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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Glasgow University Occupation

01-02-2011 15:23

Glasgow university students are currently occupying a building against the attacks by the university administration on the Hetherington research club and the cuts agenda of the government and the council.

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Worldwide Autonomous and Intentional Community Network

29-01-2011 15:08

An explanation of some of the ideals behind the work being done to create a worldwide network of autonomous spaces...

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information for action anti-eviction L14 berlin 29/01- 02/02

26-01-2011 11:25

EVICTION DATE SET FOR LIEBIG 14 Today 10.01.2011 the house project in Liebigstraße 14, Berlin-Friedrichshain received a written eviction notice for all apartments. It will be enforced the 2nd of February at 8:00 AM. The lost legal processes and the failure of politics! The eviction notice for our house project is the outcome of an almost 4 year-long legal struggle over the termination all apartments contracts, a struggle between the inhabitants of the houseproject and the owner Suitbert Beulker (also owner of the houseproject in Rigaerstr. 94) and Edwin Thöne, manager of the child protection association Unna. The pleaded ground for the terminations was the display of banners and Beulker taking offence with the construction of a door in the stairway. (For those interested in juridical farce: [German]) The attempted negotiations with regional and senate politicians to find a legal solution for the continuation of our house project or to buy the house with the help of a foundation have failed. Firstly politicians claimed to be unable to have influence over our situation. Secondly, responsible senate politicians have been conspicuous by their absence. For example our beloved interior senator Erhard Körting and the senator for city development, Ingeborg Junge-Reyer who for years have been pushing an agressive neo-liberal housing policy, and who, for example, abolished rent benefits for people on unemployment benefits (Hartz IV). Also Holger Lippmann, manager of Liegenschaftsfonds (the Berlin real estate holding company), refused up to the end to negotiate honestly for an alternative space for the project. Accompanying all this were a series of successfull actions, from colorful to black, loud to clandestine. The houses in which they live! We are not the only ones threatened by forced relocation, evictions and the whole property valorisation-scandal. Besides the struggle of the few remaining self-governing free spaces (for example Rigaer 94, Köpi around the corner, there are also the squatters struggles in Amsterdam, London and everywere else). More and more people in Berlin are hit by increasing rents and lose their apartments and social environments. To them we giver our full solidarity and support! KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN AND FOLLOW OUR BLOG (!! BE CREATIVE, ORGANIZE AND SHOW OFF! SOLIDARITY IS A WEAPON!!!

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Events & actions during the squatting ban (Netherlands) part II

25-01-2011 20:09

A timeline of events and actions in the Netherlands during the squatting ban

First part of the timeline was posted in November and can be found at

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OFFMARKET, a new squatted open space in Hackney, London

23-01-2011 20:08

OffMarket is a new open squatted space, a small shopfront on 111 Lower Clapton rd E5 0NP. It is run by volunteers who all live in or around hackney. The aims of the space is to be an open resource for local people and groups, but also to house various projects: InfoLibrary with books and zines, a FreeZone, info about squatting, skill sharing...

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Dissident Island Radio 21 January - ready for download

22-01-2011 17:12

Stop GM // Bloomsbury Freeskool // Anti Cuts Updates // Free radio veteran in Amsterdam // Thessaloniki 4 trial update // Drowned City // Sarah Bear

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Sharing n Caring!

21-01-2011 21:20

Sumac Skill Share Days every Thursday at Sumac Centre in Nottingham

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Gathering to discuss occupying space in sheffield

19-01-2011 19:42

first meeting to discuss ideas to occupy spaces in sheffield and south yorkshire for event space and community project. will look into potential sites and gauge amount of people would be planning on moving in and how many people can offer help. please pass this along to anyone you think might be interested.

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Save Liebig 14! - Demo This Friday‏‏

13-01-2011 13:51

Defend autonomous spaces! - Save Liebig 14!
Demo outside the German embassy
This friday - 14th January - 12 midday
23 Belgrave Square, sw1x
Underground: Knightsbridge / Hyde Park Corner

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Dissident Island Radio 07/11/2011 - Available for Download NOW

12-01-2011 14:13

Dissident Islands latest show now available for download

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Ruthless Treatments of Australian and New Zealand Sheep

10-01-2011 04:10

mulesing, sheep dog bites, whips, trampling by horses, freezing to death from early fleecing, being slammed on the ground by shearers and crammed into boats, thirst, choking to
death on their own blood,

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Dissident Island Radio tonight!

07-01-2011 18:16

Off Market // Ratcliffe defendants // Disabling alarm systems // UK Uncut // Lung Collapser

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International Resistance - OCCUPY MONACO

06-01-2011 12:43

We'll give Capital Flight a whole new meaning. 1st August 2011

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Pass it on....

04-01-2011 11:51

Skills Share Day

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Fix It!!!!!!!

02-01-2011 12:25

Fix it at Sumac Centre

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Feed That Hangover!!

31-12-2010 14:36

The People's Kitchen

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Wikileaks Rest in Peace

29-12-2010 17:36

assange billboarded on wikileaks
The original Wikileaks initiative is dead, replaced by a bloated apparatus promising 260,000 cables at slower than a snail's pace. At the rate of 20 cables a day it will take 13,000 days to finish -- some 35 years.

The original merits of Wikileaks have been lost in its transformation into a publicity and fund-raising vehicle for Julian Assange as indicated in the redesign website which billboards him.

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Hand Off Our Forest

26-12-2010 15:13

Rally at Speech House, Forest of Dean, January 3rd

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Bicycle Social Centre Manchester

24-12-2010 09:49

We are shortly opening a cycling community centre in Manchester. A place where people can socialise over an inexpensive vegan lunch, use the tool library, attend bike maintenance classes, earn a bike and much more!

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More wikileaks dynamite.

22-12-2010 21:38

"The WikiLeaks cables illustrate the deeply anti-democratic nature of diplomacy between the US and New Zealand. They also highlight the potentially explosive tensions that have built up in the Pacific region between the US and its allies, and China. The corporate media, however, has sought to downplay their significance. The New Zealand Herald editorial yesterday asserted that there was nothing damaging in the cables to either the current National government or the previous Labour government. The paper praised the Clark Cabinet's “consideration of Fonterra's interest in Iraq”, describing it as “sensible, practical diplomacy”. The editors were unconcerned that the reasons for New Zealand’s involvement in the Iraq war were kept secret and applauded “the fact that the US quietly restored military co-operation” from 2007."