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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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The missing Mural

19-01-2006 23:22

the wall wot went!
heres the photos of the main wall at the weekends graff jam

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Reclaim Bamakos street

19-01-2006 22:55

Soundsystem Crew
In what some people called the first ever "reclaim the streets" in Africa, activists from the Youth Camp and IMC Bamako joined the opening demonstration of the WSF in Bamako, Mali today with a proper local mobil soundsystem set up.

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Farnborough Lib Dems back town centre destruction

19-01-2006 15:58

In his recent crass comments on Farnborough town centre, Craig Card, leader of the Farnborough Lib Dem faction in the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor, has demonstrated why the Farnborough Lib Dems are seen locally as a laughing stock.

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Ask me about my hunger strike.

19-01-2006 04:41

So first off, I am hungy.

Secondly, let me explain why all this is here.

We are talking about the future, now mind you I know that there are people out there who would say "well the future is unknown so why bother?". So I must say at first that we are talking about projected futures, based on current information.

We, Me, I, the 20 something generation are in a delicate position. We can offer our children avenues down which to travel that lead to a bright and sustainable future. Or we can offer them the dust pan and broom and ask that they clean up our mess.

The choice is up to you.

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socpa court case adjourned today at bow street

19-01-2006 00:42

the trial at bow street magistrates court today of mark barrett was adjourned to the end of march amidst some confusion. he was in court for taking part in an unauthorised demonstration outside parliament on 28th august last year.

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About the FSA-Caracas 2006 and the venezuelan situation

18-01-2006 19:46

º In this interview with the mexican alternative news group La Rosa Negra (LRN-ci), the CRA from Venezuela explains the importance of the Alternative Social Forum, which will take place in a few days, and comments about their activity as an anarchist group.

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Hands Off Venezuela: Building London-Caracas Solidarity at the 2006 World Social

18-01-2006 17:20

From 23rd January the Venezuelan people will be hosting a huge celebration of democracy, with a national demonstration starting off a week of grassroots participatory internationalism, the World Social Forum. Monday's annual mega-demo, which in recent years has evolved into a carnival of "Bolivarian" (Venezuela's mass movement) liberation, commemorates the 1958 overthrow of Perez Jimenez, who is often incorrectly referred to as the country's last dictator. (Venezuela's last dictator was 2002 coup-leader Pedro Carmona, although his reign was quite brief.)

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Japan's own Enron causes stock market crash

18-01-2006 11:38

For anyone who managed to get to rampART a couple of weeks ago for the screening of the documentary 'Enron - the smartest guys in the room', the latest corporate scandle revolving around the internet trailblazer Livedoor should be a familiar one.

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Infousurpa Independent weekly poster of social centres activities

17-01-2006 18:24

Independent weekly poster of social centres activities

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Interview about rampART free cinema evenings

17-01-2006 16:15

Every thursday at 8pm, 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA... this run down warehouse in London's east-end might not seem the most likely place for a cinema but nether-the-less every week dozens of people attend this squatted building to watch films given a radical slant...

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Social centres gathering in Leeds, 29 Jan

17-01-2006 09:57

*Social centres and autonomous spaces in the UK: where next after Gleneagles?*

A call out to all social centre activists and interested people in the UK

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Manufacturing takes a hit

17-01-2006 03:21

Rising global energy prices are hitting UK manufactures, but the costs have yet to be passed down to the consumer...

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Market place squatters promise violent resistance

17-01-2006 02:12

Squatters pledge to resist by any means necessary..

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Big Brother contacts rampART for auditions for next series

16-01-2006 16:20

Eeech.. I feel unclean (mental note: have bath)

The rampART was phoned today by a representative of Channel Fours' most mindless TV show, the infamous BIG BROTHER! argh...

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Union pushes for urgent energy reform

16-01-2006 14:32

In a move which the more cynical might think was consciously timed to follow and support Blairs nuclear inspired visit to Nottingham yesterday, one of the countries biggest unions today warned that the country faced black-outs and job losses if urgent action isn't taken to address the coming energy crisis. However, rather than demand immediate investiment in renewable energy, they say Britain must build more nuclear power station... just what Blair want too.

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16-01-2006 05:40

The Bicycle Film Festival is seeking submissions for its sixth annual Festival. The event will feature dozens of different films on a variety of bicycle styles - from BMX to urban bike culture, cycling to commuting.

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critical mass manchester bike film and food nights

15-01-2006 16:48

critical mass 6pm central library every last friday of the month.. is now also followed by a bike film night!!!

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Class struggles at The Common Place

15-01-2006 10:54

You think we're all just a bunch of middle class do-gooders escaping from actual social struggles. You're right. But today at The Common Place, we are dedicating our cinema and talks to class struggle in Britain over the centuries. Alas, the L'pool Dockers can't make it but we'll wack on another film.

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Class struggle at The Common Place

15-01-2006 10:44

You think we're all just a bunch of middle class do-gooders escaping from actual social struggles. You're right. But today at The Common Place, we are dedicating our cinema and talks to class struggle in Britain over the centuries. Alas, the L'pool Dockers can't make it but we'll wack on another film.

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Leeds Bradford Indymedia meeting

15-01-2006 01:21

It is time to get Leeds Bradford Indymedia on the move again. The newswire is ticking over but we need more volunteers to do features and actively report the news from our area.