UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
Infousurpa out now
27-09-2008 21:53

Please print and distribute.
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New social centre in camberwell
26-09-2008 22:25
About a year after the eviction of the former New Camberwell Centre, a new social centre has been opened in Camberwell, not far away from where the previous one stood.Opening Event in New Autonomous Space Camberwell: THE LIBRARY HOUSE
26-09-2008 14:24
Call out to all and everyone to come to the Opening event on Saturday 4th of October, 3pm onwards.THE LIBRARY HOUSE.
52 KNATCHBULL ROAD (behind library, junction with Burton rd)
I Bike MCR Mini Festival.
26-09-2008 12:03

Critical Mass September
26-09-2008 11:58

Every last Friday of the month we meet at 6pm Central Library to ride
together to celebrate the bicycle over car culture and to meet other
cyclists and enjoy riding our bicycles.
NAZI FRONT COUNTER MARCH 2nd November at 11am
25-09-2008 20:32
2nd Annual Working Class bookfair, Durham, 22nd November
25-09-2008 14:36
2nd AnnualWorking Class Bookfair
Sat 22 Nov 2008 12 - 4pm
Durham Clayport (central) Library
Millennium Place, Durham City
Autonomous peoples art against Tesco
24-09-2008 12:43

Bath no in no way condones you not getting down to the building and arting the fuck out of it! Fuck Tesco!
European Social Forum in Malmö
24-09-2008 11:05

Freedom not Fear
23-09-2008 10:46
A broad movement of campaigners and organizations is calling on everybody tojoin action against excessive surveillance by governments and businesses.
On 11 October 2008, concerned people in many countries will take to the streets, the
motto being "Freedom not fear 2008". Peaceful and creative action,
from protest marches to parties, will take place in many capital cities.
London FreeSchool Benefit
22-09-2008 16:54

Global Chalk4Peace
17-09-2008 19:32
Chalk4Peace has had phenomenal success. All you need to start is chalk...Make your mark and people will join in.RADICAL ASSEMBLIES AT THE ESF MALMÖ, SWEDEN, 18th - 21th SEPTEMBER
15-09-2008 09:53
Radical Assemblies are open meetings in the activist center Utkanten.
The assemblies are open discussions and participatory workshops on
different topics with the purpose to exchange experiences and share
information between different european activist networks. The Radical
Assemblies and Utkanten is autonomous from ESF, so you dont need to
pay participatory fee to ESF to take part.
Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns Part 30
14-09-2008 23:47

Showroom Picket 12th September 2008
12-09-2008 10:47

NO to Missile Defense - Oct 4 - Menwith Hill
12-09-2008 06:24

Sat. Oct. 4th: "No Missile Defense at Menwith Hill"
11-09-2008 10:46

Walk Your Chalk - Chalk The Walk - take chalk with you wherever you go
11-09-2008 07:28

During the week of international peace events
"Our Streets Are OUR Media"
WE have TOTAL access -
"We CAN Make the difference"
shirkers circus - playspace starting most tuesdays at sumac centre
09-09-2008 19:52
A regular play space for practice, sharing, teaching + learning circus skills(and related ting like magic, propmaking, etc);is starting on Tuesdays, at the Sumac Centre.This is open for all but especially for those opting out of school or work. There are much better things to do and this is one of them.
TONIGHT-Filmmakers Against War/Nick Broomfield/Smash Edo/Andy Worthington
08-09-2008 08:13

As part of Portobello Film Festival

at Inn On The Green, 3-5 Thorpe Close, W10 5XL (2min from Ladbroke Grove Tube)