Bristol Jan Queer Cafe
gudrun | 16.01.2009 10:46 | Culture | Free Spaces | Gender | World
Open at 7pm, film starts 8.30
Thursday 29th January at Kebele Social Centre
14 Robertson Road, Easton
Free entry
Thursday 29th January at Kebele Social Centre
14 Robertson Road, Easton
Free entry
On the last Thursday of every month, queers of all sorts gather at Kebele Social Centre. As well as chatting, flirting and tea and cake, there will be films, workshops and events to entertain and delight, starting with a showing of a film about female to male transexuals in New York and their relationship to the lesbian and feminist movements on January 29th called...
BOY I AM (2006)
An empowering chronicle of queer resistance that challenges all viewers to rethink their concepts of activism and identity
February's queer cafe will be a night of craft fun, with badge making and stenciling. Bring along things to cut up and print on!
BOY I AM (2006)
An empowering chronicle of queer resistance that challenges all viewers to rethink their concepts of activism and identity

February's queer cafe will be a night of craft fun, with badge making and stenciling. Bring along things to cut up and print on!