UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
resistencia from milano
16-10-2010 12:29
milan start burning ..squat evicted many actions going on...Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Images from Sheffield Free School
12-10-2010 21:50

Calais No Borders: how to organise a secret festival
12-10-2010 07:31
report of the Festival Without Borders in calais this septemberNo Borders in Brussels: becoming a movement
11-10-2010 20:18
reflections on the No Border camp in BrusselsDemocracy Rally, Breaching the Fencing, London - Pictures.
10-10-2010 13:49

Sheffield Free School: What is a social centre?
09-10-2010 22:50

Amsterdam: and the squatting ban
09-10-2010 17:08
A report of the last few weeks in Amsterdam in relation to the squatting ban and rising tensions in the city.Sheffield Free School abundance urban scrumping
08-10-2010 18:21

Met at the free school with bikes and went to collect some apple :-)
Sheffield Free School - 8th - 10th October
08-10-2010 16:12

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Sheffield Free School
01-10-2010 17:12
Up coming sheffield free schoolThe Persecution of Hoder
01-10-2010 16:48
Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan, aka Hoder, has been sentenced in Iran to 19.5 years for being an 'anti-revolutionary blogger'.The Netherlands: Squatting prohibition
29-09-2010 22:36

General Strike in Spain
29-09-2010 11:19
A general strike is taking place throughout Spain today aginst the so-called "austerity measures" imposed by the government and capital. Since midnight piquets, blockades, actions and demonstrations are taking place all over the Spanish State. The strike is planned to last for 24h until midnight tonight..For continuous coverage, latest reports and updates from the streets check out:

Video galleries:

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Live radio stream (in catalan and spanish):

Opposition to kraakverbod
28-09-2010 18:50
A quick review of some of the things happening as part of the days of action in the Netherlands to mark the banning of the noble act of squatting, which finally becomes law on october 1. But for sure the squatting won't stop.Wildkatz Social Centre present A Week of Free Stuff
28-09-2010 13:14

Security Industry Association Abolition
27-09-2010 08:07
Just as the cuts are about to hit the police, more powers will be given to private security guards as the Government abolishes the SIA because it is a quango.Call out to Calais during the No Border camp in Brussels
26-09-2010 15:32
As many of us have gone or are going to the No Border camp in Brussels we are going to be low in numbers on the ground for a few days...Enjoy your harvest
21-09-2010 11:59
The annual Barracks Lane Community Garden Harvest Festival will take place this Saturday. Activities during the day include the Great Fruit and Vegetable Swap, making fresh apple juice and vegetable print-making for children.A call out from Amsterdam
20-09-2010 12:48