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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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At the Library House next week, Social center Camberwell

16-10-2008 12:11

Events Happening next week at the autonomous spcae The Library House:
52 knatchbull rd SE5 9QY (on Burton Rd, behind minet library)
check out our new website:

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Amsterdam evictions

15-10-2008 15:47

ME with Water cannon, crane and bulldozer
In this season's Amsterdam eviction wave there were six squats evicted, including the well known PS28/Joe's Garage and the Barcelona.

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Free Software Community Project needs Hardware

15-10-2008 09:34

Manchester Free Software are looking to replace a low-spec server which powers a free software suite at the Marbella Cafin Manchester, and is used to provide zero-cost Internet access and as the basis for education and training projects.

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Evictions in Amsterdam - timeline

14-10-2008 06:51

Due to a scheduled power outage at the location of the server, reports about today's eviction wave in Amsterdam are posted here in the Free Spaces section of
Eviction waves take place 3 times a year in Amsterdam. Today about 6 buildings will be evicted, among which the well known autonomous centre PS28/Joe's Garage.

Arrestantengroep: 06-42413496
NIEUWE nummer om berichten naar Indymedia door te geven: 06-17 164 974

Het eerste pand dat vandaag ontruimd werd is PS28. De ME had 2 uur nodig om zo'n 30 mensen eruit te halen, zonder dat het pand gebarricadeerd was. Het tweede pand is de Barcelona in de Staatsliedenbuurt - maar daar is de politie nog steeds bezig.
Ostadestraat en Bonairestraat zijn odertussen ontruimt. Ook de Steenbreek is ontruimt, en IJmere heeft daar meteen anti-kraak in geplaatst. De op zondag gekraakte school op de Geulstraat krijgde vanmiddag te horen, dat zij als nog als 429 verklaard waren. Twee uur later lijkt ook dat pand ontruimt te zijn.

9 mensen uit de PS28 zijn ondertussen weer vrij gelaten. (en de arrestantengroep vraagd zoals altijd, dat mensen even melden als zij vrij zijn...)

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infousurpa & offline london

13-10-2008 09:45

London Info Usurpa and Offline are out today, with reports of events and actions of the past two weeks and planned events for the next two weeks.

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'Stuff of Life' Events at Hedley Villas Park, Sherwood Rise : pix 2

12-10-2008 13:11

The Sherwood Rise Residents’ Association held another festival this year! [their second]. The event is called the ‘Stuff of Life’

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'Stuff of Life' Events at Hedley Villas Park, Sherwood Rise : pix 1

12-10-2008 13:08

The Sherwood Rise Residents’ Association held another festival this year! [their second]. The event is called the ‘Stuff of Life’

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squat pretoriusstraat 28 in amsterdam to be evicted

12-10-2008 11:31

Those activists who have passed through Amsterdam, will know that there is a thriving squatting scene there. One of the main squats in the east of the city, Pretoriusstraat 28, will be evicted by riot cops on tuesday 14th October. After a seven year battle against speculation and the sale of social housing, state and capital have finally got their way. For the time being!
On this day other Amsterdam squats will be evicted.

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Big Turnout for Liverpool Critical Mass

11-10-2008 20:30

This month's critical mass was bigger than ever. The ride ended at Next To Nowhere (social centre) where the riders got free refreshments and saw a film.

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Basement Social Centre Update

09-10-2008 15:50

NEXT TUESDAY 14th October at the Friends Meeting House (Mount Street) 6-8pm

a chance to find out whats happening with the basement collective, think about whether manchester wants or needs another social centre and find out what everyone has been up to since the fire last year

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Titnore Woods plans - new info

09-10-2008 07:57

The deadline for objections to the Titnore Woods planning appeal in Worthing, West Sussex, has been extended, the borough council has now said.

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Solidarity Film Night

07-10-2008 13:12

Birmingham's autonomous social centres collective present an evening of radical films in solidarity with the Common Place. 7.15 pm, at the Spotted Dog, Alcester St, Digbeth.

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Freedom not fear - some links

07-10-2008 13:02

More info about the freedom not fear international action this saturday:

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Happy 1st Birthday, Next To Nowhere

06-10-2008 16:16

Liverpool's social centre has been open for a year, and its members celebrated last Saturday by partying into the night.

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Dissident Island Radio Tonight - October Dirt

03-10-2008 14:01

We've had our fingers in a lot of pies and have come up with a neat little show this Friday (October 3rd) - Broadcasting for the first time from the London Activist Resource Centre (LARC) tonight's show promises to be a goodun so listen in from 9-11(ish)

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Life Despite Capitalism - Building Radical Economies SEMINAR

02-10-2008 18:49

In the beginning of November 2008, the Escanda collective along with others will be hosting a four-day radical economics gathering. We will analyse why the current economic system has failed and we will learn from the possibilities and experiences of those working despite capitalism to build autonomous networks of production and circulation from a basis of sustainability, self organization, solidarity, respect and solcial/environmental justice.

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Polish anarchist centre under threat

02-10-2008 17:58

call for solidarity
Rozbrat squat in Poznan facing eviction

The lawyer of Rozbrat squat has obtained information that the bailiff/debt collector has sent the records and complete documentation to the court in order to set the date of the auction. This date may appear soon.

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short report from utrecht squatters' march

30-09-2008 23:07

the demo
Saturday 27 September 2008 sees a march against the kraakverbod in Utrecht, Netherlands

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squatting in the news

30-09-2008 22:50

squatworld / kraakbeweging / kraken / squat / squatter / squats / squatting / freibesetzt / okupas / gecekondu / paracaidistas / pueblos jóvenes / barrios / villa miseria / cantegriles / shanty town / shanties / slum / slums / social centres / free spaces / autonomous / nonhierarchical / grassroots / DiY / one billion squatters

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Justice Not Crisis Homelessness Demonstration

29-09-2008 15:01


Campaign group JUSTICE NOT CRISIS are organising a demonstration to
highlight the issues of homelessness and other housing issues in Birmingham.