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Common Ground Garden - EVICTION RESISTANCE! Wed 20th June, 9.30am, Reading.

17-06-2007 21:10

// Common Ground Community Garden Eviction Resistance!



// Meet at 9.30am, in Common Ground Garden, through the alleyway next to the Womens Information Centre, at the bottom of Silver Street, Reading.

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Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns: Part 19

16-06-2007 07:33

Work is continuing at EcoWorks with the Straw Bale building. The fitting of the window frames, was the end stages of the 'final enclosure' of the building

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Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns: Part 18

16-06-2007 07:25

Work is continuing at EcoWorks with the Straw Bale building. The fitting of the window frames, was the end stages of the 'final enclosure' of the building.

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Benefit Café for the Six Nations of the Haudenosaunee - Kebele - Bristol

15-06-2007 11:08

Information about the direct action taken by a matriarchical, non-hierarchical indigenous group in Canada, that can serve as an inspiration for local struggles for land reclamation.

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Cambridge Social Centre group

14-06-2007 10:34

Towards a social centre in Cambridge.

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Reclaim The Beech Style Party at weekend

13-06-2007 12:23

Pic from last weekend, when people gathered for a party in London at the sometimes used reclaim the beech place.

Police was waiting at the location, blocking off the steps, but before they knew what was happening the crowd moved off along the river to another site where the sound system was already set up!

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‘Smash EDO’ and the Cyber-Spokesman.

13-06-2007 11:53

Protesting voices

Policeman – ‘I believe that you are an organiser of this procession. I notify you that…

Protester – ‘I’d like to notify this officer that there are no organisers on this procession…

Anti-arms protest 2005

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Spontaneous street party breaks out after Stokefest in Highbury

12-06-2007 14:43

Street party with 200 punters and soundsystem breaks out after last Sunday's Stokefest. Very little policing

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mass eviction threat for ancient african tribe

12-06-2007 00:20

The Hadzabe, a hunter gather tribe in Tanzinia, Africa, are believed to be the second-oldest people on Earth - but of course that is not saving them from being threatened with eviction and extinction.

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edited audio report from world naked bike ride

11-06-2007 17:27

on sat 9th june, hundreds and thousands of bare bottoms paraded the streets of london on their bikes.
um, why?

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Sounds on the Downs, University of Nottingham

09-06-2007 23:06

Sounds on the Downs - June 6th, 2007
The Downs, University Park, Nottingham

The free green fields festival happened on Wednesday. It was an outdoor event.

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Sounds on the Downs - Wind Turbine Set-up

09-06-2007 22:59

V3 Power build small wind turbines commercially and run courses teaching people how to make their own turbines.

They put a couple up at the festival, to inspire folks to get involved with such alternatives.

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Thousands strip off for London's Naked Bike Ride

09-06-2007 18:19

Stopped in Picadilly, the ride stretches into the distance
In 2004 there were 58 riders, in 2005 a creditable 250 riders, rising to a massive 800 in 2006.

But in a scale that surprised even the organisers, more than five thousand people today took to London's streets to protest against oil dependency, celebrate body freedom and curb car culture.

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Street Rave at East Gate G8 Blockade - thursday night

08-06-2007 11:01

With the east gate blockade having been in position and running for 36hrs straight, a sound system pitched up to entertain the blockaders as they prepared to spend the second night camped out blocking the road and rail link to Heiligedamm.

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West Midlands Climate Activists Weekend

08-06-2007 01:18

Activists organising for this year's Camp for Climate Action in the West Midlands are putting on a two-day event of discussion, workshops and partying this weekend in Birmingham this weekend - Sat 9th June and Sunday 10th June.

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Stokefest returns to Clissold Park Sunday 10 June 2007

07-06-2007 19:41

Stokefest 07
Hackney's largest and greenest community-led festival of interactive arts and music
Sunday 10 June 2007
Clissold Park, Stoke Newington, N16
12noon to 8pm

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G8 East Gate Blockade in place 24hrs and counting...

07-06-2007 15:37

middle blockade of east gate
These pics are from the east gate blockade which this lunchtime had been in place over 24hrs with people occupying the road through the night. This afternoon the blockade was still intent on remaining in place for as long as possible and hundreds of people were heading towards it to reinforce the position.

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Local activist resource centre to relaunch

07-06-2007 14:12

Love OARC flyer
Oxford Action Resource Centre (OARC) has been a part of the local activist landscape for more than 2 years, providing essential meeting space, office facilities and a communal library to grassroots groups.

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Down With Police Terror Against the Anti-G8 Demonstrators!

05-06-2007 23:15

Down With Police Terror Against the Anti-G8 Demonstrators!
For Mass Protests Against State Terror Based on the Social Power of the Working Class!
Down With the Witchhunt Against the “Black Block”!

Spartakist Leaflet - see attached PDF files: statement in English, German and French and Spartakist Jugend (Young Spartacus) statement from 27 May 2007

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G8 Migration Demo ends with RTS Streetrave

04-06-2007 20:41

Quick pics of today's march in rostock, which after being blocked by police for hours was dispanded by the organisers. As hundreds and hundreds of people and police flowed through the streets it really didn't seem like the demo had ended - then a sound system turned up to capture the crowd and lead them to the closing concert at the harbour...