notes from new palestine: revolution overturns and destroys everything...
Ytzhak | 06.04.2007 20:00 | Lebanon War 2006 | Culture | Free Spaces | Repression
what is being done is selling the masses capitalism and calling it all liberation and now revolution -- b.u.t. what it really is is using our peoples -- a few select -- from to oprah to jay z and obama as a tool to colonize afrika and our minds for the masters. it works well for the bourgeois classes -- for it advances their cause, class and position and therefore them = the 10 to 1% -- for them it is a revolution -- one of privilege and capital and not of movement and the masses....
notes from new palestine: revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way
"Uninformed is the worst way to be unarmed."-The Media, Welfare Poets
download bruh martyre chairman fred hampton:
re: Davey D's Hip Hop Political Palace
and the black peoples media-- turning off channel zero and spring house cleaning
no diss to bruh "d" -- b.u.t. -- question-- who runs this forum? these cyber so called brothas like lighthouseali, nobleone and the zionist racist they give props and voice to -- not to forget the ones who are allowed to join it -- the ones they allow to attack our martyrs, prisoners and revolutionaries?
what rings with tuth is what bruh j.r. of the block report once said when queried about fairness in journalism by bruh davey d in "Breakdown FM-The Audio Rebellion is Real pt 2 w/ Minister of Information JR" and i paraphrase -- why should we be fair and give voice to people who are not fair to us and ours? who own most of the major league media what kill our souls and lie like crack heads? why should we not use our media and mediums to knowledge and report on and by and for ourselves and others who allied with us and share our struggle?
what we don't need is to turn our spaces into foxes, via cons, vh1's and jerusalem posts or sounding gounds for the jdl (jewish defense leagues) the well hidden armed wing of the adl (anti-deformation league), aipac or the neocons --
"I'm giving you a lot of material, what will you use? What will you present to the American people ...? Not you personally, because you are subjected to editors. You are subjected to people who have another view. You're here to get information, but what they do with it, that?s another thing.?" -- hon mins louis farrakhan -- "Farrakhan speaks to the media"
who runs the media and mediums?
for that matter -- what's the weight of the world?
there's going to have be a point where so called black sites and others will have to also knowledge that, like the b.e.t.s and vh1s, and via con artists and other white and/or yahoodie run mediums and the rappers/mcs we criticize for working with the gooberment, and those whom attack our and the people (s), that this and other sites like these, are also susceptible to infiltration and puppetry by and for the same people who have targeted hip hop/rap and chosen our so called leaders and agendas.
"the enemy joins the gangs, like he did most of the black
organizations, and places snitches around our leaders. they pretend
like they are a crip or a blood, but really they are agents of the
government of the united states of america. they give you an ak-47, a
mac 10, and other weapons that are rejects, and cannot shoot straight,
so when you try to kill your brother, a baby or somebody else innocent
is killed instead as a result of your foolishness." – hon min louis
farrakhan, "special message to street organizations"
who pays them to patrol these sites? or what is it that the powers that should not be have on them? what and why do they fear? and why is it that they assist in messing with our peoples and committing acts or menticide?
what we need, as one moderator of the sons of afrika mentioned -- is our own intel ops -- sam greenlee dropped science on this when he wrote the spook who sat by the door. going under ground -- and covert and overt in ops. isn't it time we got really organized in this disorder -- we seemed to have done it with street teams for rap and hip hop -- why not diversify -- this time, as bruh martyr chairman fred hampton told us, one which will ---
live for the people
struggle for the people
die for the people
we need a weather undgerground -- a baader-meinhof (red army faction raf ) = b.l.a.
live for the people
struggle for the people
die for the people
what we need is a hamas
knowing basic hmtl should not be the only qualification for running black cultural sites. wearing a suit and tie or dashiki neither. this time and space should not be a place for egos and old bro clubbers who give virtual hi-fives to each other and their zionist chums in order to advance their careers and pour/poor concrete on the graves of our peoples and the youth folk who try and uplift and be intelligent over becoming retarded by the bourgeois bastards of banality -- peace to sista souljah
"If revolution is tied to dependence on the inscrutability's of "long-range politics", it cannot be made relevant to the person who expects to die tomorrow. there can be no rigid time controls attached to "the process" that offers itself as relief, not if those for whom it is principally intended are under attack now, if the proponents of revolution cannot learn to distinguish and translate the theoretical into the practical, if they continue to debate just how to call up and harness the conscious motive forces of revolution, the revolutionary ideal will be the loser -- it will be rejected." -- bruh martyr george jackson -- blood in my eye
what we need is a nym (native youth movement)
we are at war -- and have been for 400 hundred years -- we must act accordingly and deal with situations and collaborators in the appropriate manner which all collaborators have been dealt with from those whom collaborated with the ulsters in ireland, nazis and germans occupiers of france and italy to amerikkkacentrists/fascist after the iranian revolution.
what a message -- we must start sending -- if this bee a TRU movement -- if we really wanted revolution and to uplift our peoples -- and not an over used slogan for hip hop hooks -- who may be down b.u.t. not beaten -- gravedigging -- and it is the bourgeois classes what need it the most not the masses.
the masses-- they ready b.u.t. are being held down, misdirected and/or their great works under reported or ignored to keep the peoples in dispair.
we are good at claiming to help our peoples and they minds by attacking the poor/the masses (nas) b.u.t. we shy away from those who really kill us who are a part of or claim the bourgeois classes as their crew of what has been refered to as the 10% or (1%).
"revolutionary change means the seizure of all that is held the 1 percent, and the transference of these holdings into the hands of the remaining 99 percent. if the 1 percent are simply displaced by another 1 percent, revolutionary change has not taken place." -- bruh martyr george jackson -- blood in my eye
the poor can bee and are righeous and teachers too -- in fact most -- if not the majority -- have been our revolutionaries -- b.u.t. have we been loyal to them?
"the to slave, the revolution is an imperative, a love-inspired, conscious act of desperation. it's aggressive. it isn't "cool" or cautious . it's bold, audacious, violent, an expression of icy, disdainful hatred! it can hardly be any other way without raising a fundamental contradiction. if revolution, and especially revolution in amerikkka, is anything less than an effective defense/attack weapon a charger for the people to mount *now*, it is meaningless." -- bruh martyr george jackson -- blood in my eye
ain't no half steppin
if we are serious about a movement -- the peoples/the masses/nas or made manifest via destroying the con by turning off channel zero...
then start acting accordingly.
the way things are -- this is nothing b.u.t. shuffle along white and zionist cooperate ass kissing decorated with few blackology terms, titles and fake concerns. they want us to feel lost and in need of neocon and bourgeois approved leaders who lead us into the samo "plantation to penitentiary" rat trap we have been for the past 40yrs -- because up until recently -- we were on the come up and an actual threat to the imperialist -- b.u.t cosbyism and the disneyifacation of our culture has lead us into greed or ghetto mindset of comfort or conformity.
"insanity is doing the same thing over and over with the same people
expecting things to turn out differently. by that reckoning, we are
truly insane. we have been attempting to converty euroamerikkkans
since we arrived on these shores. we have tried moralizing them
despite their obvious immorality, we have attempted (just as abuse and
incest victims do) to defend our tormentors in the false hope they
will cease abusing or lighten their maltreatment. it has not worked
... so how do we save ourselves? we must first admit we are at war,
admit who our enemies are and act accordingly." -- junious ricardo stanton -- "it's time to try something different"
what we need is a hezbulllah
if we are to look at how we really got here and how things have remained in down spiral for the masses -- do not look to the masses or point fingers for they have been active and righteous under overwhelming conditions -- let us look to the self appointed leaders of the bourgeois classes or = those aspiring entrance -- who make deals to keep the peoples in place - distracted, propagandize, defamed, misdirected, downplayed and neutralized -- via voice, panels, papers, publishing and the tely medium.
"... if your are not committed to your soldiers and prisoners then you
ultimately fail" – samia halaby defend palestine, ny, and al jisser
group – "voices of resistance to u.s./israeli war in palestine,
lebanon & iraq" – workers world party
what is being done is selling the masses capitalism and calling it all liberation and now revolution -- b.u.t. what it really is is using our peoples -- a few select -- from to oprah to jay z and obama as a tool to colonize afrika and our minds for the masters. it works well for the bourgeois classes -- for it advances their cause, class and position and therefore them = the 10 to 1% -- for them it is a revolution -- one of privilege and capital and not of movement and the masses.
b.u.t. one day the masses of amerikkka will shake the world, finally, and take those who have held us down/oppressed us and/or collaborated with the oppressor and act accordingly...
"...these people generate wars in Asia and Africa,...These are the
people who, in the last century, caused several devastating wars. In one
world war alone, they killed over 60 million people.... In the near
future, Allah willing, we will put you to trial in courts established by
the peoples...."-- mahmoud ahmadinejad
a court of the peoples
live for the people
struggle for the people
die for the people
"Revolution is bloody, revolution is hostile, revolution knows no compromise, revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way. And you, sitting around here like a knot on the wall, saying: 'I'm going to love these folks no matter how much they hate me.' No,you need a revolution." -- Malik Shabaaz (Malcom X), Message to the Grass Roots
i hope this matter can be seriously looked into.
khoda hafez
1428 Lawrence Y Braithwaite (aka Lord Patch)
New Palestine/Fernwood/The Hood
Victoria, BC
official site of lord patch:
Revolution is Bloody:
see also:
"Hours after a ceasefire halted a five-week war between Israel and Iranian-backed Islamic militias in Lebanon, reported the New York Times, "hundreds of Hezbollah members spread over dozens of villages across southern Lebanon began cleaning, organizing and surveying damage. Men on bulldozers were busy cutting lanes through giant piles of rubble. Roads blocked with the remnants of buildings are now, just a day after a ceasefire began, fully passable." Who cares if Hezbollah is a State Department-designated terrorist organization? Unlike our worthless government, it gets things done. ...One year after the routine matter of a Gulf Coast hurricane, half the city's population remains refugees--screwed over by a government that hasn't lifted a finger to pretend that it cares. Horne describes "Vast swaths of a city emptied as if by a neutron bomb, with only the fecal brown floodline up under the eaves to suggest what went so very wrong--that, and the ghostly dried brine still coating the dead lawns and landscaping." -- Ted Rall -- 'Why America Needs Hezbollah"
Native Youth Movement
by Z Friday, Mar. 23, 2007 at 9:22 PM
The Native Youth Movement (NYM) is Native Peoples Liberation Movement, fighting for our People, our Land, and our way of Life.The Native Youth Movement is in the midst of becoming a Grand Council of Young and Old (Veteran/Battle Tested) Warriorz alike. A Warriorz Society with the Young Warriorz serving as the Physical protectors, and the O.G.s (Original Guerrillas) as the Advisor Warriorz, giving direction through lessons, age old teachings, previous battles, and from the Spirits and our Ancestors, who have passed on this responsibility of defending our Indian way. NYM is a Unity point for Young Warriorz from many organizations, Nations, and Societies throughout Turtle Island. We receive our direction from our true elders, those who left our instructions in the rocks, the stars, songs, War stories and way of life that we must insure continues forever. NYM is a part of the Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor, when all of our Nations will once again unite and Take Back our Land, and the Youth will once again be the majority of our populations, that time is now. This Unity and true power scares our enemy so much they will not stop until they feel we are no longer a threat to their evil and devilish crackah ways. NYM uses Education, Agitation, and Direct Action to achieve our goals, our goal is Freedom! We will not be stopped until Freedom is achieved.
"Uninformed is the worst way to be unarmed."-The Media, Welfare Poets
download bruh martyre chairman fred hampton:

re: Davey D's Hip Hop Political Palace

and the black peoples media-- turning off channel zero and spring house cleaning
no diss to bruh "d" -- b.u.t. -- question-- who runs this forum? these cyber so called brothas like lighthouseali, nobleone and the zionist racist they give props and voice to -- not to forget the ones who are allowed to join it -- the ones they allow to attack our martyrs, prisoners and revolutionaries?
what rings with tuth is what bruh j.r. of the block report once said when queried about fairness in journalism by bruh davey d in "Breakdown FM-The Audio Rebellion is Real pt 2 w/ Minister of Information JR" and i paraphrase -- why should we be fair and give voice to people who are not fair to us and ours? who own most of the major league media what kill our souls and lie like crack heads? why should we not use our media and mediums to knowledge and report on and by and for ourselves and others who allied with us and share our struggle?
what we don't need is to turn our spaces into foxes, via cons, vh1's and jerusalem posts or sounding gounds for the jdl (jewish defense leagues) the well hidden armed wing of the adl (anti-deformation league), aipac or the neocons --
"I'm giving you a lot of material, what will you use? What will you present to the American people ...? Not you personally, because you are subjected to editors. You are subjected to people who have another view. You're here to get information, but what they do with it, that?s another thing.?" -- hon mins louis farrakhan -- "Farrakhan speaks to the media"
who runs the media and mediums?
for that matter -- what's the weight of the world?
there's going to have be a point where so called black sites and others will have to also knowledge that, like the b.e.t.s and vh1s, and via con artists and other white and/or yahoodie run mediums and the rappers/mcs we criticize for working with the gooberment, and those whom attack our and the people (s), that this and other sites like these, are also susceptible to infiltration and puppetry by and for the same people who have targeted hip hop/rap and chosen our so called leaders and agendas.
"the enemy joins the gangs, like he did most of the black
organizations, and places snitches around our leaders. they pretend
like they are a crip or a blood, but really they are agents of the
government of the united states of america. they give you an ak-47, a
mac 10, and other weapons that are rejects, and cannot shoot straight,
so when you try to kill your brother, a baby or somebody else innocent
is killed instead as a result of your foolishness." – hon min louis
farrakhan, "special message to street organizations"
who pays them to patrol these sites? or what is it that the powers that should not be have on them? what and why do they fear? and why is it that they assist in messing with our peoples and committing acts or menticide?
what we need, as one moderator of the sons of afrika mentioned -- is our own intel ops -- sam greenlee dropped science on this when he wrote the spook who sat by the door. going under ground -- and covert and overt in ops. isn't it time we got really organized in this disorder -- we seemed to have done it with street teams for rap and hip hop -- why not diversify -- this time, as bruh martyr chairman fred hampton told us, one which will ---
live for the people
struggle for the people
die for the people
we need a weather undgerground -- a baader-meinhof (red army faction raf ) = b.l.a.
live for the people
struggle for the people
die for the people
what we need is a hamas
knowing basic hmtl should not be the only qualification for running black cultural sites. wearing a suit and tie or dashiki neither. this time and space should not be a place for egos and old bro clubbers who give virtual hi-fives to each other and their zionist chums in order to advance their careers and pour/poor concrete on the graves of our peoples and the youth folk who try and uplift and be intelligent over becoming retarded by the bourgeois bastards of banality -- peace to sista souljah
"If revolution is tied to dependence on the inscrutability's of "long-range politics", it cannot be made relevant to the person who expects to die tomorrow. there can be no rigid time controls attached to "the process" that offers itself as relief, not if those for whom it is principally intended are under attack now, if the proponents of revolution cannot learn to distinguish and translate the theoretical into the practical, if they continue to debate just how to call up and harness the conscious motive forces of revolution, the revolutionary ideal will be the loser -- it will be rejected." -- bruh martyr george jackson -- blood in my eye
what we need is a nym (native youth movement)
we are at war -- and have been for 400 hundred years -- we must act accordingly and deal with situations and collaborators in the appropriate manner which all collaborators have been dealt with from those whom collaborated with the ulsters in ireland, nazis and germans occupiers of france and italy to amerikkkacentrists/fascist after the iranian revolution.
what a message -- we must start sending -- if this bee a TRU movement -- if we really wanted revolution and to uplift our peoples -- and not an over used slogan for hip hop hooks -- who may be down b.u.t. not beaten -- gravedigging -- and it is the bourgeois classes what need it the most not the masses.
the masses-- they ready b.u.t. are being held down, misdirected and/or their great works under reported or ignored to keep the peoples in dispair.
we are good at claiming to help our peoples and they minds by attacking the poor/the masses (nas) b.u.t. we shy away from those who really kill us who are a part of or claim the bourgeois classes as their crew of what has been refered to as the 10% or (1%).
"revolutionary change means the seizure of all that is held the 1 percent, and the transference of these holdings into the hands of the remaining 99 percent. if the 1 percent are simply displaced by another 1 percent, revolutionary change has not taken place." -- bruh martyr george jackson -- blood in my eye
the poor can bee and are righeous and teachers too -- in fact most -- if not the majority -- have been our revolutionaries -- b.u.t. have we been loyal to them?
"the to slave, the revolution is an imperative, a love-inspired, conscious act of desperation. it's aggressive. it isn't "cool" or cautious . it's bold, audacious, violent, an expression of icy, disdainful hatred! it can hardly be any other way without raising a fundamental contradiction. if revolution, and especially revolution in amerikkka, is anything less than an effective defense/attack weapon a charger for the people to mount *now*, it is meaningless." -- bruh martyr george jackson -- blood in my eye
ain't no half steppin
if we are serious about a movement -- the peoples/the masses/nas or made manifest via destroying the con by turning off channel zero...
then start acting accordingly.
the way things are -- this is nothing b.u.t. shuffle along white and zionist cooperate ass kissing decorated with few blackology terms, titles and fake concerns. they want us to feel lost and in need of neocon and bourgeois approved leaders who lead us into the samo "plantation to penitentiary" rat trap we have been for the past 40yrs -- because up until recently -- we were on the come up and an actual threat to the imperialist -- b.u.t cosbyism and the disneyifacation of our culture has lead us into greed or ghetto mindset of comfort or conformity.
"insanity is doing the same thing over and over with the same people
expecting things to turn out differently. by that reckoning, we are
truly insane. we have been attempting to converty euroamerikkkans
since we arrived on these shores. we have tried moralizing them
despite their obvious immorality, we have attempted (just as abuse and
incest victims do) to defend our tormentors in the false hope they
will cease abusing or lighten their maltreatment. it has not worked
... so how do we save ourselves? we must first admit we are at war,
admit who our enemies are and act accordingly." -- junious ricardo stanton -- "it's time to try something different"
what we need is a hezbulllah
if we are to look at how we really got here and how things have remained in down spiral for the masses -- do not look to the masses or point fingers for they have been active and righteous under overwhelming conditions -- let us look to the self appointed leaders of the bourgeois classes or = those aspiring entrance -- who make deals to keep the peoples in place - distracted, propagandize, defamed, misdirected, downplayed and neutralized -- via voice, panels, papers, publishing and the tely medium.
"... if your are not committed to your soldiers and prisoners then you
ultimately fail" – samia halaby defend palestine, ny, and al jisser
group – "voices of resistance to u.s./israeli war in palestine,
lebanon & iraq" – workers world party
what is being done is selling the masses capitalism and calling it all liberation and now revolution -- b.u.t. what it really is is using our peoples -- a few select -- from to oprah to jay z and obama as a tool to colonize afrika and our minds for the masters. it works well for the bourgeois classes -- for it advances their cause, class and position and therefore them = the 10 to 1% -- for them it is a revolution -- one of privilege and capital and not of movement and the masses.
b.u.t. one day the masses of amerikkka will shake the world, finally, and take those who have held us down/oppressed us and/or collaborated with the oppressor and act accordingly...
"...these people generate wars in Asia and Africa,...These are the
people who, in the last century, caused several devastating wars. In one
world war alone, they killed over 60 million people.... In the near
future, Allah willing, we will put you to trial in courts established by
the peoples...."-- mahmoud ahmadinejad
a court of the peoples
live for the people
struggle for the people
die for the people
"Revolution is bloody, revolution is hostile, revolution knows no compromise, revolution overturns and destroys everything that gets in its way. And you, sitting around here like a knot on the wall, saying: 'I'm going to love these folks no matter how much they hate me.' No,you need a revolution." -- Malik Shabaaz (Malcom X), Message to the Grass Roots
i hope this matter can be seriously looked into.
khoda hafez
1428 Lawrence Y Braithwaite (aka Lord Patch)
New Palestine/Fernwood/The Hood
Victoria, BC
official site of lord patch:

Revolution is Bloody:

see also:
"Hours after a ceasefire halted a five-week war between Israel and Iranian-backed Islamic militias in Lebanon, reported the New York Times, "hundreds of Hezbollah members spread over dozens of villages across southern Lebanon began cleaning, organizing and surveying damage. Men on bulldozers were busy cutting lanes through giant piles of rubble. Roads blocked with the remnants of buildings are now, just a day after a ceasefire began, fully passable." Who cares if Hezbollah is a State Department-designated terrorist organization? Unlike our worthless government, it gets things done. ...One year after the routine matter of a Gulf Coast hurricane, half the city's population remains refugees--screwed over by a government that hasn't lifted a finger to pretend that it cares. Horne describes "Vast swaths of a city emptied as if by a neutron bomb, with only the fecal brown floodline up under the eaves to suggest what went so very wrong--that, and the ghostly dried brine still coating the dead lawns and landscaping." -- Ted Rall -- 'Why America Needs Hezbollah"


Native Youth Movement
by Z Friday, Mar. 23, 2007 at 9:22 PM
The Native Youth Movement (NYM) is Native Peoples Liberation Movement, fighting for our People, our Land, and our way of Life.The Native Youth Movement is in the midst of becoming a Grand Council of Young and Old (Veteran/Battle Tested) Warriorz alike. A Warriorz Society with the Young Warriorz serving as the Physical protectors, and the O.G.s (Original Guerrillas) as the Advisor Warriorz, giving direction through lessons, age old teachings, previous battles, and from the Spirits and our Ancestors, who have passed on this responsibility of defending our Indian way. NYM is a Unity point for Young Warriorz from many organizations, Nations, and Societies throughout Turtle Island. We receive our direction from our true elders, those who left our instructions in the rocks, the stars, songs, War stories and way of life that we must insure continues forever. NYM is a part of the Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor, when all of our Nations will once again unite and Take Back our Land, and the Youth will once again be the majority of our populations, that time is now. This Unity and true power scares our enemy so much they will not stop until they feel we are no longer a threat to their evil and devilish crackah ways. NYM uses Education, Agitation, and Direct Action to achieve our goals, our goal is Freedom! We will not be stopped until Freedom is achieved.
