UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
The Coming Insurrection: A Tiny Book That Could Change The World
27-07-2009 16:04

This is a review of the radical French publication, The Coming Insurrection. Because of its availability for free, and importance as a text, I think this is considered worthy of Indymedia.
Spitalfields Fair 1009
27-07-2009 14:51

Near Brick Lane London.
26 July 12 - 6pm
Greece: Failed trespass attempt against Pikrodáfni free space!
27-07-2009 11:08
Announcement by the Pikrodáfni free space in Athens, Greece:Bigg Green athering forced to cancel at the last minute!
26-07-2009 17:07
After news yesterday that the Big Green Gathering was facing a Hight Court hearing on Monday morning for an injunction against the festival applied for by Mendip District Council and the police, today the directors of the Big Green Gathering seem to have voluntarily surrendered the license for the BGG 2009, and thus cancelling the event just 48 hours before it was due to start. With people already on site setting up the infrastructure for the diferent areas and programs of the festival, and leaving thousands of people wondering what to do with their already bought coach and train tickets, no doubt these knews come as a big dissapointment for many people.of an injunction
Police & Mendip District Council trying to halt Big Green Gathering
25-07-2009 17:11
Mendip District Council have applied to the High Court in London for an injunction to stop the Big Green Gathering from going ahead, despite the fact that the Council granted a license for the Big Green Gathering on 30th June, 2009Sparks (and Molotovs) fly as police-nazi collaboration stokes the flames of Gree
25-07-2009 12:04
Report and reflections on the violent wave of police and neo-nazi collaboration and ugly the rise of nationalism in Greece, written on the ground, in the squat that was fire bombed this morning...Greece: arson attempt against Fabricka Yfanet squat
25-07-2009 10:52

Get that Tape!
24-07-2009 21:02
Its time for all the citizens of Britain to start taking action against the ridiculous level of surveillance we face in our everyday lives. We have to endure more CCTV than any other nation in the world, even North Korea; while at the same time more and more of our personal data is constantly being added, without any consent necessary, to the world’s largest biometric and DNA database.Radio Revolt announcement regarding the 21 July attack
23-07-2009 14:25

21 JULY: Calais migrants resist eviction and deportation!
22-07-2009 23:55
21 JULY: Calais migrants resist eviction and deportation!Social Centre evicted
18-07-2009 11:51
Last night a large number of police with several vehicles, riot gear, and dogs evicted the newly opened social centre, on the pretext of fire safety. There were no arrests. The public meeting called for tonight will go ahead in a reduced format outside the bingo hall.Cambridge BINGO! Social Centre
17-07-2009 16:17
Update on what's going on at the occupied Bingo Hall Social Centre, Hobson Street, Cambridge.Dissident Island Radio - 2 years old tonight!
17-07-2009 14:52

Lindon Homes salesoffice in Bristol attacked
17-07-2009 12:28
Last night in Bristol (16 July 09) the property developer 'Lindon Homes' received several paintbombs against it's windows, walls and front doors.More broken promises and lies as the fight to save Mainshill Wood continues.
16-07-2009 16:46

Local residents awoke on Monday morning to the news of yet another application for an extension at Poniel [1], a Scottish Coal mine in the Douglas Valley, something that communities had been assured would not happen, and which new planning policy guards against...
Grot Vs Squat? continued Nottingham Council inaction on empty properties
16-07-2009 16:18

Tree Pirates - Woodbridge Meadows – Guildford
16-07-2009 11:56

Eco Has Landed?: Kew Ecovillage report
14-07-2009 20:29
England is hit by a heat wave and we are all out enjoying the sun. What a great time to arrange a trip to visit the Kew Ecovillage in west London. I make the journey to London and stay with friends. The morning after, I wake to find that the heat wave has officially ended and London has once again returned to a palette containing many shades of grey. Drizzle trickles down the train window as I make my way to Kew Bridge Station where I am intending to explore. I’m here to discover more about what a group of individuals have been doing since they reclaimed some disused land a month earlier. Land now being used in an attempt to exhibit a more sustainable form of living.Full article | 2 additions | 5 comments
New Cambridge Social Centre Opened
14-07-2009 14:35
Occupy Cambridge is proud to announce the opening of the new cambridge social centre.