UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Broadmarsh redevelopment
16-04-2007 13:53
Plans to redevelop broadmarsh are go to a council vote on Wednesday.Titnore Woods benefit gig
15-04-2007 19:49
ROBB Johnson is to headline a benefit gig for the Camp Titnore protest site to be held in St Leonard's, East Sussex, on May 18.BNP in Folkestone- the details
15-04-2007 12:45
Names and some addresses of the scum BNP candidates standing in Shepway District Council (Folkestone & Hythe etc) local elections.Just so all the anti-fascists everywhere know....
Shut Down Land and Marine - Wrench the Pipeline! Friday 20th April
14-04-2007 21:21
Shut Down Land and Marine will be the first demo of the Bath Climate Camp, taking place between Thurday 19th and sunday 22nd of April. The camp will have protest/workshops/live music/ food and kids activities and be run on eco-friendly principles. For more info, e-mail
EcoVillage Film to be Premiered in Ireland
11-04-2007 18:14

"Remember each eleventh" campaign. . . .(11/4/7) Peace is possible 2
11-04-2007 16:02
Todays 11/4/7 "remember each eleventh" campaign includes street theatre actions in London amongst other places, that masquerade as different things - to get past the communication blockerbollocks, so keep your eyes open, keep it up, etcGetting the tension right - fingering out the knitting
11-04-2007 00:15

Nuke Free State Established at Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment
Cafe Politique at the CommonPlace Thursday 12 April
09-04-2007 16:57
What is successful action?In the run-up to this year's G8 summit and Climate Camp (among other things), it seems timely to ask ourselves what we do (and why we do it), and how we can do it better. Affinity groups? Civil disobedience? Mass blockades? Street stalls and petitions? Demonstrations? Lobbying? And how does what we do relate to the sort of world we want? Can we create that world now? Where do social centres, like the CommonPlace, fit into this?
Climate Chaos Cafe
09-04-2007 16:52

a response to Channel 4’s Great Global
Warming Swindle by Leeds University
scientist Dr Simon Lewis
London Mayday - Suited and Booted
09-04-2007 15:26

We want to relaunch the Mayday protests with a new spirit and new tactics.
Allotment under threat
09-04-2007 12:16
Situated in Hackney Wick, London an allotment is under threat of being concreted over for the OlympicsNottingham Spring into Action :: Build your own wind turbine workshop
09-04-2007 00:53

Build your own wind turbine workshop.
Nottingham Spring into Action :: Seeds, Stencils, and Social @ Sumac
09-04-2007 00:44

Workshops and info at the Sumac Centre included a 'Seedy Exchange'. Also a 'beginners guide to growing fruit & Veg in your backyard'. Then, a 'Street Art' workshop. Various methods including stencil cutting.
Easter Bank Holiday Free Party Kicks in Wales
08-04-2007 19:25
Quick shout to say thousands of people have been partying at a massive multi rig easter rave in Wentwood Forest near Caldicot since last night. The beeb/cops have said at least 3000 people, probably more though.Brum's spring Critical Mass
07-04-2007 11:50

A group of skaters and bmx-ers joined us on Broad Street and we finished up in Balsall Heath at the Epic Skate Park for some refreshments.
Let's defend the autonomous space "Les Tanneries"
07-04-2007 10:38

Tanneries" (in Dijon, France) is being threatened by a private medical
complex, facilitated by the city council.
The excellent social centre, which hosted the centralised part of the PGA conference last year as well as digital struggles and free spaces sections, has a concert hall for do-it-yourself bands and
miscellaneous performances, a housing collective and some anarchist
affinity groups, a hacklab for developing free software and running
alternative servers, a free-shop, a space for mecanics and a bike-repair
workshop, rehearsal rooms and silk-screening facilities, a meeting
space, an organic garden, an alternative media center, a squatters'
helpdesk, a library, diverse ecological constructions, dozens of
collectives, associations, and local and international networks that use
the space to organise gigs, info-nights, actions, skill-shares, meetings
and projects...
Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns: Part 16
07-04-2007 00:30

notes from new palestine: revolution overturns and destroys everything...
06-04-2007 20:00

Toxteth people fear "legalised theft" of homes
06-04-2007 18:10
Residents of the Granby Triangle fear they will be forced to sell up to Lovell - the council's chosen developer for £27m urban renewal scheme - whether their homes are down for demolition or not. First published in the Big Issue (1/4/07)