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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Call-Out To Defend Social Centre Squat In Birmingham Against Asda

15-07-2011 21:49

Autonomous activists based in Birmingham are currently facing an injunction and eventual eviction for a local squat that was being prepared for a community centre.

Only having just moved into it eartoday, the landlord and police are already threatening the squatters and activists with an injunction for eviction, so that the building can be demolished and the land taken over to build a local ASDA supermarket store.

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Why are we in the Whit Marley?

15-07-2011 20:44


ASDA kills small community businesses and stirchely has a lively local community which would be threatened by the construction of the multinational corporation; Asda. ASDA destroys livelihoods and community characters all in the name of profit for a few.

We are determined to not let this space be wasted on ASDA that would only damage the comunity, we are going to turn it instead in a comunity centre and a reasource for all the comunity.

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Our Society is Bigger than Yours: Squatting and the Wider Political Rumblings

15-07-2011 18:59

Despite the attempts of Tory backbenchers to delegitimize squatting, and divide it from the issue of homelessness, the two remain inextricably linked: un-met housing needs, a supply of empty property, and squatting, go hand in hand in hand. But that’s about as far as the generalizations go; squatting is both a means and an end, and the ways that different individuals and groups put squatting into practice varies enormously.

The goofy arrival of Cameron’s Big Society, which provides us with a nice neighbourly back pat to see us through the cuts, and which gives us a sense of ‘involvement’, might lead one to think squatting could have even been embraced by the Con-Dem dogma. Would it not have fitted snugly in with “the spirit of activism, dynamism, people taking the initiative, working together to get things done”? [David Cameron, 2010 conference speech] For better or worse squatting was not invited in for tea and cake and I expect this is because, like the student movement, like those protecting the right to protest, like those preparing to take industrial action on the 30th, like all of these groups, squatting is political in a way that the Big Society is not.

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14 Juillet in Calais

15-07-2011 09:45

Yesterday, Bastille Day, a banner was hung along the main parade route reading "The Bastille has fallen, but not Fortress Europe." And every evening Calais No Borders are holding feasts of free food and music for migrants and all-comers in an open space near the town hall.

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Options for Dealing with Squatters

13-07-2011 17:42

The folks at the Ministry of Justice have today launched their 'consultation' document about new laws how to 'deal with' squatters. It asks for the views of "anyone affected by squatters or [who] has experience of using the current law or procedures to get them evicted." They don't seem too interested in what the squatters have to say.

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Mass Arrestees during eviction in Amsterdam

13-07-2011 10:41

On tuesday 5th of July there were mass arrestees during the eviction wave in Amsterdam with 143 people being arrested

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Mobile Guerilla Garden

12-07-2011 17:17

mobile mound
A convoy of shopping trollies planted up with vegetables and flowers salvaged from a demolished community garden back in May took to the streets of Brighton on Saturday (July 9). Shoppers were encouraged to grow their own and support local independent grocers and boycott Tesco and Sainsburies who are taking over the city centre in a supermarket war.

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Have you ever squatted the heart of the beast?

10-07-2011 18:24

In the past couple of days, a group of people in Vienna, fed up of the increasing daily repression of life and the lack of free social space, have taken over an abandoned building in the Ottakring part of the city.

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Our swoop cometh! Glos eco-village meeting list.

10-07-2011 15:22

The next Gloucestershire eco-village meeting list... Get in touch now, if you'd like to have a more "active" role on the day!

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Kukutza Social Centre: Basque Kukutza Social Centre calls for solidarity

10-07-2011 13:23

International Demonstration
Kukutza Gaztetxea III, is at imminent risk of eviction and demolition!!!!

Kukutza Gaztetxea III, is at imminent risk of eviction and demolition. "International Demonstration" for the next 16th of july that will depart from the city of Bilbao at 18:00. We need your help in order to spread the word.

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Organise your own Unemployed Daytime Disco - 7 Easy Steps

08-07-2011 21:50

On the eve of the return of the Unemployed Daytime Disco to Cardiff - Monday 11 July, 2 - 8 pm, Rockin Chair, Lower Cathedral Rd., Riverside Cardiff - activists reproduce for indymedia readers the text of a handy DIY helpsheet we've produced ;) To paraphrase Che, 'Create One, Two, Many Unemployed Disco's'!

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Eco-village social media platform being developed! HELP needed!

06-07-2011 01:21

New eco-village orientated social media platform being developed- seeking fellow hackivists and geeky campaigners for collaboration / community based on free, equal association, consensus decision making and open source principles... lets take a activist sized bite outta fciabook!

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Eviction in A'dam: 120 arrested

05-07-2011 12:20

Police is still going through time to kick people out of squats. Resistance and lock ons at the Schijnheilig squat near Leidseplein meant the kettling and arrestation of more than 100 persons

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Reclaim the Cowley Rd Carnvial on Sunday

01-07-2011 08:20

Are we happy with the officially sanctioned corporately sponsored festival in the park and paying to see commercial musicians? Don't we miss the localness and simple vibe of the Cowley Rd Carnival? If David Cameron wants us to have street parties, why don't we just have them?

Our carnival's been stolen ... let's steal it back!

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Building in Central Brighton Occupied in Solidarity with June 30 Strikes

29-06-2011 15:32

An abandoned shop front in Churchill Square, Brighton’s biggest shopping centre, has been occupied in solidarity with striking public sector workers.

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Strathclyde University students go into occupation against savage course cuts

27-06-2011 10:37

Strathclyde students have just gone into occupation of their university. They are occupying against the cutting of four departments which were ruthlessly voted through by the senate last week. They need the support of every Glasgow anti-cuts activist to make this a success. Come down to the Graham Hills building and show them support.

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Squatting action days // 2-5 July Amsterdam

24-06-2011 14:21

On July 5 some very important squats in central Amsterdam are facing eviction by the military police, based on the recent ‘ban on squatting’ in the Netherlands. We won’t give up our autonomous and non-commercial spaces that easy and we will organize action days from July 2-5 to keep our spaces and prevent the eviction from happening.