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Occupied Social Centre/ Events Feb 10th - Feb 15th

10-02-2004 14:13

Occupied Social Centre, Events - (Feb 10th - 15th)
93 Fortess Road, Kentish Town, London NW5
Tel: 020 7267 1373 Web:

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Colliers Wood Resistance

09-02-2004 20:30

Eco education group resist property developers in South London.

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The World Social Forum: a worm's eye view

09-02-2004 16:22

The World Social Forum, Mumbai, 16-21 January 2004: a worm's eye view

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Arooga! Help needed now - Ancient Woodland being felled

04-02-2004 11:09

Ancient Woodland is being felled NOW outside Blackwood, nr Cardiff, Cymru, to make an access road for an MoD site. The onfo below sent by someone on site. Chainsaws active NOW.

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Travellers to be evicted in Histon

02-02-2004 11:21

Travellers 'must go' - Published on 31 January 2004
Cambridge Evening News

A GROUP of travellers in Histon could be forcibly thrown off land they are illegally occupying - but council officers say they hope to avoid violent clashes seen recently in Essex.

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Kickstart Meeting!

02-02-2004 00:36

Munnky munky

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Big Brother meets in London! Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Forum.

31-01-2004 04:06

Heads up!! Call to action!!! Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Forum coming your way this June 24th at the Renaissance Hotel. Somebody should organize around this issue (we would ourselves if we weren't in the U.S.)

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DisAsda on the Old Kent Road: building resquatted again under noses of bailiffs

26-01-2004 15:34

As of Monday afternoon (2pm), protestors are currently successfully resisting another eviction of the main building at the Ossory Road protest camp, where Asda/Walmart plan to build a supermarket, on the Old Kent Road. Having allowed bailiffs and security to enter the building this morning and lock up doors etc, protestors yet again managed to regain entry into the building and climbed on top of the roof.
For Latest, ring: 07879 814822 or 07811 622875
Action planned 2 weeks from now.

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Critical Mass London

25-01-2004 19:33

A few hundred less cars!
The first Critical Mass bike ride of 2004 and the start of our 10th anniversary year.

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24-01-2004 15:02

Hundreds March in Israel to Plant Trees

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Social Centres (Who are they meant for?)

20-01-2004 16:37

Social Centres "Who Are They Really For?"

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18-01-2004 15:03

The New Jacobins...
I don't know what it is about the French, but they seem to know how to annoy everyone. They aggravate the Right by not going along with wars, and the Left by circumscribing religious freedom.

Some have suggested that this is an argument to be had with religious nutters, a brave secular attack on the ancien regime. I hate to tell you this, but it ain't. Jaques Chirac and Jean-Pierre Raffarin are not operating in defense of the Republic, they are operating in a climate where the high vote for Jean Marie Le Pen has legitimised and sanctified racism and Islamophobia...

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17-01-2004 22:55

Seattle Police at June 2, 2003 LEIU Protests...
In a time when Seattle is in deep need of money for its schools, affordable housing, etc., we are paying $250,000, and rightly so, to protesters who were grotesquely violated at the WTO protests in 1999. And Seattle did not learn from that riot, as it produced two more unnecessary police riots in 2003, which still need to be addressed properly by officials, and perhaps the courts.

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Reverend Billy Jailed in Berlin For Speaking to Strikers

16-01-2004 17:44

Rev Billy Preaching at the London NikeTown (
Reverend Billy, who appeared in London's Buy Nothing Day festivities last November, was arrested in Berlin for preaching during a multiple-university strike against education cuts.

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9 ladies protest camp - visits

15-01-2004 15:31

visit to 9 ladies protest camp

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Media Hacklab work days and benefit

13-01-2004 16:22

A new Media Hacklab is getting started in the east end of London. Based at the Freedom Press bookshop and social centre, it will be an open access computer lab with internet access. Going beyond the preponderance of internet cafes, a Hacklab is a political space used for alternative media, the use and development of free software and other emancepatory techologies, skill sharing and collective learning, community projects and anything else we can organise. The projects that happen there will depend on the commitment of those involved.

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09-01-2004 13:51


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Urgent help needed to defend London social squat

07-01-2004 20:17

People are needed to help defend a squat, which is being ilegally threatened by landlord.

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The World Economic Forum, Warsaw, 28-30/04/2004

01-01-2004 23:18

The participation of the World Bank and the World Economic Forum in the political decisions of Poland is little known about. But when the WEF comes to Warsaw (28-30/04/2004) it is highly likely there will be an 'alternative economic' forum and militant action to open the grounds for debate.