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UK Free Spaces Newswire Archive

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"Common Ground" Community Garden Finally Evicted

18-10-2007 12:55

Say "Cheese"
Report on Thursday 18th Octobers eviction of Common Ground Community Garden.

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rampART news and more

18-10-2007 09:36

Last Friday the rampART was used by locals to celebrate EID which marks
the end of Ramadan. In Islam, believers are called upon to cease all
consumption of food and drink between the hours of daylight for 30
consecutive days.

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Brighton police make early morning raid against squat.

16-10-2007 14:43

Good Morning Pie Face!
At 4am Brighton police demanded squatters leave a new squat on Franklin road. Despite resistance by 5am the squatters had been evicted by the police, who were acting unlawfully without a court order.

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Anarchist Bookfair after party at rampART

14-10-2007 23:29

Offering something of a break in tradition, the noborders/rampART benefit party after the anarchist book fair is an alternative to hanging out in the pub. Open from 6pm it's a chance to hang out with friends while supporting grassroots campaigns and a rare opportunity to listen to conscious hip-hop and rap with acts from the USA, Greece, Scarborough, Manchester, Bristol and London.

Suggested donation £5
proceeds to NoBorders and rampART

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Report Released on Cottage of Content Future

14-10-2007 19:07

Birmingham city council have released a report detailing the possibility of the neglected social building known as the Cottage of Content being renovated to serve the local community.

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Chiapas Solidarity Gig in Liverpool

12-10-2007 21:32

UK Chiapas Solidarity Collective and Liverpool Social Centre invite you to a benefit gig to raise funds for Oaxaca activists

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Zimbabwe vigil 5th anniversary

11-10-2007 10:20

The Zimbabwe vigil 5th anniversary event that was due to happen at the rampART social center this coming saturday has now been moved to a larger venue as it has become apparent that the numbers expected to attended much greater than originally anticipated.

The vigil is on the strand as normal and the social event afterwards will now be held at Highgate Newtown Community Centre, 25 Bertram Street, London N19 5DQ.

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Brothers in Chains and other news from rampART

10-10-2007 12:30

The building occupied for the rampART social center has recently undergone changes to make it more suitable for large meetings. Two rooms on the first floor have been combined into one large room good for meetings of up to sixty people. Additionally, work is being done on the roof garden to provide a sheltered space where people can get a breath of fresh air during events.

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Free Protest Music & the Music Business

10-10-2007 03:48

David Rovics, Attila the Stockbroker and Tracey Curtis are currently touring the UK in what is probably the best protest tour since the miner's strike. On Thursday the 11th they play Bannerman's in Edinburgh at 8pm for £6. Earlier on at 4pm, they play a shorter free set in Edinburgh at the FREAK / TAA event in Edinburgh. Combining free and paid gigs with free and paid downloads they are helping to cut the music free from the business.

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Lancaster anti-supermarket protest camp

08-10-2007 17:44

Growing Camp
New protest camp goes up in Lancaster with local residents in support - nobody wants a supermarket with a huge parking here!
Pictures and press release:

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Edinburgh Temporary Autonomous Arts Exhibition

08-10-2007 15:59

FREAK, the Free and Reactive Edinburgh Arts Kollective, are transforming a derelict warehouse in Granton into an arts venue for a four day event from the 10th to the 14th of October. There will be art exhibitions, live music, performances, films and educational workshops.

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2004 Reclaim the Commons video

08-10-2007 06:19

3 days in San Francisco

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Manchester Temporary Autonomous Arts Exhibition

07-10-2007 19:24

Following the success of last years extravaganza in Manchester's Northern's happening again!

The 2nd annual Temporary Autonomous Arts festival in Manchester 24-28th October 2007.

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Corporate publishing houses

07-10-2007 03:46

For all the bad press that they receive, a lot of people still believe that Western corporations are making some sort of contribution to improving the lot of people in the third world. Let me present a counter-example.

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current updates in English from Copenhagen's G13

06-10-2007 12:50

More than 6 months after the devastation inflicted on Ungdomshuset 69, a giant demo today in Copenhagen is determined to take over another building, named g13.

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Copenhagen G13 update

06-10-2007 11:13

Police cordon
live coverage abstract from today's G-13 actions in Copenhagen

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Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns Part 22

05-10-2007 12:40

Work is continuing at EcoWorks with the Straw Bale building. The walls for the whole building are now up!! Harragh!! This post shows the building up of the walls on the end section - 'soon to be' kitchen area.

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April 2008: call for decentralized squat days of action

05-10-2007 11:00

On Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th of April 2008, we call for
two days of demonstration, direct action, public information,
street-party, squatting… in defence of free spaces and for an
anti-capitalist popular culture.

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Danish kids to hold mass squatting action on October 6th in Copenhagen

05-10-2007 10:58

We are going to move into our new house on Grøndalsvænge allé 13, the 6th of October. We´re not hiding that, for this action, we are, amongst others, inspired by this summers succesful protests at the G8 summit in Rostock, Gremany.

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Liverpool Anarchist Educational is Class!

05-10-2007 00:17

`We've been conditioned to think that education must be expensive, that it is too complex for ordinary people and must be left to experts, and that it is so vital it is best organised by large and powerful institutions, like the local education authority or the state. Like most things we are taught to believe, this is a lie.' - The Nihilst