UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Happy Birthday Camp Titnore!
27-05-2007 13:26
CAMP Titnore in Worthing, West Sussex, has this weekend been celebrating its first anniversary.And as well as celebrating the achievement of the last year, it is looking ahead by calling for more people to join the occupation and for solidarity action against the businesses threatening to destroy the countryside location.
Bash The Rich - Toffs Out Ladbroke Grove November 3rd
26-05-2007 19:15
March on David Cameron's house: Against luxury apartments and for affordable housingPhotos of London Critical Mass, May 25th
26-05-2007 10:12

[ Photos copyright (c) - available for use under creative commons non-commercial share-alike license. ]
"Lawful" Critical Mass goes ahead without hitch.
26-05-2007 10:04

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Cultural Centre in Berlin/Germany in Danger
25-05-2007 18:05
One of the last important non-commercial centers in Germany is threatened with eviction. There is a call for solidarity-actions on a global action day:Common Ground Squatted Community Garden - The Path So Far...
25-05-2007 18:03
Last Saturday, anti-capitalists in Reading opened the squatted Common Ground Community Garden to the public for the first time, and are receiving support from all corners of the community.KISS GOODBYE to the last bit of common land in BRIGHTON
25-05-2007 17:14
THE LEVEL IS DEADShack Dwellers Movement in S.Africa Talk and Movie, South London
24-05-2007 22:57

A talk by Richard Pithouse of the South African shack dwellers movement, Abahlali baseMjondolo.

Britain risks becoming an "Orwellian" society as CCTV cameras spread :
23-05-2007 16:33

Ian Readhead, Hampshire's deputy chief constable, said he did not want to live in a country where every street corner was fitted with surveillance devices.

Court Demo - Defend Common Ground Community Garden!
23-05-2007 13:03
At the beginning of this year a group of friends came together with a shared purpose: to create an open space within Reading's concrete jungle, where people could take a breather from the stresses of modern life and relax with their friends and neighbours. Having discovered a plot of land within the Katesgrove area, left to ruin by Reading Borough Council, they got to work.G8 Resistant Art Festival Update
23-05-2007 07:31

update below - this from the free spaces / free party scene who plan to have a safe space of cultural expression - a place to chill out and wind down...
THURSDAY 24th-London Indymedia Oaxaca Speaker workshop and benefit - 7pm - late
22-05-2007 13:06

Anti-G8-Rave in front of German parliament
22-05-2007 11:03

Bollocks to Reading Borough Council! Community Garden opens on schedule.
20-05-2007 10:04

massive police operation to stop art exhibition
19-05-2007 21:06
Has London gone anti-arts and culture?The Metropolitan Police launch major operation against an art exhibition.
Virgin spoil-sports - TAA exhibition obstructed
19-05-2007 17:37

(Photos copyright and licensed for use under Creative Commons, non-commerical, share-alike.)
Food not Bombs benefit gig tonight
19-05-2007 10:06

Food Up Front project
17-05-2007 22:36
Food Up Front is a permaculture project that grew from last autumn's Naturewise Design Course aimed at encouraging and inspiring city people to utilise the space around them for edible landscaping.Eviction & Injuction Against Squatted Garden? Reading Resists!
17-05-2007 17:26
Common Ground Occupied Community Garden in Katesgrove is threatened by Reading Borough Council already! Join the party, join the resistance!Dancing Down the Borders!
16-05-2007 21:52
The shake g8 bike caravan to the G8 Summit passed the German-Polish border in Schwedt today (16.05.07). In fancy-dress, with cheerleaders, dancers and a dj we danced down the border, quite literally! We were taped by the associated press and local tv station. There was a large amount of police, and they were clearly expecting us. But all managed to pass eventually except for our support vehicle, the police who claim it is "unroadworthy".