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London Rising Tide benefit tonight, Friday Sept 24th, Rampart St., + update

24-09-2004 00:10

This Friday 24th from 8-late there's an London Rising Tide benefit at the Rampart St. E1 social centre, with...
* quality dinner
* films of oil, climate chaos & resistance (including 'Cheeky Apocalypse', 'Oil Be Damned', 'The Curse of Oil' & 'Don't Worry')
* live tunes from The Tell, Godlike Animals as well as the decks
* acoustic jam, open to all

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22-09-2004 20:05

The BC Government and Delta Hotels are teaming up against the Secwepemc People and stealing their land and destroying their homes, cabins, forests and other sacred places/sybols.

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Birmingham City Council snoop on the Nursery Social Centre

22-09-2004 16:39

Anthony Reece employed by the City Council's Economic "Development" Dept
Two Birmingham City Council employees turned up yesterday to deliver Court papers to the Nursery Social Centre in Selly Oak. One man reluctantly identified himself as Anthony Reese, the other man picture refused to identify himself. Mr. Reese when asked to identify himself held his Identity card upside down. He also refused initially to give his office phone number. He categorically refused to tell us his bosses name but we know he works for the City Council's Economic "Development" Dept - the department responsible for evicting us and "developing" the secret garden.

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Camboaters become official

22-09-2004 08:12

Live-aboard boat-owners on the river Cam are celebrating their new status as an official association.

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Squatters in "Normal Interaction" Shock

21-09-2004 09:45

Squatters in Rose Hill were recently overheard having polite conversation with neighbours and agreeing to live amicably alongside one another.

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Cuba night, free cinema at rampART

21-09-2004 09:44

It's Cuba Night @Rampart's anticopyright cinema this Wednesday 22nd! So come join us for quality food, music & films...

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Eviction Alert for the Nursery Social Centre tomorrow 9:00 am

20-09-2004 14:06

Eviction letter giving us only 24 hours to leave the Social Centre
The Nursery Social Centre is on high eviction alert. People are urgently needed to support us from 9:00am tomorrow, Tuesday 21st September 2004

We have been served an eviction notice (attached) to leave the building by 10:00am, in 24 hours time. This is simply not sufficient time nor warning for us to leave the building with all our possessions. We are calling a peaceful demonstration at the Nursery from 9:00am tomorrow. There will be a breakfast of tea coffee and cake for everyone who can support us. People are very welcome to come and stay this evening if that's more convenient. Please come and support us!

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Who gives a **** about Swindon Town Centre?

19-09-2004 19:21

"Who gives a [tick] about Swindon Town Centre?" - Swindon Civic Trust's stall
On Saturday the 18th September 2004, two very different ideas were being presented to the public in the Brunel centre in Swindon. One concerned the town centre, and the other concerned the land at the south-eastern edge of Swindon, known as Coate. One was being promoted by employees of a local planning company, the other by volunteers for a local charity.

Although these two stalls may have appeared unrelated to the casual observer, they were in fact inextricably linked, by the University of Bath and by issues of town planning, development and accountability to the public.

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Poortgebouw: Why It May Be The Last Party

19-09-2004 13:21

Poortgebouw, Rotterdam
The Poortgebouw is ready for the storm. The Vereniging Poortgebouw is a recognized living group of ±30 residents and the legal renter of one of Rotterdam's most distinctive buildings for the past 22 years. A unique social experiment is now threatened to be emptied out to make way for yet another luxury office.

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Global Warning

18-09-2004 15:12

Some creative people provide a global warning about our future...

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"Community Space not Lottery Waste!" public meeting @ the Nursery

17-09-2004 00:16

the now not so secret, secret garden :0)
The Nursery Social Centre, Birmingham, is hosting a public meeting about the future of the Lottery funded Bournbrook community garden - named 'the secret garden' by the children and staff of the former Nursery.

The meeting will take place this Saturday 18th September at 12:00 pm AT the Nursery Social Centre, 1 Bournbrook Road, Selly Oak Birmingham.

The donation based Cafe will be open, and a herbivore barbecue in the secret garden.

phone 07931606578


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Eviction threat to nursery invaders

16-09-2004 23:20

Some of the collective outside Birmingham County Court
Here's a sympathetic piece on Birmingham City Council's efforts to evict Birmingham's first Social Centre by the Evening Mail. The photos that follow were taken by the collective. More updates including a short film to follow...

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ESF Update Report on technology, media centres, and politics

15-09-2004 15:22

Communications, Media and Technology at the ESF 2004

A report compiled from documents published over the last year, and updated to give the latest situation.

There's a lot missing from here, especially all of the positive and constructive proposals made by various of the "horizontal" activists around website tools and communications structures designed to increase participation and transparency in the ESF process.

We know that the details of the logistics of a particular social forum tend to be the responsibily of the local organising committee / process, however there are some areas that have an impact of the very real political shape of the event, and are themselves political, and which should concern us all.

Communication structures and tools, websites, mailing lists, computers, media centres, press policies, software platforms, and licensing of media are all highly political issues, yet they have been dismissed as mere practicalities by many involved in the uk ESF process.

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Council Seeks to Evict The Nursery Social Centre, Birmingham

15-09-2004 07:11

PRESS RELEASE - by The Nursery Social Centre

Occupiers threatened with eviction - court case today

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the rampart conspiracy theory - wed 15th

15-09-2004 01:04

Wednesday Community Cinema 15th September

15 Rampart Street, London, E1 2LA (off Commerical Rd)

With the anniversary of 9/11 now behind us, we present an evening of conspiracy theory at the rampart. Depending on how our downloads go tonight, we’ll a jam packed session that would gladden the heart of conspiracy nutters anywhere.

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Solidarity needed as 'The Nursery' goes to court

13-09-2004 23:50

The Nursery is being taken to court by Birmingham City Council on Wed 15th

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Thames Gateway - Potential Destruction Becomes Reality

13-09-2004 11:13

As the promise of wealth and sustainable communities for the Thames Gateway reveals itself as a housing behemoth to satisfy the developers' greed and the Government's desire to concrete over the south east of England, a web site exists that can help people fight the most undesirable parts of the grand Thames Gateway plan.

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Global warning video

13-09-2004 00:28

A video warning...

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Voluntary & Community Sector Open Source 'Meze' Day - wed

11-09-2004 16:59

Loads of good people presenting stuff and speaking:

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ECF Peace Not War, free festival, report & photos

11-09-2004 15:46

Well, after weeks of preparation, the 6th ECF Visions of Another World event is in full swing after a rowsing launch by Rhythms of Resistance...