UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
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London Mayday 300th Anniversary Party
14-04-2008 15:40
The Space Hijackers and Metropolitan Police Cordially invite you toMayday.
Squat days of action summary...
14-04-2008 11:48

The following is an attempt at a non comprehensive summary of the actions, demonstrations, gatherings and various initiatives that happen during the days of action for squats and autonomous spaces. The summary was created from reports on the IMC UK newswire and english language reports posted to the April2008 website.
Note: A more comprehensive summary now exists on the April2008 website..Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Action report-Angel Group targetted
14-04-2008 10:52
As part of the days of action in support of squats and autonomous spaces-Action at Angel Group- building graffitied, locks glued, 12 company vehicles damaged.
Reclaim the Streets - Defending autonomous space in Wellington
14-04-2008 01:57

A Reclaim the Streets party took place in Wellington as part of the decentralized days of action for squats and autonomous spaces. After a protest against the Labour Party conference, around 30 people marched through town to Upper Abel Smith Street where a group of people was already setting up for the street party.
Day of Action for Squating and Autonomous Spaces, Brighton, 12/04/08.
13-04-2008 13:50

[april2008] tour de squat rotterdam
12-04-2008 22:46
Twenty five brave souls motivated themselves to follow the tour de squat in Rotterdam. The weather was fine and spirits were high. We passed the sites of 50 or so squats, some still existing, others from the past.Squatters In Tabloid Paper Shocker
12-04-2008 11:14

Nottingham New Squat Occupied: Day 2
12-04-2008 00:18

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Nottingham New Squat Occupied: opp. Galleries of Justice
11-04-2008 13:28

Nottingham's Old County Hall Occupied
11-04-2008 12:21

Since a few days, a group of people have occupied the Old County Hall in Nottingham as part of the international days of action for free culture and autonomous spaces. Also see feature article. The building, also known as 'the Judges' Lodgings' has both a fascinating history and is a building of outstanding beauty. So what is its history? Who's been living there over the years? And why has been sitting empty for so many years?
"For many years it was used as the Judge's Lodgings, and behind it is a really charming garden which forms an oasis of greenery which it is very difficult to see from anywhere else than the windows of the schoolrooms of Halifax Place Chapel. It is a 17th century house which was greatly altered about 1833, about which time it was purchased from the Fellows family, who had removed thither from a smaller house a little to the west. Before their time it was occupied by Lady Hutchinson, the mother of Colonel Hutchinson." That's an extract from an article on Notts History, an online collection of copyleft articles on Nottinghamshire's vibrant history. Reading through articles about the history of the Judge's Lodgings, one thing is certain. And that is that some very high ranked individuals have lived here over the centuries.
Links: Nottinghamshire History | Announcing The New Squat: Location (Nottingham) | Nottingham Braced For Squat Actions (feature) | Days of Action for Squats and Autonomous Spaces
Bristolians take part in International homelessness/squatters action day
11-04-2008 10:24
A vacant city centre building, the Little Theatre in Colston Street, was occupied this morning by homeless Bristolians as part of a co-ordinated day of action round the world.Announcing The New Squat: Location (Nottingham)
11-04-2008 08:30

New Ungdomshus agreement in Copenhagen
10-04-2008 22:52

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Birmingham Free Space - Building occupied!
10-04-2008 17:19
Building now in hand for the weekend of events in Birmingham - for timetable see
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Squatters Estate Agents Opens In London
10-04-2008 17:07

Women's and Poly-Trans Benefit Party and Workshops at Wominspace
10-04-2008 15:28
You are invited to a lovely party and workshops at the new women's social centre in Hackney, East London! This Saturday 12th April . 4a Corbridge Crescent, off Mare Street, Hackney E2.Space Is The Place @ rampART Friday
10-04-2008 13:39
Part of a one-off series of events in London autonomous spaces to coincide with the days of action in defence of squats and for an anti-capitalist popular culture. Things kick off on the evening of Friday 11th with a social meet up and info night at the rampART social centre on Friday evening - a chance to chat about events and actions over the weekend and tell people about the autonomous spaces you are involved in.From 7pm at 15 rampart street, London E1 2LA
New squatted space openned in London
10-04-2008 13:15