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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Defend the Factory Social Centre, Bristol - Wednesday

21-10-2011 18:43

The Factory is a squatted autonomous space in St Pauls, Bristol. It has been occupied since March 2010. It currently provides housing for a large group of people as well as a number of projects. It is now under threat of eviction. Please join us for a march and demonstration against the proposed threat of eviction, this Wednesday.

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Critical Mass Portsmouth

21-10-2011 12:31

Critical Mass Portsmouth

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Big Society V's The Big Society

21-10-2011 12:04

Big Society kick back at BIG Society

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Epicenter of a coming movement

18-10-2011 22:21

In Vienna, one day before the global day of action 15th of October, people started occupying a huge building. It has been opened as a social center named Epizentrum, for the neighborhood and the whole city, and it is right now in a humming process of being built up.

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Whatever they say squatting will stay! - Squatting in the Netherlands

18-10-2011 22:12

October the 1st 2011 will mark one year since the Kraakverbod made squatting illegal in the Netherlands. However, hundreds of people still squat and will continue to squat.

With squatting in the UK coming under threat, join us to hear 3 squatters from Amsterdam talk in several cities across the UK about squatting before the ban, resistance to the criminalisation and what's been happening since the Kraakverbod became law.

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Term starts today: Plebs' College is back!

18-10-2011 12:12

Plebs' College is open for the new term.

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Audio Recordings from the Sheffield Free School

17-10-2011 22:47

Attached are recording of 4 sessions of the Sheffield Free School, which was held on 15th October 2011 at CADS in Sheffield.

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The Sheffield Free School is underway!

15-10-2011 11:36

Get yourselves down here!

Daytime Venue: CADS (Creative Arts Development Space) Snow Lane Entrance, Shalesmoor, S3 7AL (5 mins from city centre, next to “Kit Locker”). See the image below for the latest timetable.

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Trade agreement threatens your internet freedom

13-10-2011 02:48

A new trade agreement poses a threat to free speech online. Help stop ACTA now and tell the European Parliament to vote "NO!"

See the full story at

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St. Andrews in Tent City Occupation

11-10-2011 06:04

St. Andrews students are in occupation against the recent fee increase for Rest Of UK students. The cost of a degree at St. Andrews now stands at £36,000 which makes our University the most exspensive in the UK. Anti cuts activists and autonomous supporters have started a tent-city occupation to demonstrate against this University's policy.

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Beyond ninety-nine-percentism: Not being frightened of ‘revolution’

09-10-2011 08:18


One notable feature of Occupy Wall Street is its participants’ lack of hesitation in using the term ‘revolution’. Here comes the revolution! This is the first step of the revolution! Get up, get down, the revolution is in this town! You won’t stop our revolution! etcetera, etcetera. Distinguishing from these assertions of a revolution that has arrived, what does it really mean to envisage a revolution? And why should revolutionaries fear to act as well as talk, camp, and march?

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Dear Occupiers: A Letter from Anarchists

09-10-2011 07:58

Starting with the occupation of a park next to Wall Street on September 17, a new movement is spreading across the country in which people gather in public spaces in protest against social inequalities. We’ll present a full analysis of this phenomenon here shortly; in the meantime, here’s an open letter to the occupation movement, engaging with some of the issues that have arisen thus far. Please forward this widely and print out versions to distribute at the “Occupy” events!

Dear Occupiers [online viewing version]

Dear Occupiers [print version]: A two-sided flier intended to be folded down the middle, longways.

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#occupyLSX assembly at Block The Bridge

08-10-2011 14:54

Assembly Flyer
With the #WallStreetOccupation into its third week, plans are afoot in London for an occupation of the London Stock Exchange to be one the many occupations that are planned to begin globally on October 15th. Today people have been working on banners, and tomorrow those interested in joining the London occupation are invited to join a general assembly which has been called to take place at tomorrow's 'Block the Bridge' on Waterloo Bridge.

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#rebelliousMC book a space for a meeting

07-10-2011 10:46

The interactive section of the Rebellious Media Conference website is for anyone who is passionate about radical media.

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Occupy Britain - Join the 99% for positive change

06-10-2011 18:33

For anyone who is not familiar with this movement or the events taking place all over the world, we would like to try and provide an introduction….

Here are a number of reasons why one might feel compelled to get involved in the Occupy Britain movement.

In 2008 the global recession was felt worldwide, and although the media reported ‘recovery’ there has not actually been one, in fact, what has held off the, what appears to be an inevitable global financial collapse thus far, is a process called ‘quantitive easing’ and the selling off of national institutions, such as the NHS, with job losses, redundancies, cuts to vital services, school closures, unreasonable welfare reforms, increase in the cost of living, banking institutions requiring bail outs, and the tax payer footing the bill and paying for the mistakes of others.

People are now recognising that there is a split in fairness and equality, we see bankers bonuses increasing, media tycoons controlling and withholding information that they should be reporting, in the public interest, systemic corruption of our police force, politicians and quite possibly our prime ministers, the introduction of, an ever increasing amount of legislation and statutes to further restrict our ability to speak out against them.

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Occupy the London Stock Exchange

06-10-2011 12:41

Occupy the London Stock Exchange - World Revolution Day 15th October

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SQUASH: This is where it starts getting lively

06-10-2011 12:38

In light of Crisis’ new research[1] into squatting and homelessness the government’s proposals for the criminalisation of squatting seems increasingly misguided and wrong. Yet the ‘consultation’ process has magnificently failed to acknowledge the vast majority of groups who will be affected by the proposed legislation. Instead the consultation has been directed and addressed only to those who already consider squatting to be a problem. This demonstrates the government’s shocking lack of understanding in regard to the very issue it is proposing to legislate against, and equally -if not more – disturbingly, a straight-up lack of concern for for those who would be adversely affected by the legislation.


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Occupy Chicago Efforts Mark One Week, Join 130+ Other U.S. Cities

05-10-2011 07:34

It began as a call in July 2011 by the magazine Adbusters to hold powerful business interests on Wall Street to account, and drawing on inspiration from the famed 2011 grassroots protests across the Middle East. But the mantle has been taken up by grassroots activists in New York City to forge an ongoing occupation outside of Wall Street and throughout New York City. The effort in its first two weeks has spurred a national movement with sibling efforts in at least 130 other cities, including Chicago.

Occupy Chicago, merely a week old, has already drawn hundreds of grassroots protesters, who "march…each day…After an hour long general assembly meeting, demonstrators headed through the financial district, Millennium Park, the Magnificent Mile and back to base camp to once more spread messages of solidarity, positivity and persistence in the face of a political system that’s left 99% of Americans without a real voice in governance…While it may be young and still trying to get organized, the movement to Occupy America is growing and cohering. And though many went home after Saturday’s march, more than a hundred stayed to continue organizing and evangelizing, with no plans to leave until they feel their job is done."

UPDATE: Occupy Chicago threatened by Chicago police to stop.

Additional Coverage: Lessons Learned from Occupy Wall Street | Five Things that Occupy Wall Street Did Right | Occupy Chicago Entering Day 6 | Protestors Occupy Chicago in Solidarity with Occupy Wall St NY | An American Spring is Possible | Open Letter to Occupy Chicago.

Outside Resources: Think Progress; NY Times' Andrew Ross Sorking Sneers at Occupy Wall Street | Protests Work Better with Specific Demands | Occupy Wall Street Makes Its Own Media.

Social Media Resources: Tumblr | Twitter | Live Video Stream

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Phien O'Phien - Hum Hum Hum - Save Dale Farm Folk Song!

04-10-2011 15:43

Phien O'Phien is a long time activist on behalf of the Irish traveller community. He has for some time been writing folk songs about the experience of Irish travellers, Hum Hum Hum being one of them.

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Sheffield Free School Event - 15th October

03-10-2011 08:56

Our next Free School event will be all day Sat. 15th October 2011, followed by evening entertainment.