UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Peoples Global Action Info Evening at London's LARC, Fri 24th
22-10-2003 13:40
Peoples Global Action Infopoint Evening:LARC, 62 Fieldgate street, Whitechaple tube
Friday 24th Oct, 7.30pm.
Indy Fest Huge Success
21-10-2003 22:37

Resist the Eviction : Defend St Agnes Place this friday
21-10-2003 21:30

(kennington, south london)
Details at

Plus check out streaming radio.
DONATIONS needed to support FTAA/ALCA Indymedia Organizing
21-10-2003 18:00
Many people associated with Indymedia are preparing to cover the FTAA/ALCA Ministerial meeting in Miami this coming November. Several work groups have been formed to coordinate different aspects of our effort. Since Indymedia is an all volunteer collective, to cover this historic moment in history, we are in need of funds to pay for the costs of computer, video and web radio hardware, Internet access and a public convergence space.Kings College and Political Reaction: a primer
21-10-2003 10:27
Some of you might have noticed that the Anti Capitalist Action (ACA) group is functional again

pirate radio back on air!!
16-10-2003 15:30
oxford pirate radio up an running again!California Recall
15-10-2003 20:23
California and Arnold as a new Governor.Is this a case of America on the new path for a revolution?
Just my own personal thoughts.
London Social Forum: what have we achieved
13-10-2003 11:00
At the end of the first London Social Forum (LSF) meeting on October 4th, we were challenged to answer the question: what have we achieved?Full article | 1 addition | 12 comments
stagecoach bigots
13-10-2003 09:37

Funeral Options: Cremation, Burial or Perhaps, Freeze Dry?
12-10-2003 12:02

Thames Gateway Essex : Cutting through the glossy brochures
09-10-2003 15:56
The Thames Gateway is a range of developments in Essex, Kent and East London that will mean an end to many of the remaining green spaces in this already damaged part of the UK.Visit Scotland a' deanamh dearmad air a' Ghàidhlig
02-10-2003 21:41
Chaidh a chur às leth Visit Scotland an-diugh nach eil iad a' toirt fa-near an tarraing a th' ann an cultar na Gàidhlig do luchd turais.EVICTION OF KASA DE LA MUNTANYA ON OCTOBER 2nd TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED
02-10-2003 11:01
Private 'police' plan
02-10-2003 09:57
An area of Liverpool stretching from Hanover Street to The Strand will be policed by a private force known as 'quarter masters', the public inquiry into Liverpool's biggest ever redevelopment heard from the Okupe Phylum
30-09-2003 15:23

from the Court System which wishes to evict it from it's space.
Quid pro Quo the concentration of resistance prescheduled for
the morning of Oct 2nd has been likewise postponed.
However the demonstration/manifestation called by the Assembly of Okupes, Barcelona shall still happen October 1st.
pics of "Kasa de la Muntanya" support protest in Edinburgh
29-09-2003 23:00

Placard-waving protestors plastered the Consulate with flyers, delivered a letter to the Consulate-General and distributed leaflets denouncing the attempted eviction of the self-managed community centre.
"For 14 years LA KASA DE LA MUNTANYA has been a community, cultural and social centre run on principles of self-organisation and self-regulation. Despite the fact that there is clear evidence that the Spanish government has obtained ownership of the building illegally and has no plans for its use, an eviction has been scheduled for 2nd October," declared flyers distributed by the dozen demonstrators.