UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Call out from OCSET - urgent today!
05-05-2004 12:26

Love OCSET xxx
ESF Official Website Replaced with GLA / Mayors Website!!!
05-05-2004 10:50

has been replaced with the GLA Greater London Authority and Ken Livingstone Mayor of London website!
What is going on...
Pictures of newly opened Glasgow Autonomous Project
04-05-2004 22:42

RTS Party Pics - Dublin EU / Mayday Continues...
03-05-2004 16:19

Residents protest to save community forest
02-05-2004 17:37

Dublin: Reclaim the City
01-05-2004 20:49

In the afternoon protesters whose numbers had swelled to over 1000 went on to reclaim space in the city. A private park in the the centre of the town was opened and occupied.
Cambridge Mayday: Don't just shop
01-05-2004 16:28
Plans to protest against consumerism and in favour of workers rights met with hostility from security guards and the police at Cambridge's Grafton Centre. But protesters defied intimidation to hand out free food and drink and information on workers rights and child labour.Put the Fun Between Your Legs
01-05-2004 16:04

Pix of Critical Mass 10th Anniversary Ride, Fri 30 Apr 04 - Set 1 of 4
01-05-2004 15:26

Pix of Critical Mass 10th Anniversary Ride, Fri 30 Apr 04 - Set 2 of 4
01-05-2004 15:16

Pix of Critical Mass 10th Anniversary Ride, Fri 30 Apr 04 - Set 3 of 4
01-05-2004 15:08

Pix of Critical Mass 10th Anniversary Ride, Fri 30 Apr 04 - Set 4 of 4
01-05-2004 15:00

London's Critical Mass 10th Anniversary (Pics)
01-05-2004 12:09

Two Media Hacklab open meetings (one tomorrow 5pm!)
01-05-2004 01:26
The next two open meetings for the Hacklab are taking place thisSunday the 2nd of May (tomorrow) at 5pm at at the at the ex-Grand
Banks social centre and 5pm Saturday the 8th of May at Freedom
Press Bookshop, Whitechapel. Sunday's shorter meeting will mainly
be about the plans for our next benefit event on the 15th of May,
while the 8th of May meeting will be more about the long term
direction of the Hacklab. All are welcome to both.
Dublin Critical Mass Success! (pics)
30-04-2004 19:28

Local community centre to be evicted
29-04-2004 13:25

Anarchist Ball
29-04-2004 00:39
There is an idea floating around Cambridge air to have an alternativeMay Ball during may week...perhaps to be held on one of the commons, as a
celebration without the £190, security guards and oysters, but with a
lot of fun people and a DIY spirit.
The Anarchist Ball
If you think you might like to help organise it (music, food, clowns,
artists, activists needed) please email wrench @ - there is a
meeting this Tuesday, May 4th, 8 pm, at Clowns Cafe.
Squatting actions in hamburg, germany
28-04-2004 11:04
In the last weeks there were diverse projects of squatting activities in hamburg, most related to the ongoing repression against trailerparks.Leeds Social Centre…coming soon????
27-04-2004 07:51
Do you think Leeds needs a radical space for information, to hang out and to hold meetings and events?If so come to the next Leeds ARC (Action for Radical Change) meeting on Thursday May 6th 7.30pm at Holy Trinity Church Café on Boar Lane.