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Curo Housing building work stopped by

The Foxhill Mole | 17.02.2015 12:47 | Free Spaces | Health | Social Struggles | London | World

Corrine Eatwell, Scientific Officer for Contaminated Land Environmental Services at Bath & North East Somerset Council states an investigation and risk assessment into elevated levels of benzo(a)pyrene and arsenic and potential asbestos and radiological contaminants must be completed before any development can take place.

Corrine Eatwell,
Scientific Officer

Subject:Re: Contaminated Land Former Ministry Of Defence Foxhill Bath.
Planning Application Ref: 14/04354/EOUT

“The investigation found arsenic concentrations generally elevated above the soil guideline value for human health (residential land use).

The investigation found elevated concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) in natural and made ground soils to be generally pervasive across the site.

I recommend that the additional investigation work also includes for asbestos analysis to assess any risks onsite following the building demolition works.

Radiological contaminants – The report states that assessment of risks posed by radiological contamination is not covered within the report but states that this work is being undertaken by others.

No development shall take place until an investigation and risk assessment has been completed in accordance with a scheme to assess the nature and extent of contamination on the site.”

The Foxhill Mole

The Foxhill Mole