UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Norwich Greens release website road movie
17-09-2005 22:10
Norwich Green Party has released a short “road movie” on its website. Called “Let the bad dream fade”, the movie explores the impact that the NDR road and associated Council plans for Norwich to be a “Growth point” for housing developments.John H.o.W.A.R.d line roars at Fascism Week
17-09-2005 14:29

Friday 23rd Sept - Benefit Night for the Sumac
15-09-2005 22:46

InTheSameBoat presents a;
Benefit Night for the Sumac Centre ! (forest fields community info centre)
>>> See previous article about the Sumac Centre Appeal
- The Tramadolls (melodic meltingpot, mellow and marauding)
- Winterlong (coustic special for the mono seasonal band who indie & rock)
- Chris Benway (seasoned with Jeff Buckley & Velvets, then left to simmer)
- James Tolhurst (TBC)
Starts at 8pm, 2.50 donation, members and guests welcome.
Waterside Anti-Arms Fair Protests - Opposite DSEi (pics)
14-09-2005 20:25

Edinburgh: Screening of Social Centres Video tonight
14-09-2005 11:16
filmscreening about different social centres world wide,Date: 14th of September
Time 9.30pm
the Forest, Arts and Events Space on
3 Bristo Place,
EH1 1EY,

East End Adversaries
13-09-2005 18:29

The 8 page paper was delivered to an estimated 90% of streets in the Canning Town, Customs House and Beckton directly north of the Excel Centre in Docklands which hosts the event.
Pics from CAAT Anti-DSEi March (tues 13th sept)
13-09-2005 16:27

The march got as close as it could without breaking through police lines, where it paused just past connaught bridge underpass for speeches against the arms trade from local campaigners, including a local councillor.
Diaper DSEi Baby Bloc Invincibility Police Pics
13-09-2005 16:17

Correction: Land Roots Meeting on 15th at I.C.C.
12-09-2005 22:10
LAND ROOTS is having a meeting on Thurs, sept 15th, at the I.C.C. (International Community Centre) on Mansfield rd, at 8pm, hope to see you all there.Next meeting after this one is on the 19th october at the Sumac centre, and LAND ROOTS benefit gig on the 15th dec.
Some photos from workday at Burn Street
11-09-2005 18:02

Some photos from the workday at Burn Street.
beat the bombers...more pictures
10-09-2005 23:03

Pics from "Beat The Bombers Party for Peace!"
10-09-2005 17:40

Overpoliced, but good walking through the shopping streets and residential area talking to people living in the area.
DSEi radio this week
10-09-2005 10:09
Rampart Radio will try to bring regular updates from this weeks protests against DSEi, the worlds biggest arms fair.tune in, via

or visit

Your content and audio reports are welcome by email or phone but please ensure that you prioritise informing indymedia media dispatch of any breaking news first.
Indymedia Out-door - Nostalgia #1
08-09-2005 17:10

Danish police evict trailersite in Christiania, Copenhagen
08-09-2005 02:27

The Danish police has raided part of Christiania in Copenhagen, Denmark. About 200 riot police stormed the freestate and quickly sealed off 'Fredens Eng' (The Meadow of peace) which is a part of the site, where people live in trailers. In one of the biggest mass arrests in Denmark ever, the police made over 100 arrests. There are various reports of injured people. Most people have been charged with not following police orders, although some with charges relating to violence against the police.
Christinia had been self adminstrative, meaning no permit was needed to 'build' new property or have trailers parked up on it's grounds. Newly introduced law, means trailers have to leave, so new development can take place. The people from Christiania have resisted this new legislation for years. They wish to keep their autonomy and self managed decision making structures that have kept the place running for over 20 years...
Links: Christiania Website | Denmark Indymedia | Photos: (1) (2) | Danish Clown Army Website | Video (mainstream media) | More Film Footage - (free registration) | Newly introduced laws threaten Christiania
Still We Ride - Critical Mass Film
07-09-2005 09:08

An action-packed documentary that glimpses into the shocking showdown between the monthly Critical Mass bike ride and the New York City Police Department in the months after August 2004.
Introduction and discussion with two of the film's directors, Andrew Lynn and Elizabeth Press.
Friday 23rd of September 8pm @ the Midlands Arts Centre.
Screened with shorts from the International Bicycle Film festival (45mins).
the Sumac Centre appeal
05-09-2005 16:37

The Sumac Centre is an independent community and activist resource centre in Nottingham, UK. It is made up of a community cafe, social club, radical/social library, art exhibition space, veggie catering campaign, filmnights, talks, meeting spaces and the residents. The centre is used by various local groups, collectives and individuals working towards social change and sustainability. It has hosted many national and international gatherings in the past and hopes to continue to do so. The centre is entirely run by volunteers.
At the moment the centre is in need of help. Mainly due to reduced use of the centre/bar/cafe over the summer and mortgage rates increasing. At the moment there is a shortage of volunteers meaning the centre can't be open as much. We would like to continue to support and promote the work of many campaigns and individuals and continue the work we do in our local community...
Judgement - Video
03-09-2005 17:23

Bust the Bins - Oxfree strikes again
01-09-2005 19:43
The second weekly recycling of Oxfam's unwanted stuff grows on past success