UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Resist the Eviction of THE SQUARE & Festival
20-06-2006 12:01


Group Work: arts-related groups, collectives and movements
17-06-2006 10:55
Dear enthusiasts of group work and collaboration:Please help us build a database of people working in arts and arts-related groups, collectives and movements.
Matilda Tresspass Hearing
16-06-2006 22:08

Are you listening YORKSHIRE BACKWARDS !
16-06-2006 20:33

common place cinema event on 25 June cancelled
16-06-2006 17:18
The Common Place cinema collective has announced that the 'Comedy special' Sunday cinema on the 25 June, 3-6pm, is cancelled. It will be showing the World Cup Final on Sunday 9 July, and beforehand will show some football films to get everyone in the mood.thanks
cinema collective
Police at Matilda
16-06-2006 12:56
Around 13:45 today, police arrived at Matilda, asking to come inside. People are requested to come down in support of the activists inside. More news as it comes in...Bath subvertisers celebrate new look sainsburys
16-06-2006 01:22

Bristol Planet Picnic!
15-06-2006 15:05
Pre-Climate Camp Picnic- Bristol Sunday 25th JuneMatilda is a cave! Squatter's Filmnight
15-06-2006 14:31
Film Night on Friday 16th June in Matilda, starting 19.30h.Featuring the classical squatter movie Themroc (see beneath) and more delightful films.
15-06-2006 13:56

Change of plans, Sharphill
15-06-2006 02:42

Yorkshire Forward, Matilda and the Discurs of Health and Safety
14-06-2006 23:39

The argument used in this mornings attack on the Social Centre is that health and safety in the building was poor.
By putting forward this argument YF is trying to avoid talking about the real issue of the conflict: Who takes part in the development of the city?
Perrier Comedy Award ends as Nestle bows to boycott pressure
14-06-2006 22:40
A boycott of the Nestlé Perrier Award at the Edinburgh Fringe was launched in 2001. Today Nestlé announced it was no longer sponsoring the Award and the organiser announced a new sponsor. The demonstration outside the event was part of the protest calendar, but good riddance to Nestlé.Full article | 4 additions | 2 comments
Matilda Squatted!
14-06-2006 17:15

Animal Rights benefit night 17th June - MATILDA Sheffield
14-06-2006 15:51

MATILDA Social Centre Sheffield UK

14-06-2006 12:40

Full article | 7 additions | 1 comment
Matilda Social Centre being evicted right now
14-06-2006 09:21
The Matilda Social Centre in Sheffield,
14-06-2006 08:30

Sunday 25 June 2006
Meet 2pm on Camberwell Green, corner of Camberwell Church St
City Mine(d) Urban Forum 18 June
14-06-2006 08:07

Rhythms of Resistance: against the privatisation of social housing
13-06-2006 11:10
The biggest radical samba band hits the streets for the right to have a home!