UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
September Listings for Cowley Club Social Centre, Brighton
29-08-2007 12:11

autonomous knowledge and power in a society
28-08-2007 23:14
A short conclusion about the Black Block glossaries in the rural debate about militant tactics on International Brigades eve on Autumn 2007!Worth to read it:)
Time to stop Beeston Tesco?
28-08-2007 17:39
Now the site has been cleared is it time to reclaim the heart of Beeston?Landmatters Coop gets planning approval!
25-08-2007 09:45

Sipson Says Thankyou to Climate Camp
23-08-2007 12:58

Black Block in Rostock
23-08-2007 00:48
I wear black for the poor and beaten down…And for the prisoner who has long since served his time
(Johnny Cash)
Wanted! - Queer Activist Street / Graffiti Artists
21-08-2007 17:05
Art project looking for socially/politically engaging artists addressing issues of prejudice, inequality and repression in public and urban spaces.Queer Pakistan - 'Less inhibited than West!'
20-08-2007 22:50
As the socio-psychological concept of being queer in our times furbished another relinquish of anti-racist cacophony for persons in their count-ability to re stable life behavior!No Borders Camp Solidarity Film Night: Camberwell Squatted Centre
20-08-2007 14:33

Camberwell Squatted CentreBOOTY REBEL caff and party!!
20-08-2007 10:17

Camberwell Squatted Centre more free films
20-08-2007 10:07

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BAA Tent Blockade - Nightime Pictures
20-08-2007 02:54

Audio report from some of those camping overnight at BAA
19-08-2007 22:14

Some photos from Sunday
19-08-2007 16:26

Radley Lakes - Npower Sell More Ash in 2006 Than Ever Before
18-08-2007 12:34
Npower's justification for filling Thrupp Lakes with ash is lookingvery sketchy now.
Defend Meanwhile Gardens
18-08-2007 02:47
David Cameron is piggy in the middle as local community gardens come under attack from local authority.Local Scouts visit Climate Camp + other photos
17-08-2007 14:38

One group was a local scout group with some of them doing their environment badge. They came for a tour around the infrastructure including the solar showers, compost toilets, solar panels, wind generators and power providers, the indymedia computer tent and rinky dink the pedal powered bicycle sound system. Living locally their homes are under threat from the Heathrow airport expansion.
Climate Activists Blockade Department For Transport To Stop Airport Expansion
17-08-2007 10:00
Official press release follows ....Climate Camp 2007 - taking of the site saturday night.
16-08-2007 18:35

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Eye in the sky surveillance at climate camp
16-08-2007 15:31