UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Nin's 1937 testament discovered (En,Ru), overcoming label politics in Class War
25-02-2012 07:14

Provoked by the film Tierra y Libertad on working-class militancy 1936/37and Nin's party POUM, we decided to make available this revealing letter to English, French and Russian readers.
Reclaim the Fields Spring Gathering 2012 - details & updates
24-02-2012 22:11
The first Reclaim the Fields Gathering of the year will be taking place this March 9th- 11th at the Wilderness Centre in the Forest of Dean.Does Evgeny Lebedev support EVENING STANDARD suppressing the truth?
21-02-2012 23:05
Does Evgeny Lebedev support EVENING STANDARD suppressing the truth?New Social Centre in Sheffield: The Black Rose Centre
19-02-2012 23:10

Queer - 24th-26th February 2012
17-02-2012 18:54

Occupy Your Heart! Reclaim Love - Sat 18th Feb
15-02-2012 00:45

Calling All Sheffield Anarchists
14-02-2012 11:00
Discussion on setting up a Sheffield Wide Class Struggle Anarchist GroupBeware the Agent Procrastinateur...
08-02-2012 19:30

An Open Invitation to Occupy Brighton's first Public Meeting of 2012
08-02-2012 15:04

Date: Saturday, 18th February, 7:00 - 9.30pm
Pop Up Social Centre Launch Glasgow 10th, 11th, 12th Feb.
08-02-2012 13:50
Launch of the Pop Up Social Centre@ Kinning Park Complex.
Over the weekend of the 10-12th February, the KP will see the first Pop-up Social Centre. For more details of what the popup is read on. Here's the line-up:
SchNEWS: Smashing Night At The 1in12
08-02-2012 09:06

The legendary 1in12 Club social centre based in Bradford is going through a tough patch. After a fire inspection a couple of months ago it was evident that after almost three decades of DIY refurbishment to the old mill, much needed to be done to bring the building up to regulatory standard.
Reclaim the Fields Spring Gathering 2012
07-02-2012 17:17

Action to re-occupy the ZAD
06-02-2012 23:52

Brighton Squatters - Update on a crazy week
03-02-2012 22:44

Occupy Liverpool Granted Adjournment at Civil Court Eviction Hearing
02-02-2012 17:57
Occupy Liverpool Eviction HearingOccupy Liverpool Reclaim 2nd Building
01-02-2012 17:46

Occupy Sheffield: High Court Judge decides protestors have a case
27-01-2012 00:11

Update on Occupy Liverpool Eviction Threat
25-01-2012 18:31
Occupy Liverpool Eviction ThreatCall out for support of Occupy Sheffield!
25-01-2012 17:57
Occupy Sheffield are facing court hearings tomorrow as Very Reverend Dead Bradley of Sheffield Cathedral takes Occupy Sheffield to court! Come and Support your right to protest!