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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow

01-11-2011 17:35

Below is an open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow. If your organisation would like to sign the letter, please email

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Photographs from Squatting Demo 31.10.11

01-11-2011 14:58

walking to tube down High St Kensington
few images from last nights critical mass to defend Squatting and visit to Evening Standard office who have been pushing an unfounded anti-squatting campaign

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Titnore Under Threat Again!!

01-11-2011 11:25

Titnore Woods is again under threat of disappearing under 700+ houses...

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Manchester Mule: Mass sleep out to oppose new squatting laws

01-11-2011 09:59

Around 20 people slept outside the BBC on Oxford Road, Manchester last night to oppose new legislation that would criminalise squatting. An amendment to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill which has its first reading in the House of Commons today, Tuesday 1 November, will make it a criminal rather than civil offence to trespass in an empty residential property.

Campaigners also visited the constituency offices of Lib Dem MPs Mark Hunter (Cheadle Hulme) and Andrew Stunnel (Hazel Grove), leaving messages explaining the effects of homelessness on squatting.

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Squatting Demo Shut Down by Police

01-11-2011 06:10

Police have arrested at least a dozen people who were sleeping on the streets outside parliament in protest against the potential criminalisation of squatting. In a last minute amendment to their Legal Aid and Sentence Bill, the government will today be voting on Clause 26, which will make squatting in residential properties illegal. Hundreds of people met at different locations in London last night to express opposition to the Clause, and finally congregated at Parliament Square, where they were “kettled” and arrested en mass for trying to sleep on the streets.

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St. Andrews Prepares for Another Occupation

31-10-2011 19:08

St. andrews leads the way in rolling occupations. We urge student activists to adopt our tatic and keep the pressure up.

Below is the email sent out to hundreds of students.

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special Critical Mass rides in support of squatting

31-10-2011 15:48

Happening today and tomorrow, to coincide with the criminalisation clause's introduction in the House of Commons

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Weekly blog roundup

29-10-2011 11:03

The following is drawn from a variety of local activist blogs

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Hove MP calls for powers to control messy squatters

28-10-2011 15:43

This is a story from Brighton's local paper, The Argus. We took the liberty of correcting some obvious typos, but the rest is verbatum.

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Out Of The Squats And Into The Streets

28-10-2011 13:42

Squatted sleep out
The Government wants to sneak through the criminalisation of squatting, it will be voted on in Parliament this Tuesday 1st November.

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Housing should be a right not a privilege

28-10-2011 02:14

The Squatting Network of Brighton respond to the possible criminalisation of squatting, to be discussed in Parliament on the coming Monday. We're angry and obviously concerned that the government have sneaked this clause into an unrelated bill, and hence wish to inform the masses of this potentially enormous miscarriage of justice. Excuse our formal language but it is our press release!

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Occupy Birmingham Gets Notice to Vacate from Birmingham City Council

27-10-2011 12:15

Breaking news, two representatives of Birmingham City Council have handed to the group occupying Victoria Square on behalf of Occupy movement, a notice to vacate the square, the message is as follows:

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Public meeting announced to defend Grow Heathrow

26-10-2011 19:40

>They trashed the land. >They were evicted by the council.
>We cleared 30 tonnes of their rubbish. >We planted vegetables, fixed bikes and provided community space.
>They want to evict us.
>We want to stop them.

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Plans afoot to criminalise squatting in residential buildings

26-10-2011 17:49

Despite the respondents to its very own consultation overwhelmingly supporting squatting, the Government is still moving full steam ahead to criminalise a solution to emptiness. It's a farcical situation! But one which may have far-reaching consequences...

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OK Cafe social centre returns again in Manchester

25-10-2011 22:01

The OK Cafe in Fallowfield, Manchester
Manchester's OKasional cafe has returned. The temporary squatted social centre project has occupied a disused old people's home in Fallowfield, South Manchester. For three weeks the space will provide vegan lunch, dinner, workshops, events, gigs, parties, a library and more.

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All Revolutions bike ride and launch Leeds

25-10-2011 20:14

radical history cycle ride and launch event uniting 3 autonomous spaces in Leeds.

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Profit-driven Bristol Catholic Priest increases homelessness and poverty

24-10-2011 15:08

father gregory grant in portland square
The Parish priest of St Patrick's in Redfield, Bristol, Rev. Gregory Grant, is the Chairman of PG Group, the body which is currently seeking an eviction order against the occupiers of the Factory Social Centre in Cave Street, Bristol. He is also the Chairman of the Grant Bradley Trust, the charitable body which benefits from the profits made by PG group and which claims to have as one of its aims "the relief of poverty and sickness by the provision of affordable housing and associated amenities for persons in need."

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Occupy Melbourne violently attacked by Police (for Queen's visit)

24-10-2011 11:44

Attack on Occupy Melbourne: Police Tactics from above
After six days of peaceful occupation of the city square, and five days before the Queen is due to visit Melbourne, Lord Mayor Robert Doyle warned that if the protestors didn't leave today they would be forcibly removed. The eviction was carried out by 400 police including riot police and dogs. Horses and capsicum spray were also used to attack the crowd at various times. (Repost from IMC Melbourne)

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Occupy Pompey Today Noon.

22-10-2011 08:59

Occupy Pomey TODAY!!Guildhall Square.