UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Oxford Action Resource Centre event report
19-09-2010 20:24
The Oxford Action Resource Centre (OARC) [1] held a brunch and fun day on Sunday 19 September. It went better than I expected :-)Dissident Island Radio episode 65 ready for download
18-09-2010 17:44

How would you Reclaim the Night?
17-09-2010 19:36
Oxford Reclaim The Night are seeking new ideas & people to get involved in making the streets safe for women.Dissident Island Radio tonight
17-09-2010 16:26

Call out for Action in Amsterdam against Squatting Ban
17-09-2010 15:56

Land squat in France call out
17-09-2010 09:24

Callout Action days for squatting
17-09-2010 09:18
Action Days against the ban on squating in the Netherlands. help save our sociale centersSave our Youth Centres! Anti-cuts demo - Bath - Monday 20th
16-09-2010 10:28
Callout for Baths first anti-cuts demoA CALL OUT FROM AMSTERDAM
14-09-2010 21:06

…and we like tools.
We Must Fight The Gentrification Of Our Cities And Defend Our Communities.
10-09-2010 14:30
Across the country pubs and clubs, gig venues and community centres are being threatened by new developments and residents noise complaints. However ridiculous the idea of someone moving into a flat in a busy area surrounded by pubs and clubs and then complaining about it is in recent years some very well established music venues and bars have been closed for these very reasons. We must ensure the survival of communities and the survival of our community hot spots.A Call Out for Dam Sleeping Action 25.09.10- Amsterdam
07-09-2010 23:29
To squatters, ex squatters, sympathizers, people that are using or have used squats in the past and were inspired by them and so empathize our call.Lewes Road Community Garden Evicted - Meeting 7pm Tonight
07-09-2010 08:31
The Lewes Road Community Garden was evicted at 2am on Tuesday September 7. Bailiffs acting on behalf of land-owners, Belfast-based Alburn Minos Ltd and partners-in-crime Tesco came in mob-handed (eight-12 plus line of police outside) without a proper eviction notice and took possession of the land and the legally squatted adjacent building.Film about antisquatting 7/9/10
06-09-2010 08:34
A Dutch film-maker is touring the UK with his film about antisquatting. Come see it at the Cowley on Tuesday!Sheffield Free School 8-10/10 Prepare for a future without oil or governments...
04-09-2010 17:27
The Sheffield Social Centre Collective
31-08-2010 13:33
To squatters, ex squatters, sympathizers, people that are using or have used squats in the past and were inspired by them and so empathize our call.Cowley Club Reopens!
31-08-2010 02:05

Here's a list of events in early September, more info available later on our website.
See you soon!
JB SPRAY SQUAT, Nottingham, resistance is still strong,
26-08-2010 11:32
As most 'activists' in the squatting community will confirm, the legal wrangling of bailiffs turning up and people being evicted from a site usually run along the same lines...The bailiffs turn up, with some lock smith looking (usually) blokes with tools and then get in any available entrance to get people out...Anarchist Zones are not so easy to get rid of though, as the following article on the current resistance at JB SPRAY SQUAT will show...(apologies for the shoddy google translations, but hey, im trying to show solidarity, not perfect language skills)'Grow Heathrow' Eviction Threat
24-08-2010 19:30

Cuts and our community
20-08-2010 18:09
The savage cuts being implemented will have an incredible effect on the way we live our lives.Oxford Save Our Services are holding an event called Mapping Oxford's Cuts to share what we all know, and to think of ways together we can defend precious public services we all rely on.
We ask you to join us on 13 September, from 6.30-9pm, food and cresh provided.
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New social group in Yorkshire for lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer women
20-08-2010 14:58
News about a new social group in Yorkshire for lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer women, and women who are questioning their sexuality. Partners, friends and children are welcome too!