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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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OCSET's latest proposal to the landlord

26-04-2004 10:38

The landlord recently sent a letter to OCSET, the new social centre in Oxford, to go to Court this Thursday for a possible eviction. Instead, OCSET has been trying to reach agreement with the landlord. Here's OCSET's proposal. Already more than a hundred people from the local community signed the proposal in support of OCSET, and the local green counsillors are also very supportive (who could be against it?). However the landlord hasn't replied to our proposal yet.

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Occupation of Hamburgs Hafenstrasse on saturday morning

24-04-2004 19:04

The Hafenstrasse in Hamburg this morning
The history of Hamburgs Hafenstrasse in the north of Germany is closely connected to the german Squatting scene and the 80's.
The conflict has not only been a conflict between real estate brokers, Hamburg state government and local squatters. The Hafenstrasse became an example of symbolic policy and the conflict between society and state.

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Youth obsessed with motors, more so in Liverpool?

23-04-2004 15:48

New to Liverpool I am stunned by the obsession with cars in youth culture, can anyone explain joy riding?

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Manchester Critical Mass

23-04-2004 11:31

Critical Mass - Last Friday of the Month - Next one Friday 30th April - 5pm - Leaving from Central Library Manchester

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Possible eviction

21-04-2004 21:13

OCSET, the new Oxford social centre, 220 Cowley Road, received today an eviction notice, actually there will be a hearing in court next Thursday (29th).

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21-04-2004 13:09

This is a message from some Cambridge students who are hoping to set up a
new non-profit volunteer-run cafe and social venue. If you're interested,
please contact Caroline, cmw54.

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get clued up... bout public spaces

21-04-2004 09:55

Tuesday 27th April, from 7pm til midnight at the Green Room on Whitworth
Street. The event features music, film, fun and know-how with the common

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Meeting about the Roundhouse

16-04-2004 21:12

Simon Fairlie (SF) at the demo in Haverfordwest on Tuesday
The meeting between protesters trying to save the Brithdir Mawr eco-roundhouse and Pembrokeshire National Park Planner Cathy Milne has happened and here is a transcipt...

(This was initially posted as a comment to this article... - Sheff IMC)

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People needed to redfine abandoned spaces

16-04-2004 15:41

There are many free spaces in Bradford that need to be used for positive purposes. We need to build a collecive of people

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Glasgow Autonomous Project events

16-04-2004 08:47

Glasgow Autonomous Project is a collective working towards the creation of a community action resource centre in Glasgow. At the moment we are raising money and awareness through putting on benefit gigs, film-screenings, and other events.

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Fantastic Night with SchNEWS!

16-04-2004 04:10

Around 80 people turned up tonight in Oxford to hear the SchNEWS crew in their 10th Anniversary Tour, hosted by Oxford Indymedia. The evening was a complete success; very inspiring to see how much you can achieve just by believing in what you are doing, just by really doing something concretely! This is what direct action is all about: do something, right here, right now!

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Direct action saves the roundhouse

15-04-2004 23:07

Tony Wrench's and Jane Faith's home that was due to be demolished this weekend
Four people from Sheffield went down to The Land is Ours' action in Pembrokeshire, South Wales, to save the Brithdir Mawr eco-roundhouse and had a great time of very fluffy, very effective and creative direct action.

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Binsey, Oxford. Historic site under threat of development by Oxford college

15-04-2004 16:16

Christ Church College is pushing development plans to build houses that are 'not practical for an affordable housing scheme' in a location that is both Green Belt and a Conservation Area. Binsey was where Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland, Gerald Manley Hopkins wrote about the Binsey Poplars and a historic site of pilgrimage for St Frideswide, patron saint of Oxford.

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New Website for 10 Years Of London Critical Mass!

14-04-2004 20:44

To celebrate 10 years of Critical Mass in April 2004, the Critical Mas London website has been re-designed and brought up to date.

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Easter Resurrection for Squatted Tourist Info Centre in Hebden Bridge

14-04-2004 12:12

Local residents who took over a former Council building in West Yorkshire for five days over Easter have declared the occupation a resounding success. The residents occupied the former Tourist Information Centre in the Pennine town of Hebden Bridge.

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DIY cafe opened at OCSET

14-04-2004 11:10

Open next Tuesday 20th 7:00pm: DIY Cafe; come and eat great food!

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Open Office Invitation!

14-04-2004 10:18

Free Community Office Space to be opened at OCSET

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the second... get clued up... bout public spaces

13-04-2004 20:14

Do summat present the second of the monthly get clued up events:

'get clued up bout public spaces'

Tuesday 27th April, from 7pm til midnight at the Green Room on Whitworth
Street. The event features music, film, fun and know-how with the common

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Hacklab benefit and learn-to-build-a-PC workshop Saturday!

13-04-2004 17:50

The next benefit to raise funds for the Freedom Media Hacklab is happening at 8pm this Saturday at the ex-Grand Banks social centre. There will be food, a cafe, a juice bar, DJs and even a live acoustic set. Suggested donation at door: £2 waged, £1 unwaged. This time around we will be having a PC building workshop at 6pm, before the main event. If you've ever wanted to learn how to build your own PC from scratch (either from new parts, saving yourself money or from reused parts, saving even more money!) then this is the place to learn. No experience required! You can even bring your own parts and we will help you to get your PC working.

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13-04-2004 14:26

DON'T BE SHY, give it a try! One of the most original competition is now open to all Londoners: all you have to do is to decore your rubbish bin! You should then leave it in front of your front door for all to notice your artistic talents... Funny multicolor BUGS will be at home on your bin. This will atract awareness to everybody.