UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Queer BarberShop and Shoeshine
14-02-2006 17:49
Queer barbers and shoeshine boys,Queer Mutiny Northern Spring Gathering
14-02-2006 17:30

The Queer Mutiny Northern Spring Gathering
10-12th of March
If you didn't know already there will be a BIG Queer gathering/Meet up in Leeds on the 10th-12th of March, This is the programme so far... more will be added... BUT its the 'plan' so far...
The Politics Of Love
14-02-2006 16:27
Valentines Day is here again. Did you, like millions of others all across the world, traipse into novelty gift and card shops to buy up cute teddy bears holding velvet red hearts, red roses - real and fake - gold chains and rings? Or diamonds, the ultimate way to prove your love, right?URGENT ACTION: Autonomy Declared in Daechuri, South Korea
14-02-2006 03:26
Faced with Repression and Displacement, A South Korean Farming Community Declares Autonomy and Demands U.S. Military WithdrawalSolidarity for Prestes Maia
14-02-2006 02:48
Gentrification by greedy developers and corrupt local officials isn't just a problem in Hackney...'PRESTES MAIA MUST STAY' - squatter, social centres and samba solidarity demo, Thursday 16th Feb 1pm outside Brazilian Embassy, 32 Green St, London, W1 (bring drums, carnival costumes and cardboard boxes to erect shanty town)

Hugging Hippies spread Love while Tourists Watch
13-02-2006 23:11

Operation infinite Love
Spray Art at the ASBO - Pictures
13-02-2006 13:24

[Brazil]South America's largest squatted highrise building is under threat.
11-02-2006 15:40

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Video - hacklab, open source and free radio
11-02-2006 06:10

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Food Not Bombs this Saturday 11th February
09-02-2006 19:15

Free food will be served to homeless people and anyone else who wants to come along, or even get involved.
Full article | 1 addition | 10 comments
09-02-2006 13:13

Another Autonomous (ESF) Playground
08-02-2006 03:21
An Invitation for the Creation of an Autonomous Space During the 4th European Social Forum (Spring, 2006, Athens) This spring, the 4th ESF will take place in Athens. Thousands (maybe tens of thousands) of people from all around Europe, from an entire galaxy of social and political movements, organizations and collectives, will meet in our city to get to know each other, to exchange views and practices, to strengthen and extend the networks of resistance and creation, or even build new ones.Barcelona Another incident of police BRUTALITY.
08-02-2006 03:19
Barcelona, wild beating and groundless arrests out of a squatted building.Zanon speaking tour, Wed 15th Feb
07-02-2006 18:22
As part of the first Students Against Sweatshops campus-wide week of Action, Jose Julian Pununari from the occupied Argentinean Zanon factory is visiting the UK on a speaker tour. He is coming to Cambridge on Wednesday February 15 -- 12.30pmAlternative Social Forum in Caracas: voices from the left
06-02-2006 23:17
* In Caracas, Venezuela between the 23rd and 29th of January 2006, 10 local socio-political organizations offered an alternative forum and critique of national politics in response to the World Social Forum. The result was a smaller-scale event but self-directed and reflective of current self-organizing capacity. The alternative forum was independent, self-managed and borne out of years of experience of organizing in the Venezuelan context.Recycling Art and Banner making at the Sumac
06-02-2006 18:18

It was shown that with a little creativity, it is possible to put alsorts of material, that most would normally discarded, applied to other use. Here are some we made earlier.
News and sexually explicit content
06-02-2006 17:55
If I'd used a headline which includes the word's Big Brother I expect most indymedia readers won't bother reading the article thanks to Channel 4 and the likes of gorgeous george. If you read this article and can't find the secually explicit content then trying reading it again. If you've read it twice already and still can't find it, come to the rampART at 8pm SHARP on thursday and you'll get it. Otherwise, turn up late and you'll never know and get a bad seat for the show as well.London May Day
06-02-2006 13:45

Cambridge Social Centre?
04-02-2006 20:44
Do you have a great COMMUNITY PROJECT but nowhere to run it?Public Meeting
Wednesday 8th February at 8pm
The Hut. Fletchers Terrace, off Argyle Street, off Mill Road.