, South Wales

04-10-2012 11:14

Occupied Spin bowling - now Gremlin Alley, City Road, Cardiff
This morning activists and anarchists have rallied round to defend Gremlin Alley, the squatted bowling alley and cinema on City Road, in Roath, Cardiff.

The eviction resistance is also in solidarity with Alex Haig, the 21 year old squatter who was the first squatter sentenced to prison under the new anti-squatting law, which began on September 1st this year.

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Three days for Peace in Wrexham: report and photos

01-10-2012 18:25

The marquee is put up just in time [photo: Holly Cooper]

Peace Days in Wrexham have been marked for a number of years and have steadily grown, from the occasional 'peace picnics' that Wrexham Peace & Justice Forum and Wrexham Women for Peace held in Wrexham's Peace Garden (on the site of the old Quaker Meeting House) and in 2010 on the library green with local band Heal the Last Stand, to last year's collaborative effort with the additional involvement of Wrexham Diocese Faith, Justice & Peace Network, local music promoter Brendan Griffiths, Freeconomy Wrexham, Give and Take, the Yum Yum Project and others. [Reports 1 | 2 ]

This year, we organised three days for peace, the first in St. Christopher's school on Thursday 20 September with nine other schools represented and well over 300 children in total taking part – big thanks to St. Christopher's for inviting us - and then Friday 21 and Saturday 22 September on the library green. Brendan put on free gigs at Saith Seren cultural centre both evenings too.

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1st Squatter Jailed under new Squatting Law

01-10-2012 04:08

Yeah, the first jailing under the new Section 144 of the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) 2012. I know it's a week or two old now but didn't seem to be up on Indymedia despite it's significance. I put it up last week here but was taken down by IM mods presumably because it was cut/paste from The Guardian. But hey, as no-one else was taking about it and we should be it seemed fine. Ok, so here is a statement from Advisory Service for Squatters instead.

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Support required on Greenbelt Occupation!

30-09-2012 16:26

Occupation to halt House Development on Greenfield site.

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October 13th Brighton: Squat the Lot!

29-09-2012 11:52

In two weeks time, on October 13th, Squatters from across the country will mobilise for a mass direct action to oppose the squatban, in Brighton, UK.

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SchNEWs: Haigh Stacked

28-09-2012 07:44

The first squatter to be sentenced under the new squatting law has been imprisoned for twelve weeks after being arrested in a long-term empty flat in Islington, London on 2nd September.

21-year-old Alex Haigh had been living in the property for a couple of months before the law came into force, along with other squat-mates – two of whom are now facing the strong arm of law too. One received a fine while the other is awaiting sentence and a possible jail term. A long way from media caricatures of long-haired posh drop outs - Alex is an apprentice bricklayer from Plymouth and had moved to London looking for work

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Everyone to the Stacks! Some Contradictions of the Squatted Library

26-09-2012 14:22

Friern Barnet Squatted Library
Some thoughts occasioned by the occupation of the Friern Barnet library and the ways in which volunteer-run projects could end up supporting the Tories' 'Big Society'.

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Liverpool Social Centre Open Day 30 Oct

24-09-2012 12:21

5 Years and no disasters! Find out what's been going on at Liverpool's most happening basement. It's our Open Day and Alternative Freshers Fair.

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Greek Squat Anarcho's All But One Released

19-09-2012 14:04

This is an extract of an email sent to myself from an anarcho comrade in greece, one of the comrades arrested and brutalised by anti-terror pigs recently in Thessaloniki.

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Cowley Club listings Sept/Oct

18-09-2012 18:54

In the day, we are open to the public, when the bar is open (evenings from 7pm, Sundays from 2pm) then members and their guests of the 12 London Road Social Club are welcome. Unless otherwise stated below, then evening events are bar events.