Cuba night, free cinema at rampART
rampart | 21.09.2004 09:44 | Free Spaces | London
It's Cuba Night @Rampart's anticopyright cinema this Wednesday 22nd! So come join us for quality food, music & films...
We will be showing the legendary Buena Vista Social Club. Follow Ry Cooder as he hunts down Cuba's biggest trad music legends, painting a facinating portrait of Havana along the way -
"In Cuba the music flows like a river. It takes care of you and rebuilds you from the inside out" - Ry Cooder
Also showing is Oliver Stone's Comandante! (TBC: pending successful download! (if you've got a copy, let us know!!) Ollie heads to Cuba to gets intimate with the worlds beardiest revolutionary Fidel Castro in this one of a kind documentry.
There'll also be delicious Cuban food available for modest donations.
Starts 8PM, Free Admission. Meter mano!
PS -------
The rampart social centre is in need active participation to ensure that
it can function as a viable and useful autonmous space during the ESF.
For those of you who don't know, the rampart has been squatted for four
months and consists of a 3 floor building that was previously an islamic
girls school (and before that, a textiles factory). The building offers a
large hall, kitchen, toilets on every floor, plus internet access (wifi at
present, ADSL next week), workshop space for painting, prop making, sewing
or whatever, projection facilities, PA and stage.
The space is used for weekly free cinema (like the event advisertise above)
, meetings, exhibitions, music events and the like - and is run collectively
with weekly open meetings.
So far, (as well as being the base for the European Creative Forum and their carnival forum) the rampart has commited to providing crash space accomodation to international visitors for the ESF period, cheap food 'bread not bombs' style,
and an Indymedia access point.
Other proposals mooted have included an internet radio station and
we've had approaches for various organisiations to host workshops/discussions etc.
Now... in order to make all this stuff possible and run well, people are
needed to be actively involved in the space, at least for this period. The
rampart meetings will require significant regular participation by people
willing to get directly involved during this time and the formation of
some specific working groups as required.
These working groups would probably need to include; a tech group to oversee the obtaining, fixing, instalation, and networking of computers for internet access
(including video and audio streaming); a food group to oversee the
obtaining of cooking and serving tat, skipping food, and the daily cooking
of food; a logistics group to co-ordinate time tabling, publicity and the
avoidance of conflict with events at other spaces.
We are therefore soliciting for people to get involved now.
contact email:
mailing list:
"In Cuba the music flows like a river. It takes care of you and rebuilds you from the inside out" - Ry Cooder
Also showing is Oliver Stone's Comandante! (TBC: pending successful download! (if you've got a copy, let us know!!) Ollie heads to Cuba to gets intimate with the worlds beardiest revolutionary Fidel Castro in this one of a kind documentry.
There'll also be delicious Cuban food available for modest donations.
Starts 8PM, Free Admission. Meter mano!

PS -------
The rampart social centre is in need active participation to ensure that
it can function as a viable and useful autonmous space during the ESF.
For those of you who don't know, the rampart has been squatted for four
months and consists of a 3 floor building that was previously an islamic
girls school (and before that, a textiles factory). The building offers a
large hall, kitchen, toilets on every floor, plus internet access (wifi at
present, ADSL next week), workshop space for painting, prop making, sewing
or whatever, projection facilities, PA and stage.
The space is used for weekly free cinema (like the event advisertise above)
, meetings, exhibitions, music events and the like - and is run collectively
with weekly open meetings.
So far, (as well as being the base for the European Creative Forum and their carnival forum) the rampart has commited to providing crash space accomodation to international visitors for the ESF period, cheap food 'bread not bombs' style,
and an Indymedia access point.
Other proposals mooted have included an internet radio station and
we've had approaches for various organisiations to host workshops/discussions etc.
Now... in order to make all this stuff possible and run well, people are
needed to be actively involved in the space, at least for this period. The
rampart meetings will require significant regular participation by people
willing to get directly involved during this time and the formation of
some specific working groups as required.
These working groups would probably need to include; a tech group to oversee the obtaining, fixing, instalation, and networking of computers for internet access
(including video and audio streaming); a food group to oversee the
obtaining of cooking and serving tat, skipping food, and the daily cooking
of food; a logistics group to co-ordinate time tabling, publicity and the
avoidance of conflict with events at other spaces.
We are therefore soliciting for people to get involved now.
contact email:

mailing list:
