UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Critical Mass London 10 years old in April
09-03-2004 00:36
Critical Mass cycle party, ten years of the most fun you can have on a bike!Lancaster University Occupation
08-03-2004 17:52
![[[:::settin' up:::]]](/icon/2004/03/286572.jpg)
08-03-2004 13:06
Walmart final atempt to remove demonstraters from ossary rd asda site/Hackney flats not evicted
08-03-2004 13:04
Most of the flats on estates in the kingsland area have not been evicted, and the situation has calmed down. Some unoccupied places have been smashed & boarded up by the council - I don't know whether any of these are squatters' homes, and the police say they have evicted some crack & smack houses. The council now say they will issue possesion proceedings through the courts, although they may try more DIY evictions in the comming days, especially if any flats are left unocupied.Hackney Council are about to illegally evict ten Flats right now ! !
08-03-2004 10:51
10.32 AM, As I write Hackney Council workers have arrived at Whiston Road on the Kingsland Estate to illegally evict dwellers living in ten flats, without applying to the local magistrates court. The police are expected to arrive at any minute to enforce this unlawful proceedure. The dwellers need support to resist this illegal eviction!Sherwood Camp , Eviction Update , Call 2 Action
08-03-2004 02:19
A message from those on SiteThe water rats report! ESF EXCLUSIVE
07-03-2004 00:45

Free cafe at Bilston Glen Protest Site
05-03-2004 14:48
Cafe with free food and tea all afternoon. Hopefully some musicians playing in the evening.Massive Tree Defence / Eviction in France (jan/feb)
05-03-2004 14:13

If anyone can translate the main articles from Paris Indymedia into english and post them to uk indymedia newswire that'd be great.
News from Sherwood
05-03-2004 12:17

Another Social Centre to open this Friday in Kentish Town!
04-03-2004 12:28
Barricades and Scaffold do not make a social centre!A Tale of Two Road Blockades - Blackwood
02-03-2004 18:07

Tree Destruction at Blackwood - Pics
01-03-2004 22:41

Resistance ! (over ground under ground!)
28-02-2004 20:52

Events @ Occupied Social Centre
27-02-2004 11:49
Events at the Occupied Social Centre, 93 Fortess Road, Kentish Town, NW5 will continue as normal in resistance to the threat of eviction.Eviction Delayed at Occupied Social Centre (Fortess Road)
24-02-2004 13:10
Tuesday 24th February: This morning the planned eviction of the occupied social centre at 93 Fortess Road in Kentish Town, London, was stalled by the presence of around seventy supporters.