UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
People Needed to stop eviction
05-12-2005 20:12
Dalkieth Country Park - only seven miles from Edinburgh city centre - is threatened by a road. Three tree protest camps have been set up in the park and eviction notices have been served by the Scottish Executive and local council. People are URGENTLY needed to stay at the site. See Indymedia Scotland for up-dates, more info' and pictures -
Sumac Events in December - Download flyers here
05-12-2005 16:26

More pics from Beating the Bounds 4th December
05-12-2005 13:00

pics from 'beating the bounds' protest around parliament today
04-12-2005 19:40

East London Squat Fire
04-12-2005 17:11
This afternoon at around 4pm around 3 or 4 fireengines, police and an ambulance were in attendance at a fire in an east London squat...Streaming live now (9pm -11pm) David Rovics & Rob Johnson @ LARC
03-12-2005 21:20

streaming live from LARC
03-12-2005 11:06
THEOPENCALM.COMNew Squatted City Centre Venue
There will be bands, party, tunes, drink and cake (maybe no cake actually)
If you are coming down to see the bands or help then call 0781 657 6887 or if you go down to the common place you will be redirected.
Free Festive Veggie Food Fair in Leamington
02-12-2005 21:24

David Rovics & Robb Johnson play LARC
02-12-2005 15:20
A double headliner of political song: * David Rovics * &* Robb Johnson *. Playing live at LARC on Saturday December 3rd, 8 PM.
David Rovics & Robb Johnson play LARC
30-11-2005 18:02
Acoustic Emergency presents...A double headliner of political song: * David Rovics * & * Robb Johnson *. Benefit for LARC and London Rising Tide.Demo at Lambeth town hall over St.Agnes eviction.
29-11-2005 22:05

Police brutality at St Agnes - eviction completed
29-11-2005 21:17
Last resisting squatter removed in ambulance as eviction brutality completedFull article | 1 addition | 3 comments
St Agnes Place eviction: more photos
29-11-2005 18:51

St.Agnes place eviction: Interview with citizen journalists
29-11-2005 16:41
This is a write-up following a telephone interview with a film team working the grounds at St. Agnes place.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
St Agnes eviction, photos.
29-11-2005 14:42

Reclaim the Night, London, 25th November 2005
29-11-2005 13:44

Full article | 4 additions | 1 comment
Buy Nothing Day - Southampton
28-11-2005 14:07

Cambridge Critical 5
26-11-2005 23:22
The Cambridge Critical Mass was a little short on bodies once again. Five people braved the weather met up at the usual spot.