UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Mill Road Tesco refused again
14-11-2008 16:01

The Inspector concluded:
“I find that both of the realistically available servicing options would pose unacceptable risks to highway safety, which would not be outweighed by benefits or the fallback position. I therefore conclude that both appeals should be dismissed.”
North East Working Class Bookfair Sat November 22nd 2008, 12-4pm
14-11-2008 11:37
North East Working Class BookfairDurham Clayport Library, Millennium Place, Durham City.
Saturday November 22nd 2008, 12-4pm
Market Tavern welcomes drinkers from the bookfair
Bath Bomb #16 out now
13-11-2008 01:19
Breathing a sigh of collective release and rubbing a tear of patriotic fervour from their eyes, the Bath wish-they-were massive squeeze out another nugget of journalistic integrity...Eviction resistance in Bristol
12-11-2008 17:49
check out story here
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87 Ashley Road Eviction Happening NOW!!
12-11-2008 13:10
The inhabitants of 87 Ashley Road woke up this morning to a garden full of cops and bailliffs here to evict them from the house that is a home to around 15 people, and make them homeless.Rooftop occupation happening right now!
Wednesday 12th november: cafe Marie: food&film
11-11-2008 15:19

Cafe Marie: 6 pm; nice food and hot drinks for donation..
Movie: “The battle of Algiers” Starts at 8pm
Bristol Space Invaders presents: Opening the Doors to Autonomy
11-11-2008 15:10

On the 29th of November Bristol Space Invaders will be holding a day long event of art, activities and workshops aimed at creating DIY solutions to the problems facing many of us as the economic crisis begins to bite.
Sucessful Eviction Resistance & Bristol's Nuclear Trains
11-11-2008 01:08

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Halloween Canary Wharf in Pictures.
08-11-2008 22:13

Another Free for All in Wrexham
08-11-2008 20:29

Bristol's new Queer Cafe
07-11-2008 15:14

@ Kebele Social Centre (
14 Robertson Road
7pm open
8pm discussion: Creating queer spaces in Bristol
9pm(ish): Film screening - XXY (Argentina, 2007), the story of an intersex teenager
Homeless Village in Court Fri 7th 3.30pm
07-11-2008 02:06
The Council are seeking possession of the land that the Homeless Village is squatting. See article:
Riseup! Radio #10 - The November Show
06-11-2008 07:51

Welcome to the penultimate RiseUp!Radio show of 2008. Apologies to those who set their alarms for midnight on 31st of October in anticipation of the November show, a large chunk of our team have bean hit with extravavgant amounts of illness but we feel it will be worth the wait.
Jaques talks to the streets about their takes on our government, Doms takes us into the world of student politics and RiseUp!Radio goes to the Urban Harvest Festival and gets the low down from the windy miller. Also live music from local singer song writer My Crust, also some in studio discussion and Hilary gives us an introduction to his exciting new show ‘Looking into the Crisis’. Topped offed with a rendition of Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech, read live last month in Market square as part of Black History Month. Bon Appétit!
Listen: #10 The November Show
Councillor John Lines’ Homeless Village in Birmingham
05-11-2008 15:59

'cafe marie' at camberwell social centre
05-11-2008 14:31
timetable of events happening in london's newest social centre the 'library house' in camberwell.IWW Punk Benefit Gig - London - Friday 7 Nov
05-11-2008 12:53

Bands include
>>PJ & Gabi
>>Apologies I Have None
>>Beginning of the End
>> with more TBC.
Bristol Squatter Speaks Out About Eviction Resistance
04-11-2008 01:22
Hello, my name is Sam, one of the people living in 87 Ashley Road, St Paul’s, Bristol.Firstly thank you very much to the large number of people from the local community who came down to show their support and resist the eviction attempt last Tuesday (28.10.08).
'Be a visitor, not a spy' - QQ Section, Site B, Khayelitsha
02-11-2008 10:52
Diary of London anarchist Matt Birkinshaw while visiting the autonomous Abahlali baseMjondolo shack settlement QQ in Cape TownChristiania fires it up
29-10-2008 11:29