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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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Magna Carta - Festival For Democracy

16-05-2015 14:52

Runnymede Eco Village community in Surrey are holding a festival in the name of democracy in close proximation to the planned 800th year Magna Carta national celebrations, which Queen Elizabeth will attend.

The event , which has been named the Festival For Democracy, is co-organised with New Putney Debates and Occupy Democracy. It will host talks and debates on the issues of democracy, land rights and other rights relating to Magna Carta, with a variety of workshops throughout the day to be followed by poetry and music.

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09-05-2015 18:50



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BarnCamp is on again - sign-up now open

08-05-2015 16:06

BarnCamp is a low-cost rural DIY skill-sharing event open to everyone, including UK activists, campaigners, people involved in social and community groups, and anybody else with an interest in technology and how to subvert it to put it to good use. This year it's running from 19th to 21st June.

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Free protest party, Trafalger Square

04-05-2015 11:56

As the sickening saga of this so called 'democratic' election grinds to its foregone conclusion other people have decided they are having nothing to do with it and have decided what London needs is a bloody good free party !

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@ Love Activists Liverpool - Latest Press Release - 1/5/2015

01-05-2015 17:52

Liverpool is being turned into a police state while labour politicians do nothing. Just take a look at the dispersal order handed to our friends and family for feeding the homeless people of Liverpool, for providing an essential service, which the council is failing to provide. Merseyside Police's use of the Anti-Social Behaviour , Crime and Policing Act 2014 - Section 34/35 powers to move people away from outside the building is a deliberate attack on the human rights of people who support our occupation of the former Bank of England building, 31 Castle St, Liverpool.

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Anarchist flags raised in Liverpool by LOVE

29-04-2015 17:41

Anarchist flags have again been raised in Liverpool as a group called LOVE take direct action to highlight the reality of austerity for the poorest and most vulnerable working class people in our city. The former Bank of England building in Castle Street has been occupied by various people, numbering fifty or so at any one time, including homeless and hungry people who have come together to form a community, a temporary and maybe not so temporary community of resistance.

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Social Centre Gathering This Weekend

16-04-2015 15:21

A gathering open to all social centre users and facilitators in Britain is being held this weekend at the Liverpool Social Centre, Next To Nowhere.

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Mayday! Reclaim the Beats!! - Join the Fuck Parade!

11-04-2015 17:33

Fuck the Poor Doors, fuck social segregation, fuck Taylor McWilliams, fuck Redrow, fuck the City, fuck luxury flats, fuck the 1%, fuck royalty, fuck the upper class, fuck upper class raves, fuck yuppies it's not the fucking 80s, fuck hipsters, fuck paying to party, fuck £5 a pint, fuck capitalism, fuck racism, fuck borders, fuck Theresa May, fuck the criminal justice act, fuck homophobia, fuck transphobia, fuck patriarchy, fuck fascists, fuck the police, fuck G4S, fuck bailiffs, fuck UKIP, fuck Nigel fucking Farage, fuck his toady face, fuck bourgeois parliamentarianism, fuck the tories, fuck the Liberals, fuck Labour, fuck the DWP, fuck IDS, fuck sanctions, fuck ATOS, fuck MI5, fuck surveillance, fuck GCHQ, fuck the arms industry, fuck environmental destruction, fuck big oil, fuck cars, fuck animal exploitation, fuck the rich, fuck bankers, fuck bosses, fuck landlords, fuck public schools, fuck Oxbridge, fuck the Bullingdon Boys, fuck Boris.................Fuck them all

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Runnymede needs You! Eviction Resistance ॐ

06-04-2015 19:36

To one & all, an invitation and call out to activists and lovely people across the gamma for talks and discussion on thoughts feelings and strategy leading up to the court hearing on the 9th of April at the County Court at Guildford. We would like to invite anybody with experience or advice in our situation to join us in solidarity with our views for freedom, justice and equality for all.
All species and subspecies alike.

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International Callout

26-03-2015 14:47

We are currently resisting a large scale eviction attempt in Dublin. Grangegorman is a large complex of occupied warehouses, converted offices, residential houses and community gardens. We have occupied the site for over a year and a half and are asking for people to help us resist eviction in any way they can

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Mayday - Reclaim the Beats

25-03-2015 23:54

Mayday 2015 - Reclaim the Beats
Mayday falls on a Friday.

Fuck it all off and come party at a street party like no other.

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Letter from Lerwick

17-03-2015 22:12

As we enter the cut and thrust and ruthlessness of the coming election campaign perhaps it is useful to look at a gentler pace of life in a small community which is friendly, tolerant and welcoming.

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Solidarity needed at Yorkley Court Community Farm

03-03-2015 22:37

Residents of Yorkley Court Community Farm would like to say a huge THANK YOU for the support & solidarity received so far…

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Cardiff Anarchist Bookfair this Saturday

18-02-2015 16:10

There will be three rooms of talks, workshop meetings (see below), and a main hall of stalls, plus creche, bar, cafe and more. In the evening there will be a benefit gig and social.

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Curo Housing building work stopped by

17-02-2015 12:47

Corrine Eatwell, Scientific Officer for Contaminated Land Environmental Services at Bath & North East Somerset Council states an investigation and risk assessment into elevated levels of benzo(a)pyrene and arsenic and potential asbestos and radiological contaminants must be completed before any development can take place.

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Defending green spaces: short film of a land occupation in Bristol

13-02-2015 14:54

A piece of land on the outskirts of Bristol is under threat by a new road-building scheme. The plan, which goes by the rather prententious name 'Metrobus', is a bloated top-down development being spun as a green initiative.

Protesters have occupied part of the threatened land to prevent it being destroyed.

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Squat Eviction in Mexico City - Chanti Ollin

09-01-2015 01:04

solidarity banner drop in chiapas
Early morning of 7th January, Chanti Ollin was evicted violently by police.
But the resistance continues..

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Trip to the edge of the world

29-12-2014 20:53

Life seems so much of a rat race at times with stress from pressures of work, stress from unemployment, stress from relationship problems, stress from homelessness, extreme stress from constant wars which are essentially driven by Western greed for control of resources for endless consumption at home. It’s enjoyable to look at what a smaller, gentler world looks like.