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Sheffield Street Piano faces Eviction

27-06-2006 22:37

Grass roots autonomous bottom up initiatives such as this should be encouraged, not cracked down on.
The following is local coverage (text taken from the Sheffield Star) of the impending doom of Sheffield's first free community street piano. Visit

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Critical mass cyclist wins judicial review against police

27-06-2006 15:57

Judge: ride "cannot by now sensibly be called anything but
common or customary"

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RIP Matilda

26-06-2006 22:27

A few folk have written about MATILDA and what it meant to them so here are my thoughts.

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Sunrise Summer Solstice Festie Pics + Report

26-06-2006 17:32

sunrise sword salute
A few site pics from the Sunrise Summer Solstice Celebration Festival

The Sunrise festival was held for five main days over the summer solstice period. This was a massive undertaking, pulling off the first 24hr music license for such a long festie here in the uk and setting out to have the site served entirely by compost loos (more on that later...)

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People's Kitchen Tues 27th fundraiser for Birley Field's Campaign

26-06-2006 17:06

Delicious organic food lovingly cooked by the Hulme Permaculture Course for your delight. All donations go to the Friend's of Birley Field's Campaign, which has so far stopped the council's proposals for car showrooms, hotels and offices on Hulme's green spaces and is currently consulting local people on alternative sustainable plans for this much loved area. Come and eat good food and have your say!

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Tunes dedicated to MATILDA from ONION & 2percent

26-06-2006 12:40

Tunes for Matilda

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Voices Of The People Of Sharrow [save the sheffield street piano!!]

25-06-2006 10:26

Following the council's sellotaping of an eviction order on Sheffield's very own Free Community Street Piano in Sharrow Vale Road, people have been attaching their own little messages of support, written on scraps of paper. These have been typed up below.

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Saturday upate: The Square

25-06-2006 10:01

Saturday Update at The Square

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MATILDA R.I.P.: A Poem For Eviction Day

25-06-2006 01:52

A Poem For Eviction Day, Matilda Social Centre, 111 Matilda Street. Final Eviction for Us will be Tuesday 27th June at 9am. Please be there for Funeral Ceremony

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Matilda in Court: some feedback from the case

23-06-2006 23:24

On Thursday 22nd June Yorkshire Forward took 30 persons unknown who had established a social centre in 111 Matilda Street to the County Court for Trespass. In hearing the case you actually dared to hope at one point that there might be some kind of outcome in Matilda's favour. But as ever the judge sided with the property owners regardless of the arguments put forward and legal technicalities raised. I wasn't able to get notes down of all the arguments made, but hopefully the bits I can recall will give you a small flavour of the case.

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Dear Jan Wilson,

23-06-2006 21:52

Dear Jan Wilson,

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Its good night from Matilda

23-06-2006 20:42

Its Goodnight Matilda well not just yet!

Hello here is what has been asked of from the representatives of Yorkshire forward

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Israeli government makes Palestinian Jerusalemites foreigners in their city

23-06-2006 09:09

The Israeli government announced recently that it would restrict the right of Palestinian citizens who hold foreign passports, in addition to their required Israeli-issued ID and Palestinian passports, to live in Jerusalem, the future capital of the Palestinian state. The
government will require all Palestinian holders of foreign passports to leave the country every three months in order to obtain a visa, as is the case for any foreigner. Obtaining the visa is dependent on two factors: one is the mood of the soldiers on duty occupying the borders, and the second is what is written in the computer. Many foreigners and Palestinians have inexplicable black-marks next to their names, which makes their entry extremely difficult. Some are required to spend hours with Israeli interrogators before gaining entrance, while others are not allowed entrance at all. Others still breeze through without question.

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MATILDA - I fought the law and the law won

22-06-2006 16:39

The Matilda Social Centre in Sheffield was in court today facing eviction and there was a small protest outside.

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Oxton Festival Banned/British Open Welcomed

22-06-2006 13:25

not for profit fun at Oxton 2005
Wirral Council officials care more about “people who think public spaces are just extensions of their own back yards” than the community as a whole, the organiser of the Oxton Festival has claimed, after the July event was cancelled.

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Save Sharrow cemetery!

22-06-2006 10:13

Sheffield City Council propose to turn green space of historical value into posh flats. Don't let them.

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summer solstice: remembering the battle of the beanfield

21-06-2006 23:27

Today is the Summer Solstice, which is the equilivent of Christmas for Pagans. More than 17,000 people were at Stonehenge to celebrate and there was just one arrest. What an improvement on 21 years ago, when nearly 600 people were arrested in the 'Battle of the Beanfield' which took place in Wiltshire near Stonehenge on June 1st 1985.

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Keep MATILDA Alive!

20-06-2006 16:20

Keep Matilda Alive!

Come to the demonstration outside court this Thursday...

In the last twelve months, MATILDA have turned an abandoned building into a thriving social centre. For a year we have put on performances, film showings and exhibitions, as well as providing much needed working and meeting space for local artists and activists.

This week, we are fighting eviction and will be demonstrating outside court to support those inside.

MATILDA needs your support too! The court case will be heard on:

  • Thursday 22nd June, 10:30am
  • at Sheffield County Court
  • The Law Courts, 50 West Bar, Sheffield, S3 8PH
  • Google Maps

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London Bridge Contact Improvisation Friday23 june 4-6pm

20-06-2006 12:37

A group of approximately eight dancers will perform Contact Improvisation dressed in office suits, while slowly moving through the bridge, in silence. This will involve passing through the crowd of people that is, in its most part, coming from the City centre on their way home to the suburbs, after a busy office day job.