UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
LSE occupation continues into fifth day as other universities start protests
19-01-2009 18:41

Over forty students started the occupation in solidarity with Palestine last Thursday afternoon demanding that the LSE condemns Israeli aggression, divests from BAE, a firm that arms Israel, and provides material support for Palestinians. The students are demanding that the LSE waivers application fees and provides more scholarships for Palestinian students, sends surplus computers and books to Palestine and facilitates a cross-campus collection for Medical Aid for Palestine.
Where is proven need for Cowley Road CCTV?
18-01-2009 22:16
As the council and police prepare for the Monday 19th January 2009 ceremonial switching on of the CCTV cameras on the Cowley Road, East Oxford, campaign group No CCTV asks where is the proven need for the cameras?Graffiti on billbaords in Swansea for Gaza
16-01-2009 14:29

Bristol Jan Queer Cafe
16-01-2009 10:46

Thursday 29th January at Kebele Social Centre
14 Robertson Road, Easton
Free entry
Bringing anarchy to their chaos
15-01-2009 23:49

Bristol’s anarchist bookfair collective kicks off 2009 with a new intro to anarchism flyer, a website transformed into a blog, a discussion meeting on class, and the first organising meeting for a bookfair event in 2009. There will be a fundraising gig in March.
LSE students occupy university
15-01-2009 22:42
Over forty pro Palestine students have occupied a lecture theatre at the London School of Economics to demand that the university releases a statement condemning the attack on Gaza and divests from arms companies that supply the Israeli military.February FreeSchool Weekender!
15-01-2009 17:07
20th - 22nd February 2009A weekend of workshops, discussions and skillsharing to promote free, community organised learning
Play Parade - 'Rally for the Right to Play'
15-01-2009 13:42

Culminating in a Play Parade -Thursday 19th feb, meet 12pm, Independant Street Park parading to Radford Primary School.
These events are aimed at increasing community involvement in advocating children’s play in Nottingham through promoting the need for greater access to appropriate, freely chosen and self directed play opportunities.
Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Leeds Social Centre in court next week
14-01-2009 23:32
This article was written by volunteers at the Leeds-Bradford Independent Media Centre following interviews with volunteers from The Common Place, Leeds' radical, autonomous social centre.'PCSO Watch'
09-01-2009 17:51

325 #6 Out Now - Social War & Anarchy. Jan 2009
09-01-2009 13:56
325 is an insurgent anti-prison zine of social war & anarchy, published underground for the last 5 years. It is an irregular platform for hidden news of the ongoing resistance against capitalism and the state, and the situations of the prisoners, who are imprisoned for their ideals.Call For A New International - post forward
07-01-2009 15:17
A post to forward the message, and to repeat it as many times as necessary: Source:
Vic Baths: Nottingham City Council Exposed
06-01-2009 21:26
Nottingham Council this week unveiled designs for a replacement facility for the Victoria Baths leisure centre, which they decided to close last year. The move to pledge £8m of taxpayers' money for another construction project, in lieu of a £1m refurbishment, defied popular opinion. This week campaigners who previously praised the Council described their disappointment at the conduct of the Council in the affair.Waving, Not Drowning... rampART 2009 and beyond
06-01-2009 15:37
Despite rumours to the contrary, rampART Social Centre and Creative Space is very much alive, well and ready to connect.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Illegal IPO Served in Manchester
05-01-2009 21:31
Attempted Illegal Eviction of Squat in Manchester, Help Needed!CSA: The Greek Riots - Anarchist Subcultures, Consensus, Affinity Groups, etc.
05-01-2009 17:56
Very interesting analysis of anarchist struggle, how to nurture a movement, and how to avoid it becoming irrelevant.... mentions of anarchist subcultures, consensus, and direct involvement with other political forces to spread use and acceptance of anarchist methods.From

Hope Happening in Southampton (4th January)
05-01-2009 05:45
Hope Happening - happened for the middle east (big claim eh?)European Social Center Conference in Barcelona
02-01-2009 11:42
Network is Coming.
New Year's Eve @ Rampart Social Centre
30-12-2008 12:48
Still Alive and Kicking!New Year's Eve @ Rampart Social Centre
xmas graffiti message!
22-12-2008 23:28