Hackney flats not evicted
Harry Nelson | 08.03.2004 13:04 | Free Spaces | Repression | Social Struggles | London
Most of the flats on estates in the kingsland area have not been evicted, and the situation has calmed down. Some unoccupied places have been smashed & boarded up by the council - I don't know whether any of these are squatters' homes, and the police say they have evicted some crack & smack houses. The council now say they will issue possesion proceedings through the courts, although they may try more DIY evictions in the comming days, especially if any flats are left unocupied.
I'll put more details up soon, as well as a bit of video when I get a chance. I tried to post a longer report and lost it in cyperspace. Remember to type your reports in a text editor first, not directly into the website.
Thanks to everyone that came down to support us - it may have made all the difference.
Previous reports:
Hackney Council are about to illegally evict ten Flats right now ! !

Hackney Council & Cops Threaten to Illegally evict Kingsland Squatters

Harry Nelson
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