UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Pebble Mill Social Centre evicted
14-07-2012 13:09
Yesterday morning High Court Bailiffs came without warning, broke in and closed us down. We managed to get most of our stuff out (we’re getting pretty good at last minute evacuations
Squatban in Jamaica?
13-07-2012 16:46
A politician is floating the idea of a squatban in Jamaica, where an estimated 15-20% of the population squat....Diggers2012: Runnymede Eco Village Lives On + Saturdays Workshops
13-07-2012 14:06

Free Software Clinic at the Cowley Club, Brighton
04-07-2012 21:26
The Cowley Club library is offering free training on installing and using free software. Come along to learn about the wonders of free software and how to protect your privacy and anonymity online.Pebble Mill Social Centre survives flash flooding
02-07-2012 14:39

Video: Birmingham Eviction Resistance Network first eviction protest
02-07-2012 13:50

Fundrasier for the Cowley Club
29-06-2012 16:31
Support The Cowley Club and Party!!Diggers2012: Two Week Anniversary At Runnymede
28-06-2012 00:13


Garden day @ Brum Social Centre – This Saturday 12pm onwards
26-06-2012 11:20

Brum FnB at the Birmingham Social Centre
26-06-2012 11:06

Birmingham Social Centre is back
25-06-2012 10:46

Last week an empty social club on what used to be part of the BBC Pebblemill site was taken over and transformed into the new home of the Birmingham Social Centre.
Diggers Meeting at Runnymede
16-06-2012 22:42
Diggers camped at Cooper's Hill, met on Saturday afternoon at the nearby Runnymede monument where Magna Carta was signed on 15th June 1215 at to discuss their ideas about freedom and the right of people around the world to shelter and grow food on disused land.BERN BABY BERN fundraiser for Birmingham Eviction Resistance Network
11-06-2012 21:58

Come along to Ort for a raucous evening of food music and fun to raise money for Birmingham Eviction Resistance Network.
The Mistakings will be playing, along with Leander Jones, Johnny Kowalski and Tim Martin aka @dogcatchicken, with DJ extraodinaire Will Itsasecret bringing the night to a climactic end. A delicious vegetarian curry will be being sold for £2.50
Donation on the door
No Bounds magazine launch party!
08-06-2012 13:34

FemCells Women-Only Gig Tonight!
08-06-2012 11:09

Palestine Place & Anti G4S Demo
07-06-2012 17:45

Eviction Resistance Successful, many exciting Events tomorrow
02-06-2012 00:07
Despite earlier attempts by police earlier to evict Palestine Place, a successful resistance has occurred and all advertised events will be taking place....Declaration from the dispossessed
01-06-2012 22:55

On June 09th a group of dispossessed people will be walking from Syon Lane Community Allotment in Isleworth, West London to Windsor. Our aim is to start a community on a piece of disused land on the Crown Estate. We have written the following declaration to express our intentions. For more info on the project, please visit: