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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Kopi Berlin Radical Space to be auctioned off

26-04-2007 16:50

Auction of Köpi by order of the court on May 8th

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new north london occupied social centre

26-04-2007 13:07

project 104 in leafy crouch hill
the old mountview theatre school site in crouch end is opening its doors to the public on sunday the 29th april after being abandoned by the drama school now based in wood green. the new social centre benefits from a small theatre, which can be converted for cinema nights, as well as exhibition space, large workshop spaces, a bar and kitchen, and residential area.

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Critical Mass this Friday!!!

26-04-2007 06:34

critical mass wooooo
bring in the summer!!!

its supposed to be sunny according to bbc weather!!!
bright or sunny spells 19 degrees.

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Oxford councillors express doubts over plans to destroy tranquil meadow

25-04-2007 20:34

Today's meeting of the Oxford Strategic Development Control Committee (SDCC) was inconclusive. Plans to destroy the tranquil wildlife haven, Warneford Meadow, have been delayed while councillors seek further clarification from the applicants. This could take months, and gives environmental campaigners a chance to focus their energies on the ongoing application for Town Green status for the Meadow.

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Campaign to save Oxford's Warneford Meadow continues

25-04-2007 18:34

Protest against building on Warneford meadow
Today (25th April) Oxford City Council's Strategic Development Control Committee met to discuss the future of one of Oxford’s last remaining unspoilt open spaces, Warneford Meadow. The Committee decided not to make a decision on the application as it stood, and so the fight to save the meadow goes on.

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Bartleby not Radio Alice: Camberwell Squatted Centre film tonight

25-04-2007 12:56

Yes the film tonight at the Camberwell Squatted Centre has been changed at the last hour to the classic 1970 version of the Bartleby. He is the original refuser of work who 'prefers not to'. Free 7.30

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mayday meltdown

25-04-2007 12:38

the ASBO centre & pedalpoweredclowns invite you to Mayday Meltdown - a day of low impact fun, festivity and exchange

This is to celebrate
that the clownchaos is finally leaving for G8 / palestine, the rising of Spring and our Asbotic community.

may 7th 12 - 12

a winding procession, picnic cabaret, workshops, streetparty, volleyball, soundsystems, bands, cafes, spoken word, chillout spaces, guerilla gardening, info + discussions, cinema, games, spectactors

donations only - all donations help support your local palestine circus :-) the bar proceeds support the asbo community space

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Picnic, Planting & Pandemonium

24-04-2007 17:04

Join us for a day of creation and ‘exuberation’ in a secret sanctuary garden in Whitechapel where we will have a picnic, plant some seeds, and just make green a corner of this cold concrete city.

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rampART / eviction / London / solidarity / La Universidad Pirata / Barcelona

24-04-2007 08:23

WHILE upscale universities open bio-technological parks sponsored by big
pharmaceutical companies
WHILE software companies and corporate record labels entertain themselves
with the futile exercise of hunting down so-called copyright delinquents
WHILE all forms of knowledge get privatized and the access to them becomes
even more elitist...

Universitat Pirata opens its doors

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Picnic, Planting & Pandemonium

22-04-2007 21:41

Join us for a day of creation and ‘exuberation’ in a secret sanctuary garden in Whitechapel where we will have a picnic, plant some seeds, and just make green a corner of this cold concrete city.

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MAYDAY 07 - Camberwell Squatted Centre in Court but unbowed!!!

22-04-2007 00:03


So… the Squat Centre at 192 Warham Street, Camberwell, has received
papers… The owners of the building, so called, are seeking possession
the place, taking us to Lambeth County Court…on Tuesday May 1st! Yes,
Mayday! Well we weren’t going to work that day anyway…

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Benny Rothman's Twyford Down Mass Trespass recollections

21-04-2007 16:46

In a largely unpublished article, Benny Rothman, one of the leaders of the 1932 Mass Trespass on Kinder Scout, recalls his day at the Mass Trespass on Twyford Down of 4th July 1994.

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The Kinder Mass Trespass & Labour's Greenwash

21-04-2007 16:42

A local Labour MP and the Environment Minister are gathering in the Peak Districy National Park tonight to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Kinder Scout Mass Trespass of 1932. But the same MP supports the construction of a new road through the same National Park.

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The Vortex eviction

21-04-2007 08:26

Action taken against bailiffs and Midda

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Report from Land and Marine demo and demo announcement

20-04-2007 21:01

Despite massive over-policing and the eviction of Bath Climate Camp, actions are continuing as scheduled, so if you were thinking of coming down for saturdays demo, starting at 12 at Bath Abbey, please do so to show that thier repression will not make us go away! - here is a report of the Land and Marine demo -

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Come to the Oxford Action Resource Centre Benefit Gig! Sat 28th April

19-04-2007 14:03

Benefit Gig for OARC
OARC gig to save our social space.

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Mayday 07 - Invite

18-04-2007 19:30

Invite your friends
For those who don't want to march, how about some dancing on Mayday.

The Haymarket Martyrs were protesting for an 8 hour day, a 9-5. When was the last time anyone just worked 9-5? Why should we live in a world where profit is put above anything else, what about the planet, what about our lives, how about some fun?

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New video: CSOMilano 0.1

18-04-2007 18:20

A group of activists from the "8 de Marzo" collective squattered the old wedding hall "Milano". One week later, and one hour before starting a neigbourhood afternoon snack organized for the neighbours and local people as a part of the "presentation working days", the police sealed the building and started a pressure campaign trying to nip the project in the bud before it could grow.

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Party Against Petrol! - Saturday 21st April

17-04-2007 18:58

As Part of Bath Climate Camp, there will be a party against petrol - a chance to protest against car culture and fossil fuels. Meet at 12 at Bath Abbey or 11 at Bath Climate Camp

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The Mutatoes Are Coming !!!

16-04-2007 23:40

Everything you ever wanted to know about Frankenspuds, but were afriad to ask.

@ rampART ( this Tuesday (17th), 8pm
16 rampart street, london E1 2LA

Films and discussion on GM crops trials in the UK and the previously sucessful campaign to stop them. Plus update on the biotech industries latest attempts to push this shit down our throats.

This month a controversial experimental genetically modified potato crop is due to be planted in the UK by the German chemical giant BASF (offshoot of the infamous AG Farben). The trials are the first GM crops to enter British soil in nearly 3 years, after public opposition forced a u-turn in government and corporate plans for patented crops.

The potato trials are a poorly disguised test of public opposition, so to make sure that opposition is adequately expressed, a national rally is taking place on Sat 21st April. Come along, learn about the history of the anti-GM campaign and find out about transport from London. For more info, contact (0113 262 9365) or check out the website