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Space Hijackers Mayday report

04-05-2007 21:03

The growing crowd
A report on the Mayday Suited & Booted party from the Space Hijackers site.

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The Basement Fire / Flood Update. WE NEED YOU!

04-05-2007 12:17

The Basement is a social centre in Central Manchester with a vegan cafe, activist library, bookshop, computer hub and exhibition space. We have been badly affected by the massive fire on Monday and we are appealing for help so we can get back open again as soon as possible.

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Garden gnome parties on Mayday in Glasgow

02-05-2007 11:38

The Glasgow Mayday street party passed without any incident as police and partyistas behaved both politely, respectful and cooperatively towards each other.

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Pictures from SQUAF open mic night

02-05-2007 10:06

Here are some pictures from the open mic night at the SQUAF cafe social centre at the old tramway pub on London Road, Sheffield

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Oaxaca Solidarity Film Night! CAMBERWELL SQUATTED CENTRE

01-05-2007 23:22

As part of our regular Wednesday Film Nights, we will be showing two films that focus on the recent struggles in Oaxaca, Mexico. Event is free. All welcome.

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Short report of mayday march and dancing in the streets!

01-05-2007 22:53

"Event for all"
Mayday began with the gathering of the Unions, autonomous bloc and Turkish Workers organisations, amongst others, mobilising at Clerkenwell Green to set off on the march to Trafalgar Square. The march itself was largely uneventful, being smaller than past years, brisk of pace and fairly contained by police and stewards

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Preston Council's Crazy Plans To Barrage Ribble: One Step Closer to The Brink

01-05-2007 22:21

The Riverworks Barrage across the River Ribble is one step closer to reality today after Preston City Council decided, against the advice of local people and environmentalists, to apply to the North West Development Agency for funds for a feasibility study into their plans to build a barrage across the Ribble and 4000 homes and businesses in it's floodplain - plans that would threaten the precious environment of the Ribble Estuary and raise the flood risk to local residents.

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Mayday Early Report - South London

01-05-2007 16:38

50 people share food, drink and music in Kennington Park, South London. A 15 foot Maypole was erected before the eye of bemused officers of the law and dancing proceeded.

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Squaf: Sheffield Squat Café and Social Centre

01-05-2007 15:53

Opening tonight, 1st May 2007, for a limited time only (depending on input), is a new squatted social centre and café in the former Tramway pub on London Road, Sheffield.

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Lip Reading Surveillance Cameras To Stop Terror

01-05-2007 11:09

Modern CCTV camera: Who is watching you and your kids?
Cameras may be used to read your lips for anti-terrorist reasons.

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films and talks at Camberwell Squatted Centre this week

30-04-2007 22:31

Here follows a short list of this weeks excitement for all at the new-ish south london social centre. all events free. check our website for full may programme

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The gentrification of free festivals

30-04-2007 21:17

It is spring equinox, the moon is bright. I had sweet-talked some sweet foreigners into attending the Beltane festival on Calton Hill in Edinburgh tonight. It used to be a great festival, music, fire, dance. I've been about 5 times over it's 20 year history, but I've been busy with war stuff for the past 3 years. I did go the year it was 'banned' ( ) and I was one of the people who ignored the council bouncers and took down the barriers. I've done other stuff to help out too, and when they started asking for donations, I was happy to donate.

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Reclaim the Square! - Summer picnic

30-04-2007 08:58

Well after £7m and what seems like several decades the Belaboured Party's vanity project is now open. To celebrate it let's have a mass picnic there on Sun 13th May.

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Denmark, Kopenhagen: "Still feel like rioting..."

30-04-2007 08:00

Denmark, Kopenhagen. On "Ground 69" [the place of the destroyed youth centre `Ungdomshuset´] people yesterday again began to built barricades. Later the whole Jagtvej was full with burning barricades.
Windows of banks, supermarkets, companies were smashed. surveillance cameras destroyed.

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Police charge cyclists at Glasgow Critical Mass

29-04-2007 19:47

Last night the police committed a surprising u-turn in their approach to dealing with Glasgow Critical Mass. The Mass has previously been accompanied by cycle officers "to ensure the safety of the cyclists" however there has been no police presence since last September. This changed dramatically with the April Critical Mass;

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Mayday 2007 - Camberwell Squatted Centre, Maypoles and Picnic

29-04-2007 13:44


Procession from Camberwell Squatted Centre, 2pm to Mayday picnic in Kennington Park, London SE11 from 3pm onwards.

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Oslo: the police is raiding the blitz looking for explosives

27-04-2007 01:03

The police has closed the road around blitz and raided the place looking for explosives

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Blitz in Oslo raided by the police

26-04-2007 23:58

The police in Oslo, Norway, has stormed and raided the autonomous centre Blitz after the anti-nato demos thursday.
According to the police they were looking for "explosives".

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Camberwell Squatted Centre - Full Weekend Programme

26-04-2007 23:31

Here is your guide to the weekend's events at the CAMBERWELL SQUATTED CENTRE
190 Warham St
Off Camberwell New Rd
London SE5

Check the website for the full April/May calendar.

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Celebrate Mayday! Raise Money For Iraqi Workers! See Bands! In Liverpool!

26-04-2007 19:08

Liverpool Social Forum presents: Mayday '07 - the last non-commercialised festival!