UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
On the emergence of Property Guardianship company Ad Hoc in Cardiff
17-01-2013 16:33

Squatters Network, just a handful of individuals who are part of it and
squat in Cardiff.
Solidarity action with the recent wave of attacks on squats in Greece.
17-01-2013 13:58
Anarchists graffiti bank in solidarity with greek squattersSave French Woodland from Destructive New Airport!
16-01-2013 16:23
Occupation camp website:

You can show some solidarity by mailing, or coming!
Please sign:

Greece, Athens: Video from march in solidarity to evicted squats 12/1/2013
16-01-2013 11:49
Greece, Athens: Video from march in solidarity to evicted squats 12/1/2013Friern Barnet People's Library Latest: Report and Photos
14-01-2013 12:43

Greece, Athens: 10,000 anarchists march in solidarity to Villa Amalias - photos
13-01-2013 10:07

Video ripped from Meridian News about the Combe Haven Defenders action:
11-01-2013 15:16

Digging The Dirt!
10-01-2013 11:33
Sitting on yer botty action..whilst others on the front-line are getting nicked!Inspector Stuart Bill of West Midlands Police wants to meet Brum's Critical Mass
07-01-2013 20:03
The latest in the 'cops sniffing around Birmingham Critical Mass' saga

Battersea Park Adventure Playground Occupied
06-01-2013 21:09

With the expected demolition of Battersea Park Adventure Playground due to begin early tomorrow morning (Monday 7 January), local anti-cuts activists Wandsworth Against Cuts and Occupy London supporters have occupied the playground in protest at Wandsworth Council’s decision to destroy the unique children’s facility and replace it with a staff less ‘safe’ facility.
Stop G8. Let's get moving: London meetings this month.
06-01-2013 12:19

PC 2858 Dominic McGrath harasses 'anti-social youth' and Brum's Critical Mass
05-01-2013 20:32

West Midlands Police Sniffing Around Birmingham's Critical Mass
05-01-2013 16:32

The mass last night with the 'punk as fuck' theme, as it gathered in the grounds of the Cathedral, was met by cops on bikes who distributed letters. The text of the letters is viewable on the Facebook group or if you have reservations about corporate social networking sites then you can read the letters here:

Vauxhall Squat Raids
05-01-2013 10:00

Library Street London- The Break is Nearly Over, Big Things for the New Year
29-12-2012 01:36
A quick piece on news of upcoming things at the library street social centre...