UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive
public squat in Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire
08-04-2004 21:09

Bilston Glen Protest Site update, spring 2004
08-04-2004 12:10
Here's a short update from our camp:The problem of consensuses and use of video as an outreach tool in the ESF
08-04-2004 11:30

stuff happening in new squatted social centre
07-04-2004 12:01
A new space was squatted this week, there's lots of potential for good stuff to happen. We're at 220 Cowley Road.Oxford Social Centre Open
06-04-2004 10:47
Practical workshop on setting up an Oxford social centre happened late last night.Media Hacklab Open meeting tomorrow 5pm
02-04-2004 11:17
The next open meeting to plan the road ahead for the Hacklab is taking place on this Saturday the 3rd of April at 5pm at Freedom Press Bookshop, Whitechapel. This will include plans for our next benefit event on the 17th of April.University of Leeds Reverses Policy on Nestle
02-04-2004 10:46
In February this year staff at the University of Leeds were told that they should use Nestle Watercoolers unless they had a specific reason not to. Enquiries were made to see if ethical concerns about Nestle would be considered a vaild reason not to use Nestle, but staff were told that this would not be considered a valid reason.Social Forum Launch - a view from London
01-04-2004 14:06
Dave Timms works for World Development Movement and is active in organising for both the London and European Social Forums. This was his report on the Sheffield Social Forum launch...A squat is being set up in Ifanet industry (thessaloniki)
01-04-2004 10:49

Video of Birmingham ESF meeting
31-03-2004 16:13
“The World Social Forum will always be a forum open to pluralism and to the diversity of activities and ways of engaging of the organisations and movements that decide to participate in it”Newcastle Leap Day Actions
31-03-2004 13:14

A day that challenged the cynicism, resignation and isolation that supports the status quo.
We left the idea open, and this is some of the things that came out of it.
Another world is possible - GM victory
31-03-2004 11:36

The announcement today of the complete victory of the anti-GM campaign highlights that "another world is possible". And that an open, non-hierarchical and broad-natured support base is key to the organising of such successful campaigns.
... Still ... Burngreave Arts
30-03-2004 23:18
The Friends of Burngreave Chapel and Cemetery, are hosting an exhibition of local Burngreave artists work.This is for one weekend only. 2nd April 7 - 10pm, 3rd April 10am - 9pm, 4th April 10am - 7pm
and includes paintings,installations, photography, projections, sculpture, film.
ESF rejects democracy for TU cash
29-03-2004 13:27
In mid November, my partner Loppy and I were approached by Oli of Manchester Social Forum as we passed through the Metropolitan Police and Special Branch welcoming committee at Waterloo Station which greeted our return from the Paris ESF. Over a cup of coffee in the station concourse we became willing recruits to the efforts to democratise the ESF, and to broaden its focus to include a proper recognition of Green issues.Sunday free cafe at Bilston Glen Protest Site - 4th April
29-03-2004 12:01
On sunday we're having yet another of our now monthly sunday free cafes. Free food and tea all day. Bring instruments and fire toys.LondonSCN Meeting 3/4/04
27-03-2004 23:43
The next London Social Centres Network meeting is:SATURDAY 3rd APRIL from Midday
@ Deckspace, in the tower at Greenwich Borough Hall
entrance opposite Greenwich Police Station, buzzer next to the Greenwich Dance Agency entrance on the corner of Peyton Place and Royal Hill
Sherwood camp: victory possible
27-03-2004 12:25

In the battle to save Sherwood Forest's finest living beech tree recent developments mean a successful outcome is now more possible than ever.
stoke squatters require help
26-03-2004 14:12
Free space collective in the North Staffordshire area has located a building to liberate and need people to help.