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Bust the Bins - Oxfree strikes again

jacob | 01.09.2005 19:43 | Culture | Ecology | Free Spaces | Oxford

The second weekly recycling of Oxfam's unwanted stuff grows on past success

The second week of recycling Oxfam rubbish was a successful social and recycling event. After some of the bric-a-brac was laid out on a table borrowed from the east oxford community centre, it didn't take long for people to start looking through the huge amounts of books, videos, clothes, trinkets and other paraphenalia. This week the stall lasted for nearly two hours with about half of all the contents of oxfams 3 bins full of discarded products being taken by people who were at first cautious then gradually more comfortable to start sifting through the piles and piles of great junk on offer. Some people even took the initiative and started looking for more stuff in the bins themselves, maybe after a few weeks the table won't be needed!
One member of the public commented that "the people wondering past were surpised when they realised what was actually going on".
Not only was it very successful recycling-wise but people went away commenting that what they found had been a highlight of their day and many people milled around the table chatting even after they'd finished rummaging for goodies. Already looking forward to 6pm Thursday next week
