UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
"Free Socks!" "Why? Who's holding him?"
29-11-2008 18:44

Kebele Social Centre Benefit
26-11-2008 19:39

So we're celebrating with a stonking party, and a warm up for dancing on the ruins of the shopping malls and banks!
Chase Centre Latest - - Please Help
26-11-2008 13:04

Buy Nothing Day Leeds
26-11-2008 11:56
In Briggate this Saturday (29th of Nov) there will be a Buy Nothing extravaganza. We will have Christmas carols telling people of the woes of shopping, there will be hot tea and coffee to help ex-shoppers readjust to there new found happiness, and ideas of presents that do not involve consumerism. From11am - till dark we will be asking people to question consumerism and join us in buying nothing!
Thousands to March Against MassEviction for a Themepark in South Afgrica
25-11-2008 20:34
Ten thousand Zulu families, perhaps 50 thousand people or more, face eviction for a Dubai funded Zulu (and find) your local empty homes
25-11-2008 10:39
National Empty Homes Week of Action - 23rd-29th November 2008NEW SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTRE
24-11-2008 22:55
A new social centre is developing near Birmingham City Centre. Please come and get involved.TopShop SwapShop, BND action
24-11-2008 17:09

Further reports from Anomalous Wave rebellion, Italy
24-11-2008 12:52
More news and updates on the ongoing student / education rebellion in Italy. Next dates to watch out for: DAY Of ACTION November 28th and GENERAL STRIKE (sort of!) December 12th. Details of history and analysis of The Anomalous Wave pamphlet at end of updates.Spanish bank squatters evicted
21-11-2008 15:10
Following their successful occupation of the offices of BBVA bank over 200 members of SAT (Andalucian workers union) spent the night there, resisting police and council efforts to force them to leave.Full article | 3 additions | 4 comments
muTATE Britain has landed..
21-11-2008 00:47

Forget Tate Britain, muTATE BRITAIN has landed, all 4 storeys of it.
And you heard it here first...
'The Anomalous Wave Rebellion in Italy' pamphlet (PDF)
20-11-2008 16:58

Publicity for 2nd Annual North East Working Class Bookfair
20-11-2008 11:22
A news story promoting the 2nd Working Class Bookfair;Durham central Clayport Library,
Millennium Place, Durham City.
Saturday November 22nd 2008, 12 - 4pm.
A Place in the City: a flim about Abahlali baseMjondolo
19-11-2008 23:35
The first screening of this new film on the militant shack dwellers' movement Abahlali baseMjondolo - which has set up a series of linked communes across Durban & Cape Town - will be in London on 24 November 2008.A Call to Climate Action at COP15, Copenhagen 2009
19-11-2008 17:54
We stand at a crossroads. The facts are clear. Global climate change, caused by human activities, is happening, threatening the lives and livelihoods of billions of people and the existence of millions of species. Social movements, environmental groups, and scientists from all over the world are calling for urgent and radical action on climate change.BRISTOL SQUAT RESISTANCE 87 Ashley Road (Unity Home) The occupation continues
18-11-2008 01:07
The roof of 87 Ashley road St Paul's Bristol continues to be occupied 120 hours (5 days) after the attempted eviction of the residents. The people on the roof are staying put in protest at the gentrification and destitution of our area. And in defence of homes for all.Film Screenings 27th November and 11th December
18-11-2008 00:30
FreeSpaceBrum present another evening of short films at the Spotted Dog pub, corner of Warwick Street and Alcester Street, Thursday 27th November from 7.30 pm. And December 11th Reel News UK tour film night, venue to be confirmed.Bristol squatting update and exclusive interview with 7/7 London Bombings surviv
17-11-2008 02:27

Cowley Club fundraiser
16-11-2008 08:32
On Saturday December 6 a fundraiser is being held for the Cowley Club, the alternative social centre at 12 London Road, Brighton. Music and DJ night. 8pm.