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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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London Radical Events Listings

29-04-2012 11:34

you are reading the first blacklist london. Its objective is simple and stems from the
successful and effective de blacklist amsterdam // stressfaktor berlin : - to draw together
as many of the political, academic and social activity of London’s (sometimes, often or by
definition) radical hubs into a single document to use at your disposal.

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Free School day - Sat 28th April - @ Cowley Club in Brighton

26-04-2012 17:11

A mixture of people who love what they do and would like to talk about it for free. Free School aims to talk, share, discuss, inform, develop and more including the all important getting feedback!... There's something for everyone. It's not too late to add to it yourself having a space for random talks and there are lots of workshops and talks already confirmed on the website or in the Cowley itself. Check the Cowley Club or web site for more info:
x Free School x

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Dutch government wants to silence criticism of queen Beatrix

26-04-2012 16:59

An update from the Netherlands on censorship of a flyer which allegedly insulted the reigning minger and monarch, Queen Beatrix.

Repost from

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Day five at Occupy Brookes

24-04-2012 19:22

A summary of the fifth day of the Occupy Brookes Movement

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SQUASH Picnic Attendees facing SOCPA Charges

24-04-2012 17:00

Out of the Squats and onto the Streets (to sleep rough)
The following piece has been written by Ashleigh Marsh, one of five currently being prosecuted under SOCPA legislation for her role is taking part at a picnic and sleep-out on the 31st October 2011, in order to visually show the effect that the criminalisation of squatting would have on between 20-50,000 people in England and Wales, ie having to sleep rough. Ashleigh is active in her community, for example working to get a new skateboard park built for local people in Woolwich, one of most deprived areas in London. SQUASH fully support Ashleigh and all the defendants as they face disproportinate charges, from Monday 23rd April, under the draconian and anti-democratic SOCPA law. This is Ashleigh's story:

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A ramble round Daily Mail tax exile Lord Rothermere's Ferne Park in Wiltshire

23-04-2012 00:59

A bull on a public footpath - that's illegal old boy
Particularly annoyed by the Daily Mail's mean-spirited and skewed reporting of the criminalisation of squatters. That is fine and dandy Mr Rothermere when you are a £750m tac exile and have lots of places to live yourself. Having said all that your rag the Daily Mail has been the only UK media to report the mysterious death of Dr Richard Holmes so yes, free speech does mean the right for you to print what so many profoundly disagree with. The trouble is Paul Dacre cynically prints libelous stories about penniless young squatters when Associated Newspapers' lawyers know that they cannot afford to take you to court.

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Occupy Brookes photo report

21-04-2012 22:53

bursaries not fee waivers!
Occupy Brookes settles in - an update and photos.

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Reprise of Sgt.Brighton Bike Fest Band Day Six

21-04-2012 06:12

Farewell lovely cyclists of London to Brighton crew and today's Menu...

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More Cake!! And Bikes!! aka Day Five of Brighton Bike Fest

20-04-2012 07:39

You can have your cake and eat it at Brighton Bike Fest!!

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Occupy Brookes kicks off despite monsoon weather

18-04-2012 21:53

The occupy camp outside Oxford Brookes Uni started up today amid crazy downpours.

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Oxford Brookes Occupied

18-04-2012 14:32

Students inspired by the global occupy movement have today occupied Oxford Brookes University as a protest against rising tuition fees.

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Day Three Brighton Bike Fest

18-04-2012 06:54

So another cake is eaten keeping the bonk at bay and so it's onto Day Three of the all lovin Brighton Bike Fest...

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Day Two Brighton Bike Fest

17-04-2012 06:32

So as Julian (18.000 miles) Sayarer rides off into the sunset..Day Two of Brighton Bike Fest!

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Week of Resistance

17-04-2012 01:22

sticky collage fun
St. Andrews will be home to a Week of Resistance at the end of April in the run up to May Day. Come join us for a multitude of free events. Crash space available on demand. If too demanded, you should really join couchsurfing.

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Blockupy Frankfurt - Participate!

16-04-2012 19:06

Blockupy Frankfurt!
Here, we hope to share how international groups and persons (and others who have not been present in the planning structures up to now) can participate in #Blockupy Frankfurt, both in preparation for and during May 16-19. The action days are planned as participative and open, and their success depends on the presence, participation, creativity, initiative and spontaneity of everyone – please join in!!

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Update on the Criminalisation of Squatting

12-04-2012 15:28

Squatting will Stay: leaflet
This post should clarify for anyone confused about where the laws around squatting are right now. The law is currently still the same, that is it is not a criminal offence to squat a building, it is a civil offence with no risk of conviction for the act of squatting.

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leyton marsh resistance this morning - report/pics

10-04-2012 18:55

protest at entrance

bailliffs and police mounted a huge operation today to resume work at the leyton marsh olympic site. several people were arrested for public order offences after holding up work for several hours.

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news from leyton marsh and call to action

09-04-2012 16:55

just one of the many visits from locals
i visited leyton marsh yesterday afternoon and spoke to the occupiers and many locals about the olympic build, the legal situation, and the plans to continue resisting. here are my report and pics.

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18 arrests as Mansion is evicted & drones conference resisted

08-04-2012 16:12

1st April: Squatters face up to riot police after the illegal morning eviction
Report and statement from members of Bristol Defendant Solidarity, ABC & Afed:

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Shiny n Rusty All Welcome(aka BrightOn Bike Fest)

06-04-2012 19:25

Into cycling or new to it something for everyone!!