UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Support needed at new road protest camp
23-06-2003 14:31
An urgent call for help is going out for a new anti-road protest camp just set up in beautiful West Sussex woodlands.reclaim the beach solstice party pics online
23-06-2003 14:26
ace party celebrating the solstice in londonloadsa people n good tunes and no hassle from the law
Quick report from stonehenge solstice 2003
23-06-2003 14:23
Stonehenge Solstice 200321.06.03 sheffield united soundsystems
23-06-2003 13:49
sheffield united soundsystems-biggets solstice free party in sheffield for yearsStonehenge Solstice Pics (inc arrest)
23-06-2003 13:05

Despite English Heritage opening "on the wrong day" and saying that people would only be allowed into the stones at 2am, a record 27-30,000 people attended the celebration.
peace in the park feedback
22-06-2003 15:39
Peace in the Park took over Devonshire Green in Sheffield for a day. As the sun shined...Sheffield Peace in the Park
21-06-2003 21:11

Peace in the Park
20-06-2003 00:00

Free party clampdown?
19-06-2003 20:30

UK Social Forum?
17-06-2003 15:28
Social Fora have been springing up around the UK like mushrooms...March Against Third Runway
30-05-2003 11:01
Saturday 7 June 2003 - A two mile march in opposition to plans for a third runway at Heathrow which will result in the demolition of up to 10,000 homes, scores of listed buildings, two ancient chuches, three schools, and the enforced relocation of up to 35,000 residents. The protest march will start from Sipson Meadow, Sipson Road, HARLINGTON at 11.30am. It will end in a rally, to be addressed by MPs, in HARMONDSWORTH at 1.30pm. ALL WELCOME TO JOIN IN ESPECIALLY MEDIA.Chesterfield Mayday M5 Video
05-05-2003 16:53
A one minute video of the Chesterfield Mayday demonstration.Bilston Anti Bypass Camp - News Update
21-03-2003 13:57
After a cold & snowy winter Bilston Wood is coming to life again...Steward Wood planning permission safe
06-02-2003 22:34
The High Court judge upheld the Inspector's decision to give Steward Community Woodland 5 years temporary residential permission...Bilston Wood- Anti Road Protest Camp near Edinburgh
25-11-2002 17:16

About eight miles south from Edinburgh near Penicuik is
Bilston Woods. It is an SSSI or the Scottish equivalent and faces having a bypass ripped through it. BIOTECH (famous for cloning sheep) has started this private road construction, a bypass to the A701.
Aspire Vs Leeds City Council (The plot thickens)
24-11-2002 16:20
The polics broke in the door to the free-space known as aspire, during a party, using pepper spray against peaceful party goers.Leeds social centre attacked by police
24-11-2002 13:21
A-spire, a temporary social centre in Leeds was attacked around 3am sunday morning and stormed by police using tear gas and pepper spray.A-Spire vs Leeds Council
22-11-2002 10:32
A-Spire are facing eviction from a Leeds council building that has been converted into a social space and indoor skate park!