UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Riseup Radio Report on day one of the Occupation of Nottingham University
29-01-2009 04:58
We speak to four students about their experiences on the first night of the occupation of room B62 in the Law and Social Science Building at University of Nottingham.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Breaking News: Student Occupation at Nottingham University
28-01-2009 23:24

Speech of Craig Murray to Students Occupying Cambridge University Law Faculty
28-01-2009 03:03
Despite being denied proper access to the Law Faculty building, ex-ambassador Craig Murray spoke and answered questions from the entrance for over 45 minutes. He spoke on the US war in Central Asia for control over natural gas pipelines, Lord Taylor of Blackburn and other war profiteers, and anti-Muslim propaganda in the media. Murray explicitly supported several key demands of the occupation as reasonable: that the university withdraw investment from the arms trade; that there be bursaries for Palestinian students; and that the university condemn Israel's recent actions towards Gaza.Milano-Let’s take back Cox 18, the Calusca Library and the Primo Moroni archive!
27-01-2009 01:57

The 22nd of January 2009 at 7.00 am, about a hundred policeman has entered and cleared out the Cox 18 - Conchetta Squat, occupied more than 33 years ago, where has place the Calusca library, created in 1971, and the precious and historical archive Primo Moroni.
Sussex occupation: Discussion on boycott of Israel Mon 7pm
25-01-2009 21:59

No CCTV Meeting 27th Jan
25-01-2009 10:31
No CCTV on the Cowley Road next steps Meeting 27/1/09Conchetta Social Centre, Milano: Eviction and mobilisation
24-01-2009 17:28
Milan / Italy - On Jan 22th the historical centro sociale-squatt Conchetta (also called Cox18) was evicted by an action of force organized by the Police as requested by the right-racist-neoliberist municipality of Milan.Gaza Appeal - BBC Complaints Line
24-01-2009 13:52
BBC receiving a growing number of complaints regarding their decision to refuse to Broadcast Gaza Appeal.Analysis of UK University Occupations.
24-01-2009 01:37
Initial response to the wave of occupations in a dozen universities across the country in solidarity with Gaza. The Theorillas [Theory-Guerillas] are an affinity group throwing theory at the movement.Full article | 3 additions | 3 comments
Cambridge University Gaza Solidarity Occupation
23-01-2009 21:39

solidarity with Gaza
Sussex Uni still occupied!
23-01-2009 14:40
Three days in and going strong.Dukes, Squatters, Travellers and Mortgages
22-01-2009 19:32
Three very different and apparently unrelated housing stories appeared intoday's news: 92% rise in repossessions, parklane squatters and a High Court decision whih woll mean the eviction of Dale Farm, a Irish Traveler Site in Essex.
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Occupation of Manchester Metropolitan University in solidarity with Gaza
22-01-2009 16:38
MMU Students are currently occupying lecture theatre 7 of the Geoffrey Manton building in solidarity with GazaSolidarity with Arab students in Haifa university
22-01-2009 08:17
We Palestinian Arab students at Haifa University strongly condemn the discriminative polices and practices employed by the administration of the university against its Arab students.Sussex Occupation: To all other occupying students
21-01-2009 23:21
A communique to all universities occupying in solidarity with Palestinians from the Sussex occupation.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Sussex University occupation for a free Palestine DEMANDS
21-01-2009 09:38
Yesterday evening Sussex university students occupied a main lecture theatre in solidarity with the people of Gaza. Please send statements of support or enquiries to
Kings College London Occupation in solidarity with Gaza
20-01-2009 20:59

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Students are occupying Arts LR4, University of Birmingham - Solidarity with Gaza
20-01-2009 09:49
A group of students are occupying Arts LR4 in solidarity with Gaza and Palestinian students and are asking for people to join and support their occupation. There is more on their website:
This follows occupations by SOAS, LSE, and Essex in the past week.
Get down to Arts LR4 to express your support!