UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
A Social Centre for Liverpool
06-01-2006 11:37
Meeting to discuss setting up a social centre in LiverpoolFull article | 2 additions | 8 comments
Graffiti Jam 14th Jan!
05-01-2006 23:04

you are invited to the first u.k.
a paint splash fun fest in oxford on
sat 14th. & sun 15th. Jan 06
Cheap recycled Computer sale
05-01-2006 20:41
Old friends of uk and London Indymedia, Brixton based Community Technology the computer recycling local charity is having to downsize so is having to get rid of all or nearly all their processed and tested stock. I received this mail a few days ago and thought that this may well be usefull to activists, social centers and anyone who needs a cheap computer.SUTTON ST BEING EVICTED NOW
05-01-2006 09:38
Occupiers of Sutton st are resisting ballifs and Police NOW(post 9.34 am)
Birmingham Food Not Bombs has its last street event of 2005
04-01-2006 23:01

Fresh corruption charges rock US government
04-01-2006 20:41
When it rains, it pours!With climate chaos reeking havoc in the US with flood and wildfires, the US suffers another blow in the form of a massive bribery and corruption scandal that is implicating dozens of politicians.
Sadly, with all this going on, a previous unresolved corruption story might find itself squeezed out of the US media for the second time as the trial of the fattest cats of Enron begins in a couple of weeks time.
Watch the film - Enron 'the smartest guys in the room' at the weekly free cinema at rampART this thursday 5th 8pm
Enron was big. WorldCom even bigger. If it hadn't been for 911 and subsequent 'war on terror' then the fall out over the big corporate scandals of 2001 may have been bigger.
Now, will the Abramoff scandal blow the lid off democracy for sale in the USA or will it be quickly swept under the carpet and blamed on a few bad apples. Disgraced lobbyistis, Abramoff is now cooperating with the prosecutors, and many in Washington have reason to worry about what he is saying. Abramoff, who raised at least $120,000 for the Bush re-election campaign, pleaded guilty last Tuesday to conspiracy, tax evasion and fraud. He also agreed to help investigators trying to piece together the scope of his lobbying and fundraising activities. Watch this story - it is set to grow and grow!
A day of films and talks celebrating class struggle in Britain - The CommonPlace
04-01-2006 20:20
THE WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWNA day of films and talks celebrating class struggle in Britain
Asbo Community Meeting This Thursday.
04-01-2006 01:38
ASBO COMMUNITY MEETING, Thursday 5th, 6.30pm,35 Burns Street.
Broadway market eviction imminent
03-01-2006 21:17

We want your video
03-01-2006 15:16
Do you have a video camera, or a phone that records video clips?Do you film at protests and political events?
rampART is doing weekly free cinema nights (every thursday from 8pm) and hopes to be able to start each weeks screenings with a short collection of newsreals of recent events from a grassroots perspective.
Submissions should be short (5 mins max), and self contained - ie. they should be editted pieces not raw footage that explain the 'what, where, when, why and how' of the story. (Uneditted clips of less than 1 min would be okay if the person who filmed it is there to present and explain the background.)
These newsreals should be of recent events, eg, stuff that has happened within the last week ideally.
Format wise, pretty much any common screenable quality format would be fine (appart from VHS). DVD, VCD, MPEG4 etc prefered.
Live party by the Dead Sea on New Year's Eve.
02-01-2006 10:09

Brum Food Not Bombs New Years Eve
30-12-2005 23:08
FNB event this New Years Eve, BirminghamU.K and Regional Forums and Newswires
30-12-2005 11:02
U.K and REGIONAL FORUMS and NEWSWIRESGuilty plea bargin leads Enron court cases
30-12-2005 03:19
“Did you knowingly deceive the investing public?” Lake asked Causey, who replied, “Yes, your honor.” When asked if he knew that giving false public documents and statements was illegal, Causey said, “Yes.” He appeared relaxed during the hearing and before it began winked and smiled at his wife, who wept after it was all over.Causey, had been scheduled to go on trial next month with former Enron chief executives Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling, facing the possibility of more than 20 years behind bars. He is now predicated to cooperate with federal prosecutors against his former bosses. Whether Causey will testify in the trial of Lay and Skilling is uncertain, but his deal with prosecutors calls for them to request a seven-prison sentence that could be reduced to five years if he cooperates fully.
Causey was a key figure in the huge financial scandal that drove Enron to bankruptcy in December ‘01 amid revelations the company had used off-the-books partnership deals to hide billions of dollars in losses and inflate profits.
Causey’s plea makes it 16 former Enron executives who have now pleaded guilty to crimes related to the scandal that opened a window on corporate accounting misdeeds and tainted the Bush administration because Lay had been a close ally of the Bush family for years and one of its biggest political donors.
//// The Edukators //// rampART, thursday 8pm
29-12-2005 02:31
It's thursday and although we are still 17%, and an estimated 8 hours, away from fully downing it, we are pretty confident that we will be screening The Edukators at 8pm for the weekly rampART free cinema night.So come on down for a little playful edukation...
Catholics breach the exclusion zone to read out more names of Iraq victims
28-12-2005 18:09
Members of Pax Christi today today risked arrest by assembling outside Downing Street and reading out the names of Iraqi children and British servicemen killed in Iraqpost critical mass film night
28-12-2005 12:23
After the london critical mass this friday head on down to St Matthias to watch 'still we ride' about the NY mass arrests, as well as other shorts and new releases...We're back at Tony's cafe... come and support!
26-12-2005 12:54
We have re-occupied Tony's cafe on Broadway Market this morning. We need help and support URGENTLY.We'll celebrate resilience and resistance at the cafe tomorrow Tuesday 27th, 1pm with music and food. Bring anything festive.