Ask me about my hunger strike.
Andrew Munoz | 19.01.2006 04:41 | Ecology | Education | Free Spaces | World
So first off, I am hungy.
Secondly, let me explain why all this is here.
We are talking about the future, now mind you I know that there are people out there who would say "well the future is unknown so why bother?". So I must say at first that we are talking about projected futures, based on current information.
We, Me, I, the 20 something generation are in a delicate position. We can offer our children avenues down which to travel that lead to a bright and sustainable future. Or we can offer them the dust pan and broom and ask that they clean up our mess.
The choice is up to you.
Secondly, let me explain why all this is here.
We are talking about the future, now mind you I know that there are people out there who would say "well the future is unknown so why bother?". So I must say at first that we are talking about projected futures, based on current information.
We, Me, I, the 20 something generation are in a delicate position. We can offer our children avenues down which to travel that lead to a bright and sustainable future. Or we can offer them the dust pan and broom and ask that they clean up our mess.
The choice is up to you.
I, Andrew Munoz, I am a Canadian Citizen, I am 22 years old, I stopped eating as of 12:00am January 15th in order to raise national awareness concerning sustainability and its importance in the impending election. I will not start to eat again until we as a nation have a vision of Canada that we can be proud of. I put out the call to the candidates running for Prime Minister, "I have questions like so many Canadians, which go unanswered."
Firstly, we the Green Reality Adventure School ( want the citizens of Canada to wise up to the findings being published in reports by the Sierra club, the Wilderness Committee, and "sustainability within a generation" at the David Suzuki Foundation. The side-stepping of important issues will not be tolerated. No one was commissioned or coerced to publish the endless list of studies all pointing to one conclusion, our way of life can not exist forever. The foundational premises of our way of life have intrinsic flaws and are therefore, not only irrational but unsustainable. Don't believe me? Go to and follow the 'About MEC' tab in green, choose 'Social & Environmental' then click the 'Greening our Operations' link in the left column. There you will find an eco-footprint calculator. Follow the steps and read the instructions carefully and you will see what I am talking about.
Secondly, we (the 20 something generation) want some answers. We see some fundamental flaws in the way Canada is progressing. We, as a nation are building a culture that is unsustainable. Fact, if every person in the world lived the way we (the average Canadian) do, we would need four earths to support the global population. No one cries, no one faints upon hearing this news.
Estimates put species destruction any where between 153 and 200 species every day, extinct, they are not coming back. No flags are lowered to half mast, no trumpets sounded.
We as the young generation, see a decline in our future, and more importantly the future of our children who will have to deal with the effects of peak oil, and out of control logging. I don't want to condemn my children to digging through garbage dumps in search of precious resources that we take for granted.
So I refuse to participate. I am doing the only thing in my power that uses no resources.
I am going to sit and wait for one/all of the candidates, and hear what they have to say about this.
Originally, I planned to sit on the front steps of Parliament Hill, sort of as a symbolic gesture, one testifying to the immense power and vision of all the years of the Canadian Federal Government. We need to revive that vision, the one buried deep within those walls.
Unfortunately I was removed from the steps this morning by the RCMP. I do not have a sign, I am not talking or bothering anyone, I am simply sitting. The officers said I must go to the Heritage Ministry web-site and fill out the permission form to have a protest. I didn't think that I was having one but I didn't want to argue, so I mulled around the web-site for some time, however I have found nothing. So now I turn to you.
Conventional Media has been lackluster about informing people, choosing rather to rely on superficial issues, and now the RCMP remove me from common ground, I can't be heard form my room.
Please put up the attached poster however you please, write articles letters to the editor, let people know at your local television and radio station, you have much power to change things. You can choose to, or you can choose not to.
I, however, refuse to continue blindly building the future of Canada until I see a plan for a Canada that I, and we as a generation can be proud of.
The Liberals say "Choose your Canada". The choices I see before me are unsustainable and unappealing.
The Conservatives say "Stand up for Canada". I plan to, but do they?
The NDP say "Getting results for people". We say make that more than lip service and do something about it.
That is our base platform.
Hope this helps, and e-mail me back please.
Thank you for your time.
Firstly, we the Green Reality Adventure School ( want the citizens of Canada to wise up to the findings being published in reports by the Sierra club, the Wilderness Committee, and "sustainability within a generation" at the David Suzuki Foundation. The side-stepping of important issues will not be tolerated. No one was commissioned or coerced to publish the endless list of studies all pointing to one conclusion, our way of life can not exist forever. The foundational premises of our way of life have intrinsic flaws and are therefore, not only irrational but unsustainable. Don't believe me? Go to and follow the 'About MEC' tab in green, choose 'Social & Environmental' then click the 'Greening our Operations' link in the left column. There you will find an eco-footprint calculator. Follow the steps and read the instructions carefully and you will see what I am talking about.
Secondly, we (the 20 something generation) want some answers. We see some fundamental flaws in the way Canada is progressing. We, as a nation are building a culture that is unsustainable. Fact, if every person in the world lived the way we (the average Canadian) do, we would need four earths to support the global population. No one cries, no one faints upon hearing this news.
Estimates put species destruction any where between 153 and 200 species every day, extinct, they are not coming back. No flags are lowered to half mast, no trumpets sounded.
We as the young generation, see a decline in our future, and more importantly the future of our children who will have to deal with the effects of peak oil, and out of control logging. I don't want to condemn my children to digging through garbage dumps in search of precious resources that we take for granted.
So I refuse to participate. I am doing the only thing in my power that uses no resources.
I am going to sit and wait for one/all of the candidates, and hear what they have to say about this.
Originally, I planned to sit on the front steps of Parliament Hill, sort of as a symbolic gesture, one testifying to the immense power and vision of all the years of the Canadian Federal Government. We need to revive that vision, the one buried deep within those walls.
Unfortunately I was removed from the steps this morning by the RCMP. I do not have a sign, I am not talking or bothering anyone, I am simply sitting. The officers said I must go to the Heritage Ministry web-site and fill out the permission form to have a protest. I didn't think that I was having one but I didn't want to argue, so I mulled around the web-site for some time, however I have found nothing. So now I turn to you.
Conventional Media has been lackluster about informing people, choosing rather to rely on superficial issues, and now the RCMP remove me from common ground, I can't be heard form my room.
Please put up the attached poster however you please, write articles letters to the editor, let people know at your local television and radio station, you have much power to change things. You can choose to, or you can choose not to.
I, however, refuse to continue blindly building the future of Canada until I see a plan for a Canada that I, and we as a generation can be proud of.
The Liberals say "Choose your Canada". The choices I see before me are unsustainable and unappealing.
The Conservatives say "Stand up for Canada". I plan to, but do they?
The NDP say "Getting results for people". We say make that more than lip service and do something about it.
That is our base platform.
Hope this helps, and e-mail me back please.

Thank you for your time.
Andrew Munoz
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