Keep MATILDA Alive!
Matilda Mole | 20.06.2006 16:20 | Free Spaces | Sheffield
Come to the demonstration outside court this Thursday...
In the last twelve months, MATILDA have turned an abandoned building into a thriving social centre. For a year we have put on performances, film showings and exhibitions, as well as providing much needed working and meeting space for local artists and activists.
This week, we are fighting eviction and will be demonstrating outside court to support those inside.
MATILDA needs your support too! The court case will be heard on:
- Thursday 22nd June, 10:30am
- at Sheffield County Court
- The Law Courts, 50 West Bar, Sheffield, S3 8PH
- Google Maps
The demonstration in support of MATILDA will take place outside the court at the same time.
If evicted, the building will stand empty for at least two years. Currently, there is no planned development for the site. We are asking Yorkshire Forward, to let us stay - at least until they know when the site will be re-developed.
So if you've ever been to a gig / film night / art showing / Thursday social / meeting / bike workshop / clown training or anything else, and you want to see MATILDA carry on
Get to the demo on Thursday at 10:30!
Tell everyone you know!
Contact Mark on 07919 992059 or Rosie on 07981 993938 for more info
Matilda Mole